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Hellenic inventions and discoveries

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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:44 pm

I think we have made some progress since your denial of any relatedness/similarities to dinosaurs. :)

The truth has not changed. It is your mind that has moved closer ...

- You can thank me at your leisure. :D
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:54 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
No the point is you are trolling. Now are you going to tell us who Himilcar is then?

mea culpa, bad spelling try Himilco instead -
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:55 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I think we have made some progress since your denial of any relatedness/similarities to dinosaurs. :)

The truth has not changed. It is your mind that has moved closer ...

- You can thank me at your leisure. :D

my position has not changed at all :I have always recognised that we are distant cousins to the dinosaurs but we are not descended from them which was what was so strongly implied by you, attributing a uniqueness of characteristics to dinosaurs which can now be found in all living creatures as though it had come from Dinosaurs (even though only birds are descended from Dinosaurs).

the characteristics you attribute to Dinosaurs are common to Amniotes, which include both the synapsids (mammals) and sauropsids (reptiles and birds), along with their extinct kins as well as their fossil ancestors and which includes the ancestors of Dinosaurs. The Amniotes appear to have emerged about 340MY and diverged about 320 MYA into synapsids and Sauropids. That we and dinosaurs share so much is because we are both Amniotes (with a last common ancestor about 320MYA) and we both inherited some common characteristics, and indeed much DNA in common.

I can therefore safely say I have no dinosaur in me as they have made no contribution to my DNA, which is different to saying that I share characteristics, DNA etc with dinosaurs, as I do, along with all other amniotes,
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:24 am

Blundering stud. You owe a lot more to dinosaurs than your ego would dare to entertain. But for the subtle expressions of a homeobox, you could well have been a dinosaur today.
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:41 pm

cheers! go further, Homo Sapiens (Humans) are well advised to consider our closeness to rocks, and trees, because we all vibrate, and we are all entwined in constant cycles of change which seem infinite, and overwhich we have no (or very little) power. in essence we are water, and a small content of minerals, aren't we? whether we are different, we are at another level, the same.
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:36 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Blundering stud. You owe a lot more to dinosaurs than your ego would dare to entertain. But for the subtle expressions of a homeobox, you could well have been a dinosaur today.

I rather think it is you who are floundring, but yes but for the quirks of genetics I could have been a dinosaur or a rabbit or a bird or even a fruitfly or a even a plant,,,, but I am not,(and this is not case of what might have been but what is) I am (like you) a human where humans in common with all other species have a unique line of descent from the first strands of chemicals that combined under whatever influences to become life, and which therafter have undergone minute mutation by minute mutation (each minutely different for each species) to give the variety of living things the earth has seen, is seeing and will see.

The point however remains that the common characteristics we share with the dinosuars are not in our case dinosuar remnants as we Humans are not descended from Dinosuars. The only living things that truly have dinosaur remanants (and in profusion) are the birds which are the only extant decendants of dinosaurs. NOTE: I am not saying we do not share characteritrsces with eg dinosaurs. We do. We share them however because in the dim and distant past (probably about 340 MYA) long before either dinosuars or humans had evolved, we and dinosauars shared a common ancestor and the characteristics we and dinosuars share (and which we share with other Amniotes who share that ancestor ) should more properly be described as the remnants of that particular creature, or even Amniotir characristics, bearing in mind their commonaility to all amniotes. .
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:38 pm

We are the dinosaurs that didn't die out. You have not managed to prove you are not related to dinosaurs (years do not matter). We had a common ancestor with 100% startpoint genetic load. Most of those genes are conserved. Hence remnants. Just because dinosaurs went one way and we another, it doesn't mean we suddenly became unrelated, or developed completely different genes or developmental control (evo-devo).

We owe them a lot, as pointed out earlier ...

Some people think they got to where they got all by themselves! :roll:

At the heart of your inability to understand this concept is the reason you also fail to appreciate language and the role Greeks played in our present day civilisation.

(P.S. Please don't ascribe things to me which I didn't say just because you don't fully understand and I don't have time to give you a full genetics lesson. For example, you seem all mixed-up between relatedness/similarities - my words - and being "descended" from something. Your obsession. I haven't used 'descended' once in this context. I also didn't say that humans and dinosaurs interbreed; which is another thing you presume from 'relatedness' in your mixed-up world and accused me of saying in another thread.)
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:51 pm

By your twisted logic I could say you have Turkish remnants in you. You do after all share a concestor and number characteristics with Turks eg you have teeth, hair, three bones on your middle ear, speech, eye-sight, etc. and all of the most obvious charcteristics such as language are learned rather than heritable physiological characteristics.

Now unless LIneaus and similar/related taxonomic systems are completely wrong we are NOT and never have been dinosuars, where Dinosaurs are a specific group of species identifiable as dinosuars by certain physiological chacateristics (some of which we do NOT possess ) within the larger group of reptiles and in turn a part of the even larger group of Amniotes where as we are are part of a group of species forming a part of the group of mammals (likewise identifiable by certain physiological charcteristices which Reptiles and dinosaurs did NOT possess) also within the group of the amniotes . In that respect I have always said we are related - I used the phrase cousins - this accounts for the fact that we share many similarities with dinosuars.

What I have contested as it is bililogical absurdity is that the similarities we share with eg Dinosuars are dinosaur remnants when they could only be remnants if we inherited them from the dinosaurs but they have been an integral port of our and dinosaurs' and other amniotes' makeup from the point where both we and the dinosuare shared a common ancetor , about 340 MYA and beyond.

However since you agree we are not descended from the dinosaurs (and we cannot from a pysiological/taxonomical POV be described as Dinosaurs) rather than being Dinosaurs that did not die out I would say we are Amniotes that have not died out.

Dinosaurs havwe not died out: not completely. Their descendants are the birds.

Keep digging - either the hole you are digging yourself will collapse on top of you or you might burst out the other side,
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:12 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:We are the dinosaurs that didn't die out.

:? :lol:
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Re: Hellenic inventions and discoveries

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:03 pm

Nearly there?
Having perhaps now accepted "similarity" and 'relatedness' arguments (and moving aside a little from your famed dogmatism), perhaps you need to continue your googling; onto punctuated evolution and how imprinted in our genes are all that have gone before us, sideways and byways, and still with us, recessive, with all possibilities still to come.

You still seem recalcitrant to understanding how we can have dinosaur remnants. You have not grasped the basic genetics of having a common ancestor (no matter time). Think about that a little more before spouting repetitions.

Perhaps move onto .... Atavism ...

(New areas of confusion, perhaps, but might give you a clue as to how we don't simply throw out genes during speciation.)
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