GR's REALISTIC definition of Evolution:
It’s a theory of such extremely slow development (in fact unquantifiable) that nobody can possibly be around long enough to witness it!
Not even the 15,000 (odd) year existence of man has experienced anything that could possibly be described as “evolving”!
In fact, the presumed theory is so slow that it cannot possibly be quantified with respect to time that everything else is!
For example we often hear things like:
“It took monkeys 10 billion years to stand on their two feet!”Right! Well if it took a monkey that long to stand then during those 10 billion years when he couldn’t stand there was NO evolution because the monkey was NOT standing and he had NOT accomplished anything that could be described as progress!
And one day, all of a sudden one of them stands and you claim that they had to think about it for 10 billion years to do it?
Shouldn’t “development” be bound by time if it is to be quantified and evaluated?
I mean, if it takes a creature 10 gazillion years to take a step forward is that a creature evolving or just a fucking stupid creature?
I say it’s the latter!