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The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:48 pm

...right, get a Census that is credible, first.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:32 pm

Lordo wrote:
bigoz dont get upset over what the master debaters congregation and mass debating that goes on amongst our gc friends and kikapoo. its not worth it, you will suffer illness. i have been supporting peace in cyprus for decades, but the last vote showed that our gc friends are about 500 years behind in the peace process so its no good waiting for them to reach peace. i am afraid we have to do it on our own or with turkey. who ever the current tc population votes for. now thats democracy.

Ah Blobbo our dear...

Now, what has the rubbish you just posted got to do with the very serious matter of forced prostitution in the Occupied Areas...???

What has it got to do with the protests by Trades Unionists and Women's Rights Groups in the Occupied Areas against the sex-trade operated by what they call the Pesevenghi State of "trnc" ...???
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:05 pm

anything i say on this forum regarding gc excludes rw and bananiot. they are true cypriots and cannot be criticised.

however the rest of the mass debating gcs on the forum i have no time for left. the reason of my post is simply out of concern for my friend with the airplane. you are upsetting him and that can't be good for him. as i am minorly medically qualified on account of my relationship, i feel duty bound to remind him how seriously he should be taking the swines like you.

regarding the night club situation in the north, you can put the blame directly on to economic suffocation by the banana republic. you guys sort out your own back yard and dont you worry your little minds on whats going on north of the border.

I am aware of a few little nightclubs in downtown south nicosia and so is the rest of your pushdo pezevengi charlui bubble friends. the question is are you.

i hope you are aware of the black woman who was being pimped by a gc in paphos. when she refused she gets accused of stealing from her employer/pimp. now she is in prison waiting for a court date. what a system. you should be proud of your banana republic.

and i know you want a link. chain it my friend. ... m/20121104

now shove this where the sun dont shine.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:17 pm

anything i say on this forum regarding gc excludes rw and bananiot. they are true cypriots and cannot be criticised.

...if i may Lordo, please join vp and me in the manifesto thingy topic. i hope that you might explain my proposal, i'd like to hear your understanding of it. perhaps, you too, will give each article your OK or comment. cheers!
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:47 pm

Lordo wrote:anything i say on this forum regarding gc excludes rw and bananiot. they are true cypriots and cannot be criticised.

however the rest of the mass debating gcs on the forum i have no time for left. the reason of my post is simply out of concern for my friend with the airplane. you are upsetting him and that can't be good for him. as i am minorly medically qualified on account of my relationship, i feel duty bound to remind him how seriously he should be taking the swines like you.

regarding the night club situation in the north, you can put the blame directly on to economic suffocation by the banana republic. you guys sort out your own back yard and dont you worry your little minds on whats going on north of the border.

I am aware of a few little nightclubs in downtown south nicosia and so is the rest of your pushdo pezevengi charlui bubble friends. the question is are you.

i hope you are aware of the black woman who was being pimped by a gc in paphos. when she refused she gets accused of stealing from her employer/pimp. now she is in prison waiting for a court date. what a system. you should be proud of your banana republic.

and i know you want a link. chain it my friend. ... m/20121104

now shove this where the sun dont shine.

Oh ... very original Blobbo, dig up something in the Free Areas and try and compare it with the State-Sponsored Prostitution of the Pesevenghi Regime of "trnc"...

Here's what one of the protesters had to say on the matter. Presumably you can read a little Turkish, Bloobo...??? ...

"Ýnsan ticareti en büyük insan haklarý ihlalidir. Ülkemizde herkes bunu biliyor ve devletin göz yummasý ile gerçekleþiyor bu insan haklarý ihlali. Devlet tarafýndan görmezden geliniyor. Bundan da öte bizzat devlet eliyle gerçekleþtiriliyor. Devlet iþin içindedir ve bu durumu ticari bir sektör gibi görüp vergi topluyor. Ne yazýk ki bugüne kadar ne devlet ne de toplumun büyük bir kesimi tarafýndan bu hak ihlallerine karþý adým atýlmadý. Biz elimizden geldiðince bu yönde mücadele ediyoruz.

Perhaps you can give us a translation...
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:13 pm

i shall repeat it till your charlui ears can finally hear it. i said it before and i will say it again, gambleing and prostitution is the direct result of embargoes imposed by the banana republic. the women who suffer are mainly russian and east european. no self respecting human will support them or have anything to do with the. but embargoes are what they are and what they do. we must first look in the mirror as to what our own role is as the legal government of this here land. just blaming somebody else is so cowardly when the root of this problem is self generated by the banana republic.

even the banana plant can move a little every year bit it seems the republic is stuck in 500 years ago,
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:27 pm

Oh, cut the farting Bordoh.

Nothing, absolutely bugger all, justifies living off immoral earnings, getting rich on human trafficking.

Take up the matter of Embargoes with your mate Eroglu who is trying very hard to stop CY Footie re-uniting... the Sporting Embargo Regime of "trnc"

Take Embargoes with some of your farmers who can't even export to Turkey, which is unsurprising when a shipment of 20,000 CY Artichokes bound for the Turkish Market was seized at Occupied Famagusta (maras) just before Xmas ... and we all know how nice and succulent CY Artichokes are but not when they were packed with Banned Pesticides.... what a Pest Regime...!!!

Now Lordo, a translation of the below, if you please... What does this girl think of "trnc"...??? ...

"Ýnsan ticareti en büyük insan haklarý ihlalidir. Ülkemizde herkes bunu biliyor ve devletin göz yummasý ile gerçekleþiyor bu insan haklarý ihlali. Devlet tarafýndan görmezden geliniyor. Bundan da öte bizzat devlet eliyle gerçekleþtiriliyor. Devlet iþin içindedir ve bu durumu ticari bir sektör gibi görüp vergi topluyor. Ne yazýk ki bugüne kadar ne devlet ne de toplumun büyük bir kesimi tarafýndan bu hak ihlallerine karþý adým atýlmadý. Biz elimizden geldiðince bu yönde mücadele ediyoruz.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Lordo » Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:37 am

so it is not relevant that a legally recognised government treats the same very people you complain about in this way.

you have your opinion so do everybody else. the problem is that opinion is like an asshole. everyone has one except you. you have two.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:25 am

Lordo wrote:so it is not relevant that a legally recognised government treats the same very people you complain about in this way.

you have your opinion so do everybody else. the problem is that opinion is like an asshole. everyone has one except you. you have two.

Take a break from dipping your wick in the Bordellos of "trnc" for one bleeding moment Lordo and think that the rest of the World will think you very big and over-weight fool and apologist for the Pimp Regime of "trnc" with your absurd attempt at comparison.

... and it isn't Bill C's opinions that are important, it's the opinions of CYs protesting the Whore Regime of "trnc" that count...

So enlighten the World Blobbo by translating one of those opinions from the CYs up there...

"Ýnsan ticareti en büyük insan haklarý ihlalidir. Ülkemizde herkes bunu biliyor ve devletin göz yummasý ile gerçekleþiyor bu insan haklarý ihlali. Devlet tarafýndan görmezden geliniyor. Bundan da öte bizzat devlet eliyle gerçekleþtiriliyor. Devlet iþin içindedir ve bu durumu ticari bir sektör gibi görüp vergi topluyor. Ne yazýk ki bugüne kadar ne devlet ne de toplumun büyük bir kesimi tarafýndan bu hak ihlallerine karþý adým atýlmadý. Biz elimizden geldiðince bu yönde mücadele ediyoruz.
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Re: The Pimp Regime of "TRNC"

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:50 am

Lordo wrote:i shall repeat it till your charlui ears can finally hear it. i said it before and i will say it again, gambleing and prostitution is the direct result of embargoes imposed by the banana republic. the women who suffer are mainly russian and east european. no self respecting human will support them or have anything to do with the. but embargoes are what they are and what they do. we must first look in the mirror as to what our own role is as the legal government of this here land. just blaming somebody else is so cowardly when the root of this problem is self generated by the banana republic.

even the banana plant can move a little every year bit it seems the republic is stuck in 500 years ago,

Wow!! In other words let those poor humans rot in hell!!! AMAZING

Besides listen Fredo. VP and now BiiiiiigOz confirmed us you are living like Kings in the occupied. Golf fields, restaurants swimming pools expensive clothing etc etc. In other words that you are rich.There is no doubt of course that in that paradise of richness there are in fact poor people.

Are you trying to tell us that all those guys who EXPLOIT Russian women pushing them to PROSTITUTION living on the earnings of this human slavery , are actually THE POOR who suffer the consequences of your so called "embargo" and have no other way of surviving? :P

Or are they the RICH kazino owners who were kicked out of Turkey and gathered-where else- in the TRashNCan.? :P
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