Viewpoint wrote:Where are you Kikapooo??? your shit has hit the fan why are you so silent?
I have already answered your question on the other thread. Now go and read it. You are beginning to sound like a broken record with the same confused tune.
Viewpoint wrote:Where are you Kikapooo??? your shit has hit the fan why are you so silent?
Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Where are you Kikapooo??? your shit has hit the fan why are you so silent?
I have already answered your question on the other thread. Now go and read it. You are beginning to sound like a broken record with the same confused tune.
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Where are you Kikapooo??? your shit has hit the fan why are you so silent?
I have already answered your question on the other thread. Now go and read it. You are beginning to sound like a broken record with the same confused tune.
Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Where are you Kikapooo??? your shit has hit the fan why are you so silent?
I have already answered your question on the other thread. Now go and read it. You are beginning to sound like a broken record with the same confused tune.
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Where are you Kikapooo??? your shit has hit the fan why are you so silent?
I have already answered your question on the other thread. Now go and read it. You are beginning to sound like a broken record with the same confused tune.
Total back tracking, this heaven on earth union you call the EU with all its "prınciples" is crumbling before your eyes, these principles you peddle can be manipuled to a degree where countries like Greece can cook the books and blackmail other countries.
Total back tracking, this heaven on earth union you call the EU with all its "prınciples" is crumbling before your eyes, these principles you peddle can be manipuled to a degree where countries like Greece can cook the books and blackmail other countries.
You are confusing EU Principles with the Euro, ECB and the IMF.
Get unconfused first before you can talk about the EU Principles.
Viewpoint wrote:Total back tracking, this heaven on earth union you call the EU with all its "prınciples" is crumbling before your eyes, these principles you peddle can be manipuled to a degree where countries like Greece can cook the books and blackmail other countries.
You are confusing EU Principles with the Euro, ECB and the IMF.
Get unconfused first before you can talk about the EU Principles.
Says the man who has absolutely no credibility left, please remind us of your past thoughts about the strength GC economy
Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Total back tracking, this heaven on earth union you call the EU with all its "prınciples" is crumbling before your eyes, these principles you peddle can be manipuled to a degree where countries like Greece can cook the books and blackmail other countries.
You are confusing EU Principles with the Euro, ECB and the IMF.
Get unconfused first before you can talk about the EU Principles.
Says the man who has absolutely no credibility left, please remind us of your past thoughts about the strength GC economy
So now you want to change the subject.............again.
When I talked about the RoC's economy in the past, it was doing just like most other economies in the EU, so what's your point?
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Total back tracking, this heaven on earth union you call the EU with all its "prınciples" is crumbling before your eyes, these principles you peddle can be manipuled to a degree where countries like Greece can cook the books and blackmail other countries.
You are confusing EU Principles with the Euro, ECB and the IMF.
Get unconfused first before you can talk about the EU Principles.
Says the man who has absolutely no credibility left, please remind us of your past thoughts about the strength GC economy
So now you want to change the subject.............again.
When I talked about the RoC's economy in the past, it was doing just like most other economies in the EU, so what's your point?
The point being do you remember this thread of mine "South Cyprus heading for Greek financial Crisis " posted 2 years ago in which you ignorantly cotinued to blindly fight the GC corner.
The EU is not all it is made out to be as the GCs have found out, yet you still peddle it to us as if is the best thing since slice bread, they are a bureacratic "primciples" harness with no real benefit but a sense of belonging..its over rated and can be done without. you can have good relations with EU by all means but I am against having to dance to their tune, I have just been reading that the EU are considering throwing the GCs out of the union....which would be a turn up for the books dont you think? this could be the best thing that has happened to the GCs for ages.
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