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Mysterious Hagia Sophia Frightens the Turks

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Mysterious Hagia Sophia Frightens the Turks

Postby tsukoui » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:56 pm

Why is it Nikos has got the edge over Georgious?

From the moment that Constantinople fell to the Ottomans and Mohammad Fattish entered the great Church of Saint Sophia on his white stallion, he remained transfixed for a long time by the icon of Christ in the dome. This is according to Turkish sources. This immense Church of Orthodoxy became the epicenter of different myths and legends which circulate amongst the conquerors eliciting an intense sense of awe for this great accomplishment of Orthodoxy which now is surrounded by four Ottoman minarets.

But during the last few years, certain events centered around Saint Sophia and specifically with the unexpected discovery of an Angel in the summer of 2008 in the dome, has elicited amongst the Turks an intense sense of suspense and fear about the future. In connection with this, all those legends have resurfaced recently and at times have shocked and brought to the Muslims a sense of fear. This fear is that the Orthodox Christian identity will once again rise up in spite of the fact that up until 1934 the Church was used as a Muslim mosque.
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Re: Mysterious Hagia Sophia Frightens the Turks

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:54 am

tsukoui wrote:"...specifically with the unexpected discovery of an Angel in the summer of 2008 in the dome"

How old is the guy who wrote this shit? :lol:
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Re: Mysterious Hagia Sophia Frightens the Turks

Postby SKI-preo » Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:40 am

Get Real! wrote:
tsukoui wrote:"...specifically with the unexpected discovery of an Angel in the summer of 2008 in the dome"

How old is the guy who wrote this shit? :lol:

WHOAAA! I just found a mini Mars Bar with a useby date of 2008 in the couch in reception at my work ,clearly, the next arse to sit on that couch will belong to the antichrist.
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