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Greece To Declare EEZ...???

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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:14 am

If you are so capable of being a European, when you really "do not feel Greek" at all, then that is at least a step forward. Most Cypriots I know feel mostly Greek first and European second. But that's fine - so long as you now appreciate why both Cyprus and Greece have to be united in the EU for the safeguards from this greater union against Turkey.

But why continue your vitriol against one EU member? And the one Cyprus has the most in common with? If not by common history, language or religion (since you would deny these) than as a fellow, common European country which faces exactly the same border problems as Cyprus - problems which have to be tackled together by the EU since, united, Greece and Cyprus cover the eastern Mediterranean and are both neighbours to the most warmongering wannabe European pseudocountry.
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby Me Ed » Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:26 pm

I have no particular axe to grind with the people of Greece or the country itself.

My vitriol is against Cypriots who are brainwashed Greek wannabes, who think we should look up to this alleged "motherland".

Our history isn't as common as you think, our spoken language isn't as common as you think and our religious institutions have been historically separate since the inception of Christianity.
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:17 pm

You can save your breath. I already said you would deny commonality. Perhaps you can join the island's other minority since you have no solidarity with the RoC's objectives.
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:43 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:You can save your breath. I already said you would deny commonality. Perhaps you can join the island's other minority since you have no solidarity with the RoC's objectives.

Hi Me Ed. yes save your breath, but not because GiG is right but because apart from being irrational she is the sad deluded victim of the educational system and who 9along with others( has a problem when their long held cherished beleifs are challenged ... just recall what it was like when you learnt there was no Santa Clause- well for the Greek Wananbes its obviously far far worse....
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:52 pm

I can see you did not take part in any educational system.

Why don't you stop with your trolling posts? You clearly have nothing but personal attacks to offer.
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:19 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Now we shall see the realisation of the reasons the big powers (Turkey, UK, USA) wanted to isolate Cyprus from Greece.

It is this continuation of sovereign rights over the waters between Greece and Cyprus which would have made the whole soooo much greater than the sum of the parts. Hence why being in the EU is now, as compensation, central to give both Cyprus and Greece that sense of being co-joined. The enosis the visionaries dared to hope for ...

What a loada balloney from the Petroleum Jelly for a a brain "g"IG...!!!

CY came to agreements with Egypt, Israel and the Lebanon years ago and not just on delineating their EEZs but also more recently, have taken things much further with agreements for joint co-operations in the exploitation of the hydrocarbons...

Now is anyone with Lubricating Grease for a brain suggesting some kind of Enosis with these countries leading on from these agreements...!!!

... oh and it has to be said ...and in the case of Israel, all but the blind stupid with Gas for a brain will have seen the massive support that Israel has already given CY with the very real presence of the IAF and the Israeli Navy last year over CY skies and in CY waters which got Turkey to back down from its usual provocations.
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby Cap » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:58 pm

Need to spread this thread beyond the forum.
It's fkn brill.
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:35 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Now we shall see the realisation of the reasons the big powers (Turkey, UK, USA) wanted to isolate Cyprus from Greece.

It is this continuation of sovereign rights over the waters between Greece and Cyprus which would have made the whole soooo much greater than the sum of the parts. Hence why being in the EU is now, as compensation, central to give both Cyprus and Greece that sense of being co-joined. The enosis the visionaries dared to hope for ...

What a loada balloney from the Petroleum Jelly for a a brain "g"IG...!!!

CY came to agreements with Egypt, Israel and the Lebanon years ago and not just on delineating their EEZs but also more recently, have taken things much further with agreements for joint co-operations in the exploitation of the hydrocarbons...

Now is anyone with Lubricating Grease for a brain suggesting some kind of Enosis with these countries leading on from these agreements...!!!

... oh and it has to be said ...and in the case of Israel, all but the blind stupid with Gas for a brain will have seen the massive support that Israel has already given CY with the very real presence of the IAF and the Israeli Navy last year over CY skies and in CY waters which got Turkey to back down from its usual provocations.

What a barrel of laughing Gas. Let's distill your crude pilot post. Despite your recent awakening, the prospect of Gas/Oil in these waters (betwixt Cyprus and Greece) originated from at least the 1950s. Which is when the USA got involved and prevented the UK from ceding Cyprus to Greece as promised in the 1940s. The recent alliances between Israel and Cyprus where all mediated via Athens. Cyprus is in the EU because of Athens. Like it or not - we are co-dependent on Greece. ... 37661.html
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:50 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Now we shall see the realisation of the reasons the big powers (Turkey, UK, USA) wanted to isolate Cyprus from Greece.

It is this continuation of sovereign rights over the waters between Greece and Cyprus which would have made the whole soooo much greater than the sum of the parts. Hence why being in the EU is now, as compensation, central to give both Cyprus and Greece that sense of being co-joined. The enosis the visionaries dared to hope for ...

What a loada balloney from the Petroleum Jelly for a a brain "g"IG...!!!

CY came to agreements with Egypt, Israel and the Lebanon years ago and not just on delineating their EEZs but also more recently, have taken things much further with agreements for joint co-operations in the exploitation of the hydrocarbons...

Now is anyone with Lubricating Grease for a brain suggesting some kind of Enosis with these countries leading on from these agreements...!!!

... oh and it has to be said ...and in the case of Israel, all but the blind stupid with Gas for a brain will have seen the massive support that Israel has already given CY with the very real presence of the IAF and the Israeli Navy last year over CY skies and in CY waters which got Turkey to back down from its usual provocations.

What a barrel of laughing Gas. Let's distill your crude pilot post. Despite your recent awakening, the prospect of Gas/Oil in these waters (betwixt Cyprus and Greece) originated from at least the 1950s. Which is when the USA got involved and prevented the UK from ceding Cyprus to Greece as promised in the 1940s. The recent alliances between Israel and Cyprus where all mediated via Athens. Cyprus is in the EU because of Athens. Like it or not - we are co-dependent on Greece. ... 37661.html

Someone please tell the in need of a Lobotomy Drilling "g"IG that this is the sort of quality of link she might want to post, this one to the very Real Agreement 'twixt CY and Israel to define their EEZ boundaries, duly and properly lodged with the UN UNCLOS directory... ... z_2010.pdf

... and not links to Kafenion Talk "conferences"... !!!

Oh and here's another Link of Real Quality... this is one to a summary of the work of the US Geological Survey, the appraisal which started the ball rolling in the search for deep-water oil/gas in the Eastern Med...
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Re: Greece To Declare EEZ...???

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:06 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Now we shall see the realisation of the reasons the big powers (Turkey, UK, USA) wanted to isolate Cyprus from Greece.

It is this continuation of sovereign rights over the waters between Greece and Cyprus which would have made the whole soooo much greater than the sum of the parts. Hence why being in the EU is now, as compensation, central to give both Cyprus and Greece that sense of being co-joined. The enosis the visionaries dared to hope for ...

What a loada balloney from the Petroleum Jelly for a a brain "g"IG...!!!

CY came to agreements with Egypt, Israel and the Lebanon years ago and not just on delineating their EEZs but also more recently, have taken things much further with agreements for joint co-operations in the exploitation of the hydrocarbons...

Now is anyone with Lubricating Grease for a brain suggesting some kind of Enosis with these countries leading on from these agreements...!!!

... oh and it has to be said ...and in the case of Israel, all but the blind stupid with Gas for a brain will have seen the massive support that Israel has already given CY with the very real presence of the IAF and the Israeli Navy last year over CY skies and in CY waters which got Turkey to back down from its usual provocations.

What a barrel of laughing Gas. Let's distill your crude pilot post. Despite your recent awakening, the prospect of Gas/Oil in these waters (betwixt Cyprus and Greece) originated from at least the 1950s. Which is when the USA got involved and prevented the UK from ceding Cyprus to Greece as promised in the 1940s. The recent alliances between Israel and Cyprus where all mediated via Athens. Cyprus is in the EU because of Athens. Like it or not - we are co-dependent on Greece. ... 37661.html

Someone please tell the in need of a Lobotomy Drilling "g"IG that this is the sort of quality of link she might want to post, this one to the very Real Agreement 'twixt CY and Israel to define their EEZ boundaries, duly and properly lodged with the UN UNCLOS directory... ... z_2010.pdf

... and not links to Kafenion Talk "conferences"... !!!

Oh and here's another Link of Real Quality... this is one to a summary of the work of the US Geological Survey, the appraisal which started the ball rolling in the search for deep-water oil/gas in the Eastern Med...

It wouldn't happen so smoothly without Papandreou oiling his buddy Netanyahu! ... -netanyahu
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