Birkibrisli wrote:But have you noticed how the USA is dictating what is a common threat these days?
The US is dictating, birkibrisli, but nobody is listening these days. I am afraid the US has lost a lot of credibility with the Iraqi war. Bush ruined the image of america abroad.
They first tried to pick on Islam and more specifically Islamic fundamentalism,but when that backfired they are calling it "terrorism".
The US never picked on Islam. If it were the case they would have never intervened in the Balkans for the sake of Bosnia and Kosovo. I think the perceived anti-islamism of the USA is related mainly to its support of israel, and in general there maybe a little of truth to that given the extreme christian fundamentalists that support Bush's government.
This is to divert attention from real threats like global warming,climate change,and the imminent running out of world's resources(oil,water,coal etc) thanks to the lunatic attempt to globalise free market economy.
I am not just picking on the USA,the rest of the developped world is as guilty of course,just that the USA and lately England and Australia stand out like a sore thumb.
I know. It is a pity that we the humans do not realize how we belong on a tiny planet orbitting a small main-type star in the periphery of an average galaxy somewhere in the depths of the unvierse and how infinitely more insignificant even than speck of sand we are. We are so enmesshed in our a petty and detached conflicts, that we forget about the real problems of our shared home. Human civilization can so easily be wiped by global warming and an asteroid impact, we must thank ALLAH we are still alive.