Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Funny how you dont understand my posts but consistently reply to them, says a lot about your sincerity and lack credibility.
I specified which part of your post that did not make sense which I did not answer it, or are you also that dense that you cannot tell what is written and for what.

You can try and use psychological warfare but its all vain everyone can see you dont miss any of my posts and try to respond to every little detail, I think you have a fixation with me but I see past you for what you really are which a person of bad character and no credibility, you must have experienced many problems in your private life you have probably been very unsuccessful in your relationships even ending in divorce , I bet if you have children even they only talk to you once every 6 months, only sheep or mindless posters support what you say or believe any of the shit you post.
For me to have a psychological warfare with you, you need to first have a brain that is sharp as a tack. You are nowhere close!
I have a fixation to expose anyone who are Fascists and Racists and those who love Apartheid over Democracy and Human Rights for Cyprus. You fit the bill perfectly.
I respond to your posts that are riddled with cheap propaganda just so to contradict you, which you can never back your claims when confronted. I also respond to your post just to remind you who you really are and what you are all about. No need for me to spell them out every time. You know what you are, even though you are often very confused who you are, but we do.
As for the rest of your gibberish, that's all they are, just gibberish.