denizaksulu wrote:.....and Deniz is a corruption of the Turkic word Djeñiz/Cengiz/ Djengiz which means 'WISE'. Gadalavis?
Lordo wrote:the correct word is not gadalvis it is gadalves. bloody gurubedo is no bloody help the chralui that he is.
christosmediter wrote:Hey all,
I have been in contact with Professor Erol Baysal a Turkish Cypriot geneticist, and he has informed me that I was right in initially thinking the Cypriots are a homogenous population in the sense that they share the same varied mix of genes from many different colonizers. He has also stated he never implicated a Middle Eastern genetic origin of Cypriots. Middle Eastern genes were not known at the time of their publication and they now know that they are not similar to Cypriots in types, incidence and haplotype. Additionally the DNA studies based on thalassemic genes show Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriots are almost identical genetically. This implication has now finally put to bed the notion of Cypriots being the original Neolithic Syrian agriculturalists from 10,000BC, and I firmly and permanently withdraw this theory – however the fact that Neolithic Syrian farmers from 10,000BC may be a genetic component equally just as all the other colonizers to the island could still be true, yet not as the highest unique genetic lineage overall at all. I simply cannot go against DNA and genetic based research, this is fact. I have now permanently taken down the video on youtube.
Many thanks and happy new year
supporttheunderdog wrote:christosmediter wrote:Hey all,
I have been in contact with Professor Erol Baysal a Turkish Cypriot geneticist, and he has informed me that I was right in initially thinking the Cypriots are a homogenous population in the sense that they share the same varied mix of genes from many different colonizers. He has also stated he never implicated a Middle Eastern genetic origin of Cypriots. Middle Eastern genes were not known at the time of their publication and they now know that they are not similar to Cypriots in types, incidence and haplotype. Additionally the DNA studies based on thalassemic genes show Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriots are almost identical genetically. This implication has now finally put to bed the notion of Cypriots being the original Neolithic Syrian agriculturalists from 10,000BC, and I firmly and permanently withdraw this theory – however the fact that Neolithic Syrian farmers from 10,000BC may be a genetic component equally just as all the other colonizers to the island could still be true, yet not as the highest unique genetic lineage overall at all. I simply cannot go against DNA and genetic based research, this is fact. I have now permanently taken down the video on youtube.
Many thanks and happy new year
so where did the Cypriots come from?
At least one study that (while later incomers had an influence) the main components of matrilinial DnA have likely been stable since neolithic times. At least one thesis likewise suggests that the common view that Colonisation of Cyprus by Greeks is not correct and in particular the foundation myths involving heroes of the Trojan war are almost certainly without foundation - the Trojan war happened about 150 years (in about 1192 BC) before the conquest event (of about 1050 BC) that preceded the initial Hellenisation of the island ( a process only effectively finaly enforced by the Ptolomys in 300 BC or so) and as Jennings argued this conquest event in about 1050 BC probably involved a relatively small warrior elite.
(There will be some similarities between the DNA of Greek, Anatolians and Cypriots since the evidence tends to suggest all three regions were initially settled (probably in a series of waves) by the same sets of peoples who spread west.
At least some of Baysal's 1992 research suggesting the common genetic history of Greek speaking and Turkish speaking Cypriots (which Oracle claimed was discredited has evidently been confirmed at leat implicitly by Professor Deltas. On a political point that make Cyprus just as much their Island as it dowes that of the Greek speaking Cypriots which is why I find some the facist views of ELAM about the TSC's so unaccepatble.
supporttheunderdog wrote:christosmediter wrote:At least some of Baysal's 1992 research suggesting the common genetic history of Greek speaking and Turkish speaking Cypriots (which Oracle claimed was discredited has evidently been confirmed at leat implicitly by Professor Deltas. On a political point that make Cyprus just as much their Island as it dowes that of the Greek speaking Cypriots which is why I find some the facist views of ELAM about the TSC's so unaccepatble.
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