In the UK a few years ago, a new (or more commonly occurring) type of crime hit the streets and was mostly carried out by 'Black Youths' and is known (in slang terms) as 'Steaming'.
A large group would simply rush into a store, grab off whatever took their fancy and hastily depart.
The thinking behind such action being that "They all looked the same to me" was a safe assumption since THAT was the usual response from any witnesses to such events.
Now that there is so much 'CCTV' coverage, perhaps the practise has suffered some abatement although the 'Hoodie' suddenly became 'In Vogue' at around the same time as surveillance cameras became popular.
Since the 'White Youth' are now apt to emulate the actions, behaviour and dress code of the 'Black', a new problem has arisen and 'Steaming in disguise' is likely to become the next problem, particularly if the availability of worthwhile employment opportunities ensure that 'Times get Tougher'.
One can easily imagine a scenario where a 'Witness' to a dually operated incidence of 'Steaming', might well be obliged to utter the very same immortal words:- "They all looked the same to me"........... God Bless 'em.