Viewpoint wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Lordo wrote:in the south tc children attend the same school as gc children as well as all other children of other nationalities.
does anybody know what happens to the tc children during history lessons. are they allowed attend the classroom.
The only case I know of personally is that of a teacher who knows both Turkish and Greek. She teaches Greek to Turkish speaking children.
She told me they are extremely clever. They hate everything Turkish, and they want to forget all about their Turkish language. She said they have no difficulty learning Greek. but they all have difficultly in spelling the Greek "theta" they tend to spell it "tita", but she shows them how to put their tongue to spell it right.
Guess what is the REAL Nationality of those kids.
Hint it starts from K.
Is this what you call brainwashing or assimilation?
How can anyone brainwash a child who just arrived in Cyprus?
You have not yet given me the nationality of those Turkish speaking children. Wasn't my clue good enough?
Kongoese? brainwashing and assimilation starts very young.
You want more clues huh? Ok...
Second letter is "U"
Third letter is "R"
So what is their nationality dear VP?