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Genetic origin of the Cypriots

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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:55 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:the techniques used by Angel are now discredited (along therefore with the results) and have been supplanted by DNA methods.

Only in your little brain. :!:
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:23 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:#Can you tell a person's race from his or her skull? - Slate Magazine

What are you saying dog, you can't or can tell a persons race from their skull. You make no sense and I say you can!

http://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpr ... ull-shape/

Firstly, the mostly obvious difference is that the Caucasoid top skull has a very flat profile, while the bottom skull is ‘prognathic’, meaning it’s jaws protrude out. Although not obvious from this image, the nose aperture of the Caucasian skull has a narrower triangle shape; with a longer, thinner bony protrusion at the point where the nose comes out from between the eyes (nuchal ridge). Caucasian skulls also posess a nasil sill (unless you see this shown, no explanation will make sense), Asian and African skulls don’t.

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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby Lordo » Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:50 am

i see hitlers ideas are still alive. measure them on yalooser measure them on.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:18 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:#Can you tell a person's race from his or her skull? - Slate Magazine

What are you saying dog, you can't or can tell a persons race from their skull. You make no sense and I say you can!

http://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpr ... ull-shape/

Firstly, the mostly obvious difference is that the Caucasoid top skull has a very flat profile, while the bottom skull is ‘prognathic’, meaning it’s jaws protrude out. Although not obvious from this image, the nose aperture of the Caucasian skull has a narrower triangle shape; with a longer, thinner bony protrusion at the point where the nose comes out from between the eyes (nuchal ridge). Caucasian skulls also posess a nasil sill (unless you see this shown, no explanation will make sense), Asian and African skulls don’t.


but if you were to measure a skull (which might be Cypriot) on what objective basis could you conclude they were any sort of Cypriot, let alone Turkish Speaking, Greek Speaking, as opposed to being from anywhere between say Tehran to Rekjavik?
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:58 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:#Can you tell a person's race from his or her skull? - Slate Magazine

What are you saying dog, you can't or can tell a persons race from their skull. You make no sense and I say you can!

http://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpr ... ull-shape/

Firstly, the mostly obvious difference is that the Caucasoid top skull has a very flat profile, while the bottom skull is ‘prognathic’, meaning it’s jaws protrude out. Although not obvious from this image, the nose aperture of the Caucasian skull has a narrower triangle shape; with a longer, thinner bony protrusion at the point where the nose comes out from between the eyes (nuchal ridge). Caucasian skulls also posess a nasil sill (unless you see this shown, no explanation will make sense), Asian and African skulls don’t.


but if you were to measure a skull (which might be Cypriot) on what objective basis could you conclude they were any sort of Cypriot, let alone Turkish Speaking, Greek Speaking, as opposed to being from anywhere between say Tehran to Rekjavik?

The above is nothing to do with what I posted:-

The most complete study of Greek skeletal material from Neolithic to modern times was carried out by American anthropologist J. Lawrence Angel who found that in the early age racial variability in Greece was 7% above average, indicating that the Greeks had multiple origins within the Europid racial family. Angel noted that from the earliest times to the present “racial continuity in Greece is striking.” Buxton who had earlier studied Greek skeletal material and measured modern Greeks, especially in Cyprus, finds that the modern Greeks “possess physical characteristics not differing essentially from those of the former [ancient Greeks].”

Now read it again, it wasn't Angel but Buxton who said Greeks in Cyprus “possess physical characteristics not differing essentially from those of the former [ancient Greeks].”

There are Greeks in Cyprus (Cypriots) and Turks (invaders) it's as simple as that brain of Britain. The so called Turkish Cypriots are decended from the Latin population who converted to Muslims under threat of execution in1570, they then mixed with other Turks since the present time.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:43 am

but it it is on point, and whereas skeletal form is influenced by environment , quite quickly, even within one generation, (and which makes claims of common ancestry based skeletal measurement unreliable,
}, genetics provides a far more reliable means of determing the relationship between groups and possible common ancestry and it says otherwise about the relationship between GSC and TSC and the Greeks and Turks.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:55 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:try looking at this site for start

Eupedia : European Travel, Trivia, History & Population Genetics

and here

Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog

None of those (extremely wide-ranging and unrelated) sources back up your sweeping statement.

That dog keeps changing the subject and posts links I have posted before. :wink:
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:53 am

but the fact remains that all the genetic research shows that the Greek Speaking Cypriots and Turkish Speaking Cypriots are genetically very similar so current Cypriots must have similar shared ancestry.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:27 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:but the fact remains that all the genetic research shows that the Greek Speaking Cypriots and Turkish Speaking Cypriots are genetically very similar so current Cypriots must have similar shared ancestry.

They are as genetically similar as any other two groups of people and if you ever find anything which shows otherwise, please post the research. Until then, you are just trolling.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:54 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:try looking at this site for start

Eupedia : European Travel, Trivia, History & Population Genetics

and here

Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog

None of those (extremely wide-ranging and unrelated) sources back up your sweeping statement.

That dog keeps changing the subject and posts links I have posted before. :wink:

He posted those as, supposedly, "evidence" for his Imperialist, prejudiced views that TCs are as native to Cyprus as Greeks.
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