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Genetic origin of the Cypriots

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Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby christosmediter » Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:06 am

Hi i am new to the forum and posting to hear the reactions of fellow Cypriots towards my theory of a shared cypriot gene pool from circa 10,000BC. I am a University Anthropology student - check out my video regarding the prehistoric history of Neolithic Cyprus and its relevance today politically. Biological and Social/Cultural Anthropology related: The prehistoric history of Neolithic Cyprus and my theories, my graphics and my musical compositions concerning the unique Cypriot genetic lineage. ©Chris Ant Publications. - This is of interest mostly to Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriots. - (Note I am genetically one eighth Greek from Greece and seven eighths Greek Cypriot from Cyprus and i have no scientific or cultural bias).

Here's the link on youtube for my video:
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby CBBB » Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:17 am

Cypriots are definitely genetically connected to the Irish!
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby Sotos » Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:23 pm

Did you really have to make some crappy youtube video for this? Do you think that posting nonsense in a video would make them more important :lol:
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:20 pm

I've asked this before when somebody else claimed to have knowledge of the ancient Cypriot gene pool. (No reply. Try again.) Which specimens and from what location were used to isolate the DNA? Is there a DNA database with the sequences/haplogroups of these ancient Cypriots? It's been remarkably non-revealing to look at data from old (well-preserved) specimens like those of the Egyptian pharaohs (Tutankhamen and Ramesses II) so I am interested to know how good the original Cypriot specimens are. Thanks.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:36 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I've asked this before when somebody else claimed to have knowledge of the ancient Cypriot gene pool. (No reply. Try again.) Which specimens and from what location were used to isolate the DNA? Is there a DNA database with the sequences/haplogroups of these ancient Cypriots? It's been remarkably non-revealing to look at data from old (well-preserved) specimens like those of the Egyptian pharaohs (Tutankhamen and Ramesses II) so I am interested to know how good the original Cypriot specimens are. Thanks.

:D :D :D
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby Me Ed » Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:57 pm

I don't need a geneticist or a historian to tell me that I am a Cypriot and not a Greek, it's blatantly obvious.

Growing up in a "Greek" bubble (no pun intended) in London, where I was effectively brainwashed by my parents and the Church with constant reminders of "you are Greek, you are Greek, you are Greek", it wasn't until later in life when I went to Greece and met some real Greeks that I realised that I am not actually Greek at all.

We don't look like them, talk like them or smell like them.

We have our own cuisine and music unique to our culture and our autocephalous Church has never been part of the Church of Greece which it predates by around 1,500 years.

People can talk about DNA, but until a thorough scientific study is done, we can only speculate as to what we actually are.

The nearest we have to this is a study which identifies that GCs and TCs are genetically more similar to each other than people from their so called "motherlands".

So one must ask the question, what are these genetic similarities? Are they the genes of the ancient Cypriots that predate any Greek, Turkish or other influence?

For example, the English call themselves Anglo-Saxons, but it has been discovered that the Saxon genes only constitute 5% of their genetic make up.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:23 am

Who killed the video? :?

Just when I was about to find out the unfindable…
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:53 am

Get Real! wrote:Who killed the video? :?

Just when I was about to find out the unfindable…

You didn't miss anything mate. :wink:
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:04 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I've asked this before when somebody else claimed to have knowledge of the ancient Cypriot gene pool. (No reply. Try again.) Which specimens and from what location were used to isolate the DNA? Is there a DNA database with the sequences/haplogroups of these ancient Cypriots? It's been remarkably non-revealing to look at data from old (well-preserved) specimens like those of the Egyptian pharaohs (Tutankhamen and Ramesses II) so I am interested to know how good the original Cypriot specimens are. Thanks.

I guess the morons missed this:-

Agriculture spread to Europe thousand of years ago from the South to the distant North, with successive steps, according to the Swedish-danish scientific research. The study analysed the DNA of the four [inhabitants of Scandinavia] of the Neolithic period and found that they had many more genes in common with today’s Southern Europeans, as the Greeks, Cypriots the inhabitants of Sardinia, than with any other European people. ... thic.html#

Or this:-

The most complete study of Greek skeletal material from Neolithic to modern times was carried out by American anthropologist J. Lawrence Angel who found that in the early age racial variability in Greece was 7% above average, indicating that the Greeks had multiple origins within the Europid racial family. Angel noted that from the earliest times to the present “racial continuity in Greece is striking.” Buxton who had earlier studied Greek skeletal material and measured modern Greeks, especially in Cyprus, finds that the modern Greeks “possess physical characteristics not differing essentially from those of the former [ancient Greeks].”
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:34 am

the techniques used by Angel are now discredited (along therefore with the results) and have been supplanted by DNA methods.
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