cyprusgrump wrote:georgios100 wrote:Subsidizing is a necessary evil. A good example is the carbon subsidy at the Dominican Republic vs Haiti. These two countries share the same island.
The Dominicans subsidized the price of home propane tanks by 50% but the Haitians did not. After many years, the Haiti landscape is bare ground, no trees to talk about
resulting in soil erosion, floods, loss of top soil for crops etc. In contrast, the Dom. Rep. is well treed with lots of fertile ground.
The Haitians could not afford high propane cost so they cut all the trees and used the wood for cooking, boiling hot water etc.
That is the most ridiculous thing you have ever posted and a very poor argument for subsidies!
The U.N. ranks the Dominican Republic 90th out of 182 countries on its human-development index, which combines a variety of welfare measurements; Haiti comes in at 149th. In the Dominican Republic, average life expectancy is nearly 74 years. In Haiti, it's 61. You're substantially more likely to be able to read and write if you live in the eastern two-thirds of Hispaniola, and less likely to live on less than $1.25 a day.
Read more: ... z2HMJiherT
The two countries are completely different.
Honestly, buddy, if that is your argument for subsidies (and therefore renewable energy) I'd suggest you think again...
[EDIT] By the way, if the subsidy for the propane came from the carbon credit scheme..? It means that somebody in the West paid extra tax on their use of fossil fuels so that somebody in The Dominican Republic could use fossil fuels... No saving of CO2 or advantage to the environment - the only people that benefited were the middle men that make billions out of the process...
At least the trees the Haitians burnt were renewable!
Grump, you are a very stubborn guy... never listen to reason...
The example I posted above is real! A few years back, the Dom Rep. government cut this subsidy to comply with IMF demands.
Immediately, the Dominican people start cutting trees by the thousands... I was there and saw it with my own eyes! Six months later, the subsidy was re-introduced.
Look what is happening to Greece. Since the heating oil price is increased, people start cutting trees to heat themselves, polluting the air as well.
The Greeks are "richer" than the Haitians... right?
Stop embarrasing yourself and agree with reason, atleast sometimes, if you want to be taken seriously by fellow posters.