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CY Football to Reunify

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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby kentish » Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:38 pm

Kikapu wrote:
kentish wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Let me get this straight
Kikapu accuses a player of the team he SUPPORTS (Chelsea) that he acted in a violent manner against a 17 year old
And you all accuse Kikapu that it was the fault of the 17 yo on the first place.
So assuming you lordo and kuntish are right, then what do you really want to PROVE?

That football is not a sport that causes all sorts of violence?
That football is not a sport that includes all sorts of dirty business?

prove ? just that kikapu is a greek pretending (badly) that he is a turk and that he just cant help himself spouting the same old bile. oh and i like the sublte letter change of the" e" to a" u" in my name. so funny and original, i bet your mates are splitting their sides laughing

You are trying very hard to live up to your given name, aren't you, Kuntish? :lol:

I can see that you are in desperate need of some attention from me the way you go on and on about me. :lol:

I must stroke your fetishism about something. :wink:

Lets clear something for you once and for all. I'm neither a Greek or a Turk. :D

Satisfied! :roll:

:lol: :lol: fetishism ? where do you get that from about me ? you are a liar, a greek and a retard :lol: :lol: oh and you are also very clever and amusing with your play on letters
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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:36 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:and there was your pyroplastic friend claiming that the tcs in the south have never had it so good. trnc treating people in this way is one thing, their own legally accepted government by the world is another. can you see the difference. so there is no difference between the banana republic and the trnc right.

Rules of the ECHR.

Did you want the RoC to refuse these rules?

stop running ahead of yourself. careful you will fall and hurt yourself. in fact the european court has alread instructed that the 6 month rule was not legal and anybody returning to the roc must be given their property immideately. the 6 month rule was the roc rule hoping that it would be impossible for tcs to return for 6 months with nowhere to stay and no work. but low and behold people are doing it.

you must not confuse your apples with your pears. things are likely to go pear shaped. when it comes to echr and the return of properties we will leave that one to another argument.

i am merely trying to show some of the pretend liberals here who are actually worse than elam boys such as yourself that not all things are hunkydorey at the banana republic. tcs do no have it easy. in fact you should really try to befriend a few normal tcs in the south and see what they suffer in the hands of the banana republic.

got that or shall i explain it again this time in your mother tounge. ellingi reh gumbare. gadalaves.
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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:50 pm

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:and there was your pyroplastic friend claiming that the tcs in the south have never had it so good. trnc treating people in this way is one thing, their own legally accepted government by the world is another. can you see the difference. so there is no difference between the banana republic and the trnc right.

Rules of the ECHR.

Did you want the RoC to refuse these rules?

stop running ahead of yourself. careful you will fall and hurt yourself. in fact the european court has alread instructed that the 6 month rule was not legal and anybody returning to the roc must be given their property immideately. the 6 month rule was the roc rule hoping that it would be impossible for tcs to return for 6 months with nowhere to stay and no work. but low and behold people are doing it.

you must not confuse your apples with your pears. things are likely to go pear shaped. when it comes to echr and the return of properties we will leave that one to another argument.

i am merely trying to show some of the pretend liberals here who are actually worse than elam boys such as yourself that not all things are hunkydorey at the banana republic. tcs do no have it easy. in fact you should really try to befriend a few normal tcs in the south and see what they suffer in the hands of the banana republic.

got that or shall i explain it again this time in your mother tounge. ellingi reh gumbare. gadalaves.

You repeat the same lies all over again,pretending you have befriended TCs living in the free areas of the Republic and you know their "suffering". Why don't you come up clear in this forum and admit it's just YOU AND YOUR WISE ASS that tried to reside for 6 months in the free areas of the Republic trying to trick them to get back your properties, while at the same time you got stolen GC properties in the occupied?
Do you think the CID services of the Republic are sleeping Fredo? It took me less than a week to expose who you really are, and trust me I have no special intelligence abilities. Just consider your self lucky they did not lock you in a police cell for 8 days questioning...
I bet you also tried to play the wise guy to those ELAM guys and you got what you deserved. Did you enjoy their beating you up :lol: :lol:

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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:25 pm

Why do you GCs do this every time you throw around accusations which have no proof that Lordo is double dipping yet you like Kikapu another well known Gcs throws around shit hoping it will stick.
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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:35 pm

i have an idea vp. why dont kiks baby and his stooge pyroplastic meet me at a lawyers office and repeat their accusation in front of them also confirming that they have posted these accusation in a public forum. the question really is two fold. first of all are they ready for a bit of lordo ilkokul education and secondly have they got a single ball between them.

come on if you know you are right what have you got to lose.

i suspect what little extremities have but hey lesson in life are never cheap.
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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:48 pm

Lordo wrote:i have an idea vp. why dont kiks baby and his stooge pyroplastic meet me at a lawyers office and repeat their accusation in front of them also confirming that they have posted these accusation in a public forum. the question really is two fold. first of all are they ready for a bit of lordo ilkokul education and secondly have they got a single ball between them.

come on if you know you are right what have you got to lose.

i suspect what little extremities have but hey lesson in life are never cheap.

In order for you to hide behind these legal shenanigan scheme, you need to first publish your real name and a picture of yourself with official identification like a passport and drivers license in details for us all to see, and if you then get accused of using GC properties illegally as a real person, then you can bring a slander case against those accusing you of wrong doing, otherwise you are just pissing into the wind with your silly "my lawyers" crap. Who cares what "Lordo" is accused of anything in the real world. Most definitely not to any non fictional lawyers. Lordo is a fictitious character in the cyberspace. You don't exist as a person, and if you don't exists, then you have no case. Now lets see how many balls you have to expose your real identity with a picture and identification materials if you want to get to where you want to go with your legal mambo jumbo threats. We are waiting. :D
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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:21 pm

any time any lawyers office my friend. I am as real as you are. and I stand by my posts. don't worry the judge will accept our pretend names so long as we swear infront of the lawyer as to who we are on the forum and what we say. the rest will be an education for you. you will learn when a person is decent and one which craps himself and hides behind a forum name.

when you boys grow some balls and are not to scared to stand by your accusations let me know baby and it will be my pleasure to teach the most valuable lesson on this earth and beyond.
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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:15 pm

Lordo wrote:any time any lawyers office my friend. I am as real as you are. and I stand by my posts. don't worry the judge will accept our pretend names so long as we swear infront of the lawyer as to who we are on the forum and what we say. the rest will be an education for you. you will learn when a person is decent and one which craps himself and hides behind a forum name.

when you boys grow some balls and are not to scared to stand by your accusations let me know baby and it will be my pleasure to teach the most valuable lesson on this earth and beyond.

So you don't have any balls to become a real person by relieving your real idendity in order to fulfill your fantasy of taking all those on the forum to the legal system for slander, by accusing you of using stolen GC properties in the north. :lol:

So I guess that means you have no convictions after all, huh Lordo. :roll:

Better get ready for more accusations in that case, fictitious Lordo. :lol:

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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby DT. » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:22 pm

Lordo wrote:i have an idea vp. why dont kiks baby and his stooge pyroplastic meet me at a lawyers office and repeat their accusation in front of them also confirming that they have posted these accusation in a public forum. the question really is two fold. first of all are they ready for a bit of lordo ilkokul education and secondly have they got a single ball between them.

come on if you know you are right what have you got to lose.

i suspect what little extremities have but hey lesson in life are never cheap.

Methinks yfred's had this idea before :lol:

YFred wrote:Shitbags I have a challenge for you. The bet is, everything I have in Cyprus and UK against everything you have anywhere in the world and your mother has in Cyprus as both of my parents are deceased. It does not matter that you may or may not own any GC land in Cyprus.

The plan is this, we well get me checked by lawyers from London (You name the lawyer) which you will pay for. If a single inch of GC land or building is found in my possession, you can have everything I have. But If I don't have GC land or property then Everything you and your mother own is mine.

Do you have any guts you gutless pervert.

You PM me your lawyers address and we can start the ball rolling.

How about it shitface are you up for it.

Sıkarmı erkek gibi? or is it floppy like your brain.

I dare you.
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Re: CY Football to Reunify

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:42 pm

DT. wrote:
Lordo wrote:i have an idea vp. why dont kiks baby and his stooge pyroplastic meet me at a lawyers office and repeat their accusation in front of them also confirming that they have posted these accusation in a public forum. the question really is two fold. first of all are they ready for a bit of lordo ilkokul education and secondly have they got a single ball between them.

come on if you know you are right what have you got to lose.

i suspect what little extremities have but hey lesson in life are never cheap.

Methinks yfred's had this idea before :lol:

YFred wrote:Shitbags I have a challenge for you. The bet is, everything I have in Cyprus and UK against everything you have anywhere in the world and your mother has in Cyprus as both of my parents are deceased. It does not matter that you may or may not own any GC land in Cyprus.

The plan is this, we well get me checked by lawyers from London (You name the lawyer) which you will pay for. If a single inch of GC land or building is found in my possession, you can have everything I have. But If I don't have GC land or property then Everything you and your mother own is mine.

Do you have any guts you gutless pervert.

You PM me your lawyers address and we can start the ball rolling.

How about it shitface are you up for it.

Sıkarmı erkek gibi? or is it floppy like your brain.

I dare you.

Yes, DT, some things never change. :D

He didn't get anywhere last time, and neither will he this time. :wink:

All talk, no conviction! :roll:
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