Viewpoint wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Why do you GCs do this every time you throw around accusations which have no proof that Lordo is double dipping yet you like Kikapu another well known Gcs throws around shit hoping it will stick.
Because his behavior points to that direction... This guy is full of lies. One day he says he is at the occupied listening to the trade Unionists, the other day he says he is London with his lawyers and the next he is a working as a teacher employed by the Republic living in Limassol and can't join OELMEK.
When a person tells so many lies one must be totally stupid not to question the rest of what he says.
How do you know this? I think you people need to relaz you cannot hrow around the accusations you do and when challenged back down by making the excuses you do, the man has said lets address what you cliam in front of a lawyer if you are not willing to do so then you should apologies and take back your false accusations.
So what are you his lawyer?
First of all you have to understand this a virtual forum with virtual characters.Lordo uses the means of this forum to spread all sorts of lies, propaganda, hearsay stories, together with massive curses of the worst kind at everybody, knowing before hand that nothing would happen to him. And then all of a sudden he plays the wise guy challenging us imish to go on by the rules of real life.
Well if we were to go by the rules of real life he should of have said whatever accusations he is saying in here in a REAL COURT, sue whatever entity he complains about in a REAL COURT prove his case and claim compensation for damages,or lose his case and end up in prison for telling lies. I ask you has he done this, yes or no?
Furthermore I am not buying his so called challenge as evidence that he is not guilty of what I said, hence I have nothing to apologize to him.I am absolutely convinced that the "suffering of the tcs residing in the free areas of the Republic for 6 months and not getting their properties back" either concerns he himself or some other double dipping crook that he knows. The essence for the purposes of this forum is the same.