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The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:07 pm

indeed it is a matter of corruption. question is, are you prepared to say enough is enough, as citizens, yourselves.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Lordo » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:20 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:indeed it is a matter of corruption. question is, are you prepared to say enough is enough, as citizens, yourselves.

65% of tcs said it in 2004 which is why they voted for peace. all they got is a slap in the face for their effort. there is nothing like a decent adversity so you certainly find out who your friends are.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:39 pm

...too bad it is the deep state in Turkey that is pulling the strings, you can't blame the Grecophones for that.

...sooner or later you may consider that it is the illegal occupiers which have subjected you to the humiliation you are suffering, and that defending "Turks", because you hate "Greeks", does not promote Freedom for Cypriots, nor the Liberty that we seek to be Greeks and Turks as well.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:17 am

Lordo has tried to explain it to you repulse but you continue to see it your way blinkered to the reality that it is you who does not recognize the TRNC but demands it acts in accordance with a recognized state, recognize it, only then will you have any right to demand what you do, otherwise on your bike all the way to Digomo Dikmen in Turkish. Plus why arent you campaigning against the inhumane isolation forced on the north by GCs?
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:41 am

Viewpoint wrote:Lordo has tried to explain it to you repulse but you continue to see it your way blinkered to the reality that it is you who does not recognize the TRNC but demands it acts in accordance with a recognized state, recognize it, only then will you have any right to demand what you do, otherwise on your bike all the way to Digomo Dikmen in Turkish. Plus why arent you campaigning against the inhumane isolation forced on the north by GCs?

...viewpoint, you don't get it, you want to be recognised with some esteem, act accordingly. what you imply is that you live in a criminal state because you are criminals; i certainly don't wish to believe that, although this is what is apparent.

and, as for your last remark, i don't think anyone works harder for the cause of Cypriots, it is you who insists that they don't exist. recognise Cyprus, say, i love Cyprus, first, and i won't find myself fighting "Turks" and/or "Greeks", with so little satisfaction.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:51 am

So... how we getting on with a translation of what another CY lady protester had to say on the matter of human trafficking and the sex-trade in the Occupied Areas...???

Oh dear, not terribly well, and we seem to have been de-railed, so...

..."Devlet eliyle yapýlan seks köleliðine karþý sesimizi çýkartmak için toplandýk. Son bir yýl içinde pasaportlarýna el konularak ülkemize kadýn getirilmeye devam edilmiþtir. Hiçbir haklarý olmayan, hem patronlar hem de müþterileri tarafýndan þiddete maruz kalan kadýnlarýn içinde bulunduklarý durumu halka daha iyi anlatabilmek için bu eylemi gerçekleþtirdik."...

Translates as... (something like)...

... "To raise our voices against the money gathered by the state from the sex trade. Passport confiscated in the last year and women in our "country" continue to be without rights, with violence by clients of both bosses as well as the conditions to which the women are exposed. (We want to) show this, through this action, to the public for a better understanding..."

Now, would our Turkish-speakers like to translate another one...???

Again from a CY protester in the Occupied Areas...

..."Gece kulüplerinde kölelik koþullarýnda çalýþtýrýlan kadýnlar için toplandýk. Bu insanlar 'konsomatris' adý altýnda köle gibi çalýþtýrýlýyor. Bu insanlarýn her türlü sosyal hayatlarý ve haklarý ellerinden alýnmaktadýr. Biz buna karþýyýz. Seks köleliðinin sona ermesini istiyoruz."...
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:53 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Lordo has tried to explain it to you repulse but you continue to see it your way blinkered to the reality that it is you who does not recognize the TRNC but demands it acts in accordance with a recognized state, recognize it, only then will you have any right to demand what you do, otherwise on your bike all the way to Digomo Dikmen in Turkish. Plus why arent you campaigning against the inhumane isolation forced on the north by GCs?

...viewpoint, you don't get it, you want to be recognised with some esteem, act accordingly. what you imply is that you live in a criminal state because you are criminals; i certainly don't wish to believe that, although this is what is apparent.

and, as for your last remark, i don't think anyone works harder for the cause of Cypriots, it is you who insists that they don't exist. recognise Cyprus, say, i love Cyprus, first, and i won't find myself fighting "Turks" and/or "Greeks", with so little satisfaction.

No repulse you are wrong, its like this let me make it real simple so even you can understand it, you tie a persons legs together and then you claim you should be able to run so we dont recognize you, you are a cripple and I claim i am human being just like anyone else untie my legs recognize me and i will run like every other person in the world, you say noway. Then you have the gaul to claim that why arent you running, you are a cripple, you are not human if you cant run, you bloody hypocrites untie those chains and see how we can run. I love Cyprus, NORTH Cyprus, the south is a foreign land to me.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:26 pm

...i choose to unchain all Cypriots, you are stuck in denial because a Turk is a "Turk", and if not they are traitors to you. your legs may be tied, but big mamma Turkey has kept them tied, you choose to sit there whimpering like a child, it seems. somehow, you remain devoted to your mamma even when she has only her own interests at heart, and no concern for you. clearly you are meant to fail, mamma will steal your Heritance from you, this is her aim, as a child you are abused. blame the GCs as you call them, demand your recognition from them, it does not change the facts.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:57 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...i choose to unchain all Cypriots, you are stuck in denial because a Turk is a "Turk", and if not they are traitors to you. your legs may be tied, but big mamma Turkey has kept them tied, you choose to sit there whimpering like a child, it seems. somehow, you remain devoted to your mamma even when she has only her own interests at heart, and no concern for you. clearly you are meant to fail, mamma will steal your Heritance from you, this is her aim, as a child you are abused. blame the GCs as you call them, demand your recognition from them, it does not change the facts.

You tied my legs not Turkey, you deny me recognition not Turkey, you demand i act as a recognized country not Turkey, you deny me my rights not Turkey....untie my legs and let me run like any other human being then you have the right to demand I act like anyone else.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:21 pm

...whatever, vp. guess i hit a nerve. truth hurts, eh?
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