tsukoui wrote:kurupetos wrote:tsukoui wrote:Don't change the subject to my mental health. We are dealing with your racism. "Black" people have never done anything to harm Cyprus, on the contrary the non-aligned movement has always supported Cyprus against imperialism, whereas "White" people have colonised and continue to pursue imperialist goals against our country. You really are a traitor. You want us to take your ideas about national socialism seriously, but you won't defend you own nation against "White" imperialism, instead due to your deep insecurity you attack our friends.

The English are white and many of my posts are against them. Next time be more careful...
But this is just my point... you don't refer to Ethiopians, Congolese or even Afro-Americans but rather "Blacks" or worse, whereas when it comes to "Whites" you talk of English and French...
I am not a racist my friend. I just dislike criminals, e.g. Gangs, Zionism, Communism, British/Turkish Imperialism, Capitalism, Islamic Fundamendalism, etc.
Those negroes have been caught steeling, why shouldn't I condemn their actions?