I respond to your posts that are riddled with cheap propaganda just so to contradict you, which you can never back your claims when confronted. I also respond to your post just to remind you who you really are and what you are all about. No need for me to spell them out every time. You know what you are, even though you are often very confused who you are, but we do.
As for the rest of your gibberish, that's all they are, just gibberish.[/quote]
Give VP some breathing air Kikapu. VP's stance may be attributed to a million reasons. The most probable are those you said,but who knows, maybe it's something else, maybe it's because of some super conservatism... It's the benefit of the doubt that you talked about the other day

VP is lucky I don't hate him (or anyone else for that matter) as he does with me, or else, I would really suck all the air out of him.

How long have we been on this forum and you havent been able to do anything, empty threats and mud slinging are your speciality, Lordo challenged you and like the coward you are you backed out with a barrage of feable excuses.