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Tesco's Beefburgers.

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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:11 pm

Cap wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Cap wrote:Now if Tesco's was Papantoniou......

It would be paying taxes to the RoC? :?

Nope, the ex Pat community would be outraged at us 'typical' Cypriots.
Only in Cyprus. Innit?

Grump'll probably say i'm having another paranoia episode. :D

The xenophobic machinery is already whirring with assertions that the horse-meat "came from the continent". Talk about absolving themselves of responsibility.

(So long as it doesn't turn out to be donkey, we're in the clear. :D )
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:13 pm

Introducing the new 'Trojan Burger', produced by a Greek delicatessen:-

50% Horse Meat and 50% Sawdust. :shock:
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:22 pm

A Tesco's spokesperson has just announced that despite the recent controversy, sales of various other 'Burgers' have remained quite stable.
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:21 pm

Schnauzer wrote:A Tesco's spokesperson has just announced that despite the recent controversy, sales of various other 'Burgers' have remained quite stable.

...he hoofed it to the microphone to tell us this tail.
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:49 pm

A Jewish customer is threatening to sue Tesco, he found a 'Horseshoe' in his 'Chicken Burger'. :lol:
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:26 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Cap wrote:Now if Tesco's was Papantoniou......

It would be paying taxes to the RoC? :?

Nope, the ex Pat community would be outraged at us 'typical' Cypriots.
Only in Cyprus. Innit?

Grump'll probably say i'm having another paranoia episode. :D

The xenophobic machinery is already whirring with assertions that the horse-meat "came from the continent". Talk about absolving themselves of responsibility.

(So long as it doesn't turn out to be donkey, we're in the clear. :D )

Horse meat in supermarket burgers linked to Dutch suppliers - Telegraph

Simon Coveney, the Irish agriculture minister, confirmed that his department has been in contact with a food regulator in Europe.

He said: “We are closer [to knowing the source]. What we have from last night is that one of the ingredients in burgers that came from another EU country tested positive for horse DNA.
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:29 pm

STUD - Nay, it doesn't matter if they find the actual horse which was used in the burgers. Responsibility lies with the manufacturers/sellers of the end product - not the ones who legitimately slaughter the horses and sell the meat on.
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:42 pm

A 'Forensic Investigation' (following the complaint by the Jewish customer who had found the 'Horseshoe in his 'Chicken Burger) has traced ONE suspected source of contamination to a delicatessen shop in Hackney, East London.

Police have now established that the 'Horseshoe' was probably planted purposely in the 'Chicken Burger' in order to besmirch the reputation of a 'Tesco Store' close by.

A spokesperson for the actual 'Deli' (situated in a very prominent position in 'Mare Street') suggested that one of it's customers (a chap from Northern Ireland, "God Help Him") had heard that the 'Deli' was suffering financially on account of the close proximity of 'Tescos' and may have took it upon himself to contaminate some of the burgers in the store, he was known locally as a rather vindictive chap (particularly after a few drinks) and is the 'Prime Suspect'.

The proprietor of the 'Deli' (an Asian chap), insisted that HIS stock of burgers which were in his cold store were free of all contaminants, he invited the investigators to view his stock and led them to one stack which was '15 hands high' and said that such a stack represented his weekly sale of them.

'Chief Inspector Patrick Muldoon' (in charge of the investigation) commented that he was not at all surprised to learn of the involvement of the 'Gob shite from the North', he is quoted :-

"Ah sure, you'd never be able to fathom the minds of the sort of 'Whore's Ghosts' that wriggle out from under the shadow of their 'Butcher's Apron', they delight in insulting the likes of honest folks (especially Women') and the whole half of them are so ignorant, they wouldn't be able to spell 'B.I.L. BULL', the curse of 'Jayzus' on the lot of 'em".

The 'investigators' concluded that the 'Horseshoe' MUST have been planted as an act of malignancy since it had not passed through a mincing process, confirmation that it was probably the handiwork of the aforementioned 'Gob shite' since no one else would be stupid enough to think they would get away with it. :wink:
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:52 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:STUD - Nay, it doesn't matter if they find the actual horse which was used in the burgers. Responsibility lies with the manufacturers/sellers of the end product - not the ones who legitimately slaughter the horses and sell the meat on.

Does it or are you assuming the burger makers are deliberately buying horse? while I do not exclude the possibility I have some doubt the Irish and British burger makers are knowingly including horse.. The report indicates that the Netherlands packer is probably buying the meat from South America and selling it on as beef: the Netherlands producer too may think he is getting beef but whether or not the horses are being legitimately slaughtered, at some point it seems likely at some stage it is being sold on as beef, which is not legitimate and who ever is willfully passing off horse as beef deserves prosecuting .

What however everybody will have finally woken up to is that many processed meat products will contain mechanically recovered meat ( MRM), lean finely textured beef (LFTB) and boneless lean beef trimmings (BLBT) which are variously known as white or pink slime. (or even "Soylent pink"),
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Re: Tesco's Beefburgers.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:51 pm

Horse visits TESCO for answers

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