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The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:01 pm

Lordo to learn what prostitution means in depth watch "Eleni i porni-enas angelos stin kolasi" (Eleni the whore-an angel in hell)
If you manage to get passed the 10th episode without having the whole word inside you turn upside down then you are really a tough man.It's in GreekCypriot dialect with some turkishCypriot dialogues.
Here are the links
For all episodes
for episode 1 ... aggelos-s/

Or if you prefer something milder and shorter then "Lilya 4-ever"
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Lordo » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:27 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Lordo to learn what prostitution means in depth watch "Eleni i porni-enas angelos stin kolasi" (Eleni the whore-an angel in hell)
If you manage to get passed the 10th episode without having the whole word inside you turn upside down then you are really a tough man.It's in GreekCypriot dialect with some turkishCypriot dialogues.
Here are the links
For all episodes
for episode 1 ... aggelos-s/

Or if you prefer something milder and shorter then "Lilya 4-ever"

you must think i have nothing else to do in life. get a life my friend. you will see the world in a different light.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:35 pm

Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Lordo to learn what prostitution means in depth watch "Eleni i porni-enas angelos stin kolasi" (Eleni the whore-an angel in hell)
If you manage to get passed the 10th episode without having the whole word inside you turn upside down then you are really a tough man.It's in GreekCypriot dialect with some turkishCypriot dialogues.
Here are the links
For all episodes
for episode 1 ... aggelos-s/

Or if you prefer something milder and shorter then "Lilya 4-ever"

you must think i have nothing else to do in life. get a life my friend. you will see the world in a different light.

Education should be your first priority if you want to see the world for what really is :wink:
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:59 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Lordo to learn what prostitution means in depth watch "Eleni i porni-enas angelos stin kolasi" (Eleni the whore-an angel in hell)
If you manage to get passed the 10th episode without having the whole word inside you turn upside down then you are really a tough man.It's in GreekCypriot dialect with some turkishCypriot dialogues.
Here are the links
For all episodes
for episode 1 ... aggelos-s/

Or if you prefer something milder and shorter then "Lilya 4-ever"

you must think i have nothing else to do in life. get a life my friend. you will see the world in a different light.

Education should be your first priority if you want to see the world for what really is :wink:

Yes do find time to watch the vids please Lordo and then there is still the matter of a little Turkish Translation of the below for us.

Now, come along now...

"Ýnsan ticareti en büyük insan haklarý ihlalidir. Ülkemizde herkes bunu biliyor ve devletin göz yummasý ile gerçekleþiyor bu insan haklarý ihlali. Devlet tarafýndan görmezden geliniyor. Bundan da öte bizzat devlet eliyle gerçekleþtiriliyor. Devlet iþin içindedir ve bu durumu ticari bir sektör gibi görüp vergi topluyor. Ne yazýk ki bugüne kadar ne devlet ne de toplumun büyük bir kesimi tarafýndan bu hak ihlallerine karþý adým atýlmadý. Biz elimizden geldiðince bu yönde mücadele ediyoruz.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:34 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Lordo to learn what prostitution means in depth watch "Eleni i porni-enas angelos stin kolasi" (Eleni the whore-an angel in hell)
If you manage to get passed the 10th episode without having the whole word inside you turn upside down then you are really a tough man.It's in GreekCypriot dialect with some turkishCypriot dialogues.
Here are the links
For all episodes
for episode 1 ... aggelos-s/

Or if you prefer something milder and shorter then "Lilya 4-ever"

you must think i have nothing else to do in life. get a life my friend. you will see the world in a different light.

Education should be your first priority if you want to see the world for what really is :wink:

Yes do find time to watch the vids please Lordo and then there is still the matter of a little Turkish Translation of the below for us.

Now, come along now...

"Ýnsan ticareti en büyük insan haklarý ihlalidir. Ülkemizde herkes bunu biliyor ve devletin göz yummasý ile gerçekleþiyor bu insan haklarý ihlali. Devlet tarafýndan görmezden geliniyor. Bundan da öte bizzat devlet eliyle gerçekleþtiriliyor. Devlet iþin içindedir ve bu durumu ticari bir sektör gibi görüp vergi topluyor. Ne yazýk ki bugüne kadar ne devlet ne de toplumun büyük bir kesimi tarafýndan bu hak ihlallerine karþý adým atýlmadý. Biz elimizden geldiðince bu yönde mücadele ediyoruz.

Well, don't say you weren't given two or three chances to provide your own translation Lordo.

So, at the risk of the press of the Occupied Areas being accused of spreading Lies and Propaganda on this very lucrative to the Peseveng Regime of "trnc" matter...

Here is what this lady protester is saying...

"...The greatest human rights violation of human trafficking which goes on with the connivance of the state in our country, everyone knows it and this is a violation of human rights. Ignored by the state. Moreover (... carried out...) by the state itself. Government sees this as an industry doing business in the state and the collecting the tax . Unfortunately, to date neither the state nor by a large part of our society is against violations of these rights. We must continue to fight in this direction..."

Have another chance to provide a Turkish Translation Lordo...

What is this second lady protester saying below...??? ...

"Burada toplanmamýzýn sebebi kadýn vücudunun bir meta gibi alýnýp satýlýyor olmasýna dur demektir. Devlet eliyle yapýlan bu insan hakký ihlallerinin sonlanmasýný istiyoruz. Geçen yýl bir kadýnýn gece kulübünde ölmesiyle ve hemen ardýndan devletin hiçbir þey olmamýþ gibi olayýn üzerini kapamasý, orada çalýþan kadýnlara verilen deðeri gözler önüne sermektedir. Bunlara dur denilmelidir artýk."
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Lordo » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:48 pm

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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:50 pm

Come along Lordo, have yet another chance to help us out, don't you be going all shy on us... help us out with a translation of what this protester has to say on the matter of the Pimp Regime's support of human trafficking and the sex-trade in the Occupied Areas...

"Burada toplanmamýzýn sebebi kadýn vücudunun bir meta gibi alýnýp satýlýyor olmasýna dur demektir. Devlet eliyle yapýlan bu insan hakký ihlallerinin sonlanmasýný istiyoruz. Geçen yýl bir kadýnýn gece kulübünde ölmesiyle ve hemen ardýndan devletin hiçbir þey olmamýþ gibi olayýn üzerini kapamasý, orada çalýþan kadýnlara verilen deðeri gözler önüne sermektedir. Bunlara dur denilmelidir artýk."
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:58 am

bill cobbett wrote:Come along Lordo, have yet another chance to help us out, don't you be going all shy on us... help us out with a translation of what this protester has to say on the matter of the Pimp Regime's support of human trafficking and the sex-trade in the Occupied Areas...

"Burada toplanmamýzýn sebebi kadýn vücudunun bir meta gibi alýnýp satýlýyor olmasýna dur demektir. Devlet eliyle yapýlan bu insan hakký ihlallerinin sonlanmasýný istiyoruz. Geçen yýl bir kadýnýn gece kulübünde ölmesiyle ve hemen ardýndan devletin hiçbir þey olmamýþ gibi olayýn üzerini kapamasý, orada çalýþan kadýnlara verilen deðeri gözler önüne sermektedir. Bunlara dur denilmelidir artýk."

you are persistent little blighter aren't you. well ok than here it is.

THE ONGOING detention of a 25-year-old potential victim of labour and sexual exploitation for three weeks and three days has served to highlight the systemic symptoms of a deficient domestic workers employment system, geared towards protecting the employer and demeaning trafficking victims, experts told the Sunday Mail.

A 25-year-old domestic worker from Nigeria filed a series of complaints to the Limassol Labour Relations Office on October 4 relating to alleged abuses at her workplace as well as claims that her employer had taken her to a Paphos hotel to have sex with other men at least twice.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:02 pm


Your Turkish is rubbish Lordo.

The lady protester is saying....

"Burada toplanmamýzýn sebebi kadýn vücudunun bir meta gibi alýnýp satýlýyor olmasýna dur demektir. Devlet eliyle yapýlan bu insan hakký ihlallerinin sonlanmasýný istiyoruz. Geçen yýl bir kadýnýn gece kulübünde ölmesiyle ve hemen ardýndan devletin hiçbir þey olmamýþ gibi olayýn üzerini kapamasý, orada çalýþan kadýnlara verilen deðeri gözler önüne sermektedir. Bunlara dur denilmelidir artýk."

...which translates as...

..."The reason a woman's body as a commodity bought and sold gathered here must stop. We want an end to human rights violations by the State. Last year and immediately after the death of a woman nightclub worker. It reveals the value given to women who worked there. These should be stopped now. "...

We want an end to human rights violations by the State.... By the State Lordo...!!! A Regime which is further reported to benefit to the sum of 20 Million TL a year...!!!

A "State" Lordo!... Turning a blind eye to human trafficking cos it gets that 20 Million TL in back-handers.

A Pimp Regime Lordo me dear, where there are as many Brothels with trafficked workers as Mosques and Heaven knows there are plenty of those.

Now have another try at translating this next comment by another CY lady protester in the Occupied Areas...

..."Devlet eliyle yapýlan seks köleliðine karþý sesimizi çýkartmak için toplandýk. Son bir yýl içinde pasaportlarýna el konularak ülkemize kadýn getirilmeye devam edilmiþtir. Hiçbir haklarý olmayan, hem patronlar hem de müþterileri tarafýndan þiddete maruz kalan kadýnlarýn içinde bulunduklarý durumu halka daha iyi anlatabilmek için bu eylemi gerçekleþtirdik."...
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:35 pm

Get your own house in order.
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