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Genetic origin of the Cypriots

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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:50 am

.....and Deniz is a corruption of the Turkic word Djeñiz/Cengiz/ Djengiz which means 'WISE'. Gadalavis? :evil:
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby kurupetos » Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:30 am

denizaksulu wrote:.....and Deniz is a corruption of the Turkic word Djeñiz/Cengiz/ Djengiz which means 'WISE'. Gadalavis? :evil:

Egadalaven re Denizee. You can relax now.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:02 am

noooo mr deniz is sea. ak is white and sulu is watery.

aisdon gurubedon ine delya kserodjehalos mavroyerimo namini budin kellendu dje na shesi majja

the correct word is not gadalvis it is gadalves. bloody gurubedo is no bloody help the chralui that he is.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:35 am

Lordo wrote:the correct word is not gadalvis it is gadalves. bloody gurubedo is no bloody help the chralui that he is.



Ekadalaves? :lol:
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:44 pm

christosmediter wrote:Hey all,
I have been in contact with Professor Erol Baysal a Turkish Cypriot geneticist, and he has informed me that I was right in initially thinking the Cypriots are a homogenous population in the sense that they share the same varied mix of genes from many different colonizers. He has also stated he never implicated a Middle Eastern genetic origin of Cypriots. Middle Eastern genes were not known at the time of their publication and they now know that they are not similar to Cypriots in types, incidence and haplotype. Additionally the DNA studies based on thalassemic genes show Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriots are almost identical genetically. This implication has now finally put to bed the notion of Cypriots being the original Neolithic Syrian agriculturalists from 10,000BC, and I firmly and permanently withdraw this theory – however the fact that Neolithic Syrian farmers from 10,000BC may be a genetic component equally just as all the other colonizers to the island could still be true, yet not as the highest unique genetic lineage overall at all. I simply cannot go against DNA and genetic based research, this is fact. I have now permanently taken down the video on youtube.

Many thanks and happy new year

so where did the Cypriots come from?

At least one study that (while later incomers had an influence) the main components of matrilinial DnA have likely been stable since neolithic times. At least one thesis likewise suggests that the common view that Colonisation of Cyprus by Greeks is not correct and in particular the foundation myths involving heroes of the Trojan war are almost certainly without foundation - the Trojan war happened about 150 years (in about 1192 BC) before the conquest event (of about 1050 BC) that preceded the initial Hellenisation of the island ( a process only effectively finaly enforced by the Ptolomys in 300 BC or so) and as Jennings argued this conquest event in about 1050 BC probably involved a relatively small warrior elite.

(There will be some similarities between the DNA of Greek, Anatolians and Cypriots since the evidence tends to suggest all three regions were initially settled (probably in a series of waves) by the same sets of peoples who spread west.

At least some of Baysal's 1992 research suggesting the common genetic history of Greek speaking and Turkish speaking Cypriots (which Oracle claimed was discredited has evidently been confirmed at leat implicitly by Professor Deltas. On a political point that make Cyprus just as much their Island as it dowes that of the Greek speaking Cypriots which is why I find some the facist views of ELAM about the TSC's so unaccepatble.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:02 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
christosmediter wrote:Hey all,
I have been in contact with Professor Erol Baysal a Turkish Cypriot geneticist, and he has informed me that I was right in initially thinking the Cypriots are a homogenous population in the sense that they share the same varied mix of genes from many different colonizers. He has also stated he never implicated a Middle Eastern genetic origin of Cypriots. Middle Eastern genes were not known at the time of their publication and they now know that they are not similar to Cypriots in types, incidence and haplotype. Additionally the DNA studies based on thalassemic genes show Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriots are almost identical genetically. This implication has now finally put to bed the notion of Cypriots being the original Neolithic Syrian agriculturalists from 10,000BC, and I firmly and permanently withdraw this theory – however the fact that Neolithic Syrian farmers from 10,000BC may be a genetic component equally just as all the other colonizers to the island could still be true, yet not as the highest unique genetic lineage overall at all. I simply cannot go against DNA and genetic based research, this is fact. I have now permanently taken down the video on youtube.

Many thanks and happy new year

so where did the Cypriots come from?

At least one study that (while later incomers had an influence) the main components of matrilinial DnA have likely been stable since neolithic times. At least one thesis likewise suggests that the common view that Colonisation of Cyprus by Greeks is not correct and in particular the foundation myths involving heroes of the Trojan war are almost certainly without foundation - the Trojan war happened about 150 years (in about 1192 BC) before the conquest event (of about 1050 BC) that preceded the initial Hellenisation of the island ( a process only effectively finaly enforced by the Ptolomys in 300 BC or so) and as Jennings argued this conquest event in about 1050 BC probably involved a relatively small warrior elite.

(There will be some similarities between the DNA of Greek, Anatolians and Cypriots since the evidence tends to suggest all three regions were initially settled (probably in a series of waves) by the same sets of peoples who spread west.

At least some of Baysal's 1992 research suggesting the common genetic history of Greek speaking and Turkish speaking Cypriots (which Oracle claimed was discredited has evidently been confirmed at leat implicitly by Professor Deltas. On a political point that make Cyprus just as much their Island as it dowes that of the Greek speaking Cypriots which is why I find some the facist views of ELAM about the TSC's so unaccepatble.

Thanks for that summary STUD; And the search still goes on for the elusıve truth with proof.

Who do we ignore? Should we care anymore? Lets make ıntermarriage compulsory by law. Period. :D
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:13 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
christosmediter wrote:At least some of Baysal's 1992 research suggesting the common genetic history of Greek speaking and Turkish speaking Cypriots (which Oracle claimed was discredited has evidently been confirmed at leat implicitly by Professor Deltas. On a political point that make Cyprus just as much their Island as it dowes that of the Greek speaking Cypriots which is why I find some the facist views of ELAM about the TSC's so unaccepatble.

(I will leave your selective historical sources alone as the breadth of their audacious misrepresentation has been dealt with many times. They serve only to reinforce your prejudice and your inability to learn from the wider spectrum.)

As for the "common genetic history" which you claim has been researched by Baysal and Prof Deltas - please supply the unadulterated research, without YOUR inferences, as the data I have seen suggests you are defaming ...

I am waiting!
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:27 pm

Meanwhile, here is an acceptable example of research to support one's argument. It is recent (note this is 2013) and it is ORIGINAL.

Prof Delta's most recent work:


Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Volume 734, 2013, pp 189-196

C3 Glomerulonephritis/CFHR5 Nephropathy Is an Endemic Disease in Cyprus: Clinical and Molecular Findings in 21 Families
Constantinos Deltas, Daniel Gale, Terence Cook, Konstantinos Voskarides, Yiannis Athanasiou, Alkis Pierides

Microscopic haematuria is the presenting symptom of several conditions, either heritable or acquired. A well-recognized familial condition is Alport syndrome, either of X-linked or autosomal recessive inheritance, as well as thin basement membrane nephropathy (TBMN) because of heterozygous collagen IV mutations. Even though microscopic haematuria of TBMN was long considered as a benign disease with excellent prognosis, more recent data suggest that development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and even end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) is not a rare finding, perhaps owing to the cofounding role of modifier genes and other factors. Recent investigations in London and Cyprus culminated in the identification of another autosomal dominant condition that presents with microscopic haematuria because of heterozygous mutations in the CFHR5 gene, which apparently plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the alterative pathway of complement system, which constitutes a significant part of innate immunity in humans. Histologically, the hallmark observation is the isolated glomerular deposition of C3 complement in the absence of immune complexes. It is considered one of the C3 glomerulopathies, and it may or may not be accompanied by mild membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Interestingly, a single mutation has been identified so far, a duplication of exons 2–3 of the CFHR5 gene, and it has been described in patients of Greek-Cypriot descend only, perhaps originating on the Troodos mountains of Cyprus. Thus far, no patient with a mutation in this gene has been diagnosed in any other population. In Cyprus, it has been found in clusters of families in neighbouring villages in a total of 136 patients, and it constitutes a strong founder phenomenon. About 50% of patients over 50 years have progressed to CKD, and 14% of all patients progressed to ESKD. It is not quite well understood why males run a much higher risk to progress to CKD, compared to women. ... -4118-2_12
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:57 pm

...(Cyprus is Greek/ not Greek); is some "purity" necessary to justify the existence of Cypriots, is that the essential qualification, to have a Cypriot State, as opposed to a Greek State, not as Modern Men, but by some code of the past where the Customs have been clouded by the progress called Humanity. meanwhile, all over the world with proportions greater than the destruction of the ecosphere, we watch ethnospheres become extinct, at a cost unknown but as great to our diversity as thinking creatures with creative minds. whether Greek, or Cypriot, we face the elimination of a History that is rich in its unknowns, what we can learn, and in its variety.

...were it for Cypriots to decide, without discrimination or distinction, for new thinking, it would be as Greeks since this majority vastly outnumbers other Cypriot Constituencies. and as a Free People, what is wrong with a BBF where there exists a Republic to better the Universal Principals that as Individuals all Cypriots defend, if there also existed National Assemblies to represent these Citizens, within the Territorial Jurisdictions they reside, as Persons. doesn't this seem inviting, in that it allows for the sustainbility of Maronites, Armenians, and Latins, as well as Greeks, and Turks, who are also Constituencies with a close attachment to the Land, a Cypriot Heritance, having respect for each other through their communities and their living relics, a distinction of great value to Mankind. and if there was a Greek Constituency, equal, within a set of Cypriot Constituencies, as well as a Republic, Sovereignty is not divided, as it is today, by a racist impasse, "Greek"/"Turkish", or "Turkish"/"not Turkish enough".

...what about Human Greatness, more important, preserving what little we have left of an abundance we can now measure, and which is threatened by the influence of mobility and English as a lingua franca that although as a mother tongue represents about 10% of the world's population, is spoken by 90% of us.
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Re: Genetic origin of the Cypriots

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:55 pm

In this day and age ethnicity is characterized by language, family, religion and culture; and using genetics helps trace migrations of people and prevalence of heritable diseases.

- Which is why I take objection to the likes of STUD brandishing falsehoods based on some old tiny study where the ambiguous findings have been sabotaged by racist imperialists like him, who try to tell us Cyprus is not ethnically Greek when over 80% of the population self-identify as Greek.
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