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A short course in flawed analysis,,,

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A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:06 am

An interesting article on the nature of debate and dealing with incorrect answers
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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:45 am

It's good you're seeking help.
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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby kurupetos » Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:17 pm

This could save this thread. Hopefully... :?

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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:31 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:It's good you're seeking help.

I rather thought it was of more benefit to you bearing in mind eg the flawed analysis by you of the many similarities we share with other creatures,, whereby you concentrated on the dinosuars, ignoring the fact that we are related to and share characturistices in greater or lesser degrees to every living thing on earth, and where the charicturitics we may share with dinosaurs are those which we have inhereited ultimately from the same creatures that eg the dinosuars (and many other creatures which share that ancestry are also descended from., but which were not unique to dinosaurs but were an inherent part of all creatures sharing the same common ancestors even before the dinosaurs existed.

For me it is not an ego thing at all,: why should it be? I am what I am and I have no problem at all that I am connected with the entire Human race, including Greeks, Gypsies, Turks, Mongols, Jews, and Americans, and likewise with the Anthropoids such as Gorillas, Chimps, Bononbos, Orang Utangs, Baboons , Monkeys, lemurs, etc, and then in turn with all of the rest of mammal species, and in turn with Reptiles, (including dinosaurs, ) and also the amphibians Fish, insects, worms, etc etc etc back to the original bit of goo that was the original continuing life on earth. such that we all share so much.
Tell me now about your Turkish remnants and what that does for your ego....
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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:55 pm

Before I taught you about the relatedness and similarities among all the creatures on earth (including the ones you readily dismissed), you said this:

supporttheunderdog wrote:me being a mammal I doubt there is anything dinosaur in me

Now you have learnt a little, you say above:

supporttheunderdog wrote:that I am connected with the .... in turn with Reptiles, (including dinosaurs, )

I call that progress, don't you? :D

Perhaps you can now explore your similarities to bananas ...

(... on your own! [Resist trolling me back in] - I'm bored teaching you. Your capacity for "discussion" is one-dimensional.)
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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:02 pm

Before I taught you about the relatedness and similarities among all the creatures on earth (including the ones you readily dismissed), you said this:

supporttheunderdog wrote:me being a mammal I doubt there is anything dinosaur in me

Now you have learnt a little, you say above:

supporttheunderdog wrote:that I am connected with the .... in turn with Reptiles, (including dinosaurs, )

I call that progress, don't you? :D

Perhaps you can now explore your similarities to bananas ...

(... on your own! [Resist trolling me back in] - I'm bored teaching you. Your capacity for "discussion" is one-dimensional.)

You can't stand the heat so you are getting out of the kitchen Running coward that you are when your intellectual bullying fails you!. You have taught me nothing, because you have nothing to teach.

You have ignored much of what I have said, where I said in one of my earliest posts we are distant cousins to the dinosaurs - further I have always agreed that we share some characteristics with dinosaurs - my objection has always been to your describing them as dinosaur remnants which they are not, bearing in mind they did not come to us from dinosaurs but reached us and dinosaurs from distinct lines of descent that developed after the separation of the Amniotes into reptiles and mammals 340 MYA i.e. long before there were either dinosaurs or human: they are not unique to either dinosaur .I woould go so far as to say that in so far any characteristic is a part of human make up it is essentially a human characteristics, without which we would not be what we are, whether or not we shared it with dinosaurs.

Go back you delusions and rot! .
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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:47 pm

Heat of what kitchen, troll?

Do you mean to say you started this thread because you wanted to bury the original thread, you old fossil?


supporttheunderdog wrote:I said in one of my earliest posts we are distant cousins to the dinosaurs

Nope, you said:

supporttheunderdog wrote:me being a mammal I doubt there is anything dinosaur in me....

Yup, you are closer to a banana than you care to admit even if you insist ... :lol:

supporttheunderdog wrote:me being a mammal I doubt there is anything dinosaur in me....

.... unlike the rest of us earthlings who are related to every other specie on earth ...

The same 4 bases occur in the DNA molecules of all these types of organisms. Also, the A, T, G and C bases always occur in a similar sequence from one end of the DNA molecule to the other. This is evidence that humans are related to every other species on Earth.

The genes of organisms that look very different are surprisingly similar. For example, human DNA sequences are over 95% identical to chimpanzee sequences and around 50% identical to banana sequences.

You have to go back in time a long way to find a common ancestor between humans and bananas, but ultimately they have both emerged from the same family tree, the tree of life, and that is why they share common characteristics.

Stop trolling, there's a good chimp. :wink:
Last edited by GreekIslandGirl on Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:56 pm

I do hope I will be back in Cyprus in time for the wedding. X :lol:
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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:34 am

Schnauzer wrote:I do hope I will be back in Cyprus in time for the wedding. X :lol:

Yeah, stud is a real catch.

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Re: A short course in flawed analysis,,,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:11 am

You are the troll

This is probably more of a senantic rather than biological argument .

This is what I said in my post at 1114 on friday 18th - my second on the topic of dinosuars

no we are not descended from the dinosaurs: they were on a different branch of the same tree - very distant cousins of our contemporaneous mammalian ancestors. but not ancestors of humans.
(ie dinosaurs are not ancestors of humans)

It is explicit from this there is a relationship from an implicit common ancestry and implicit there will be commonalities. - I look quite like an aunt and one of my daughters looks like one of my cousins - no direct descent but common features - similarities but NOT remnants - that is the word I particularly object to- Remnants because in my view it is so incorrect.

However we are both agreed we are not decended from dinosaurs and the similarities I have always agreed we share did not therefore come to us from Dinosaurs.

Where then did they come from in Humans?

This is an issue you have singularly failed to adequately address - how characteristics of one set of species (IE dinosaurs) ended up in a another species where there is NO LINE OF DESCENT by which they could have been passed on.. I repeat that as reptiles and mammals diverged 340 MYA and humans have no dinosaur ancestors, they both having evolved after the split, I can have no dinosaur in me

My answer is (and which is an objection to them being attributed to Dinosaurs) is that both we the dinosaurs have separately inherited them from before the the time when we and they had a common ancestor ie 340 MYA: andt they are in fact attributes of Amniotes in general which all Amniotes extinct or still to evolve, whether mammal or reptile, have the potential to display - and they are thus more properly described as Amniotic characteristics, the phrase Dinosaur being too restrictive.

Now what is wrong with that as a comprehensive cogent thesis?

As a parrallel there is some debate about interbreeding between Homo sapiens and Homo Neandertalis and a suggestion we have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA in us: if indeed we are the product of an interbreeding then yes we have Neanderthal remnants and I would agree I have some Neanderthal in me (as we all would).(that probably means Homo sapiens and Neanderthals were the same species.)
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