GreekIslandGirl wrote:bigOz wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Deniz is great. He is a polymath. Unfortunately, his Ottoman genes just won't allow him to see Turks as ordinary human beings.
Ottoman genes? Considering Greece was under Ottoman rule for hundreds of years (also populating their harems with their women), I wonder how much Ottoman genes are in you GIG. If I were you I would not go too far with this genetic history B.S. - you are very likely to end up with a nasty shock (and so will Sotos who definitely sounds like a right S.O.B)

See, you cannot even tolerate the thought you could be "ordinary" human beings. It riled you to see that shortcoming being highlighted and you cannot accept criticism levied to contest your superiority.
I shall have to agree with Sotos on the degree of bastardisation in your "nation". For not only did Greek women throw themselves off cliffs to avoid your "genes" they joined in helping blow you up and get rid of your from as much of the Hellenic territories as time has allowed (more to come). Even before the Ottomans arrived from the East, Greeks were well versed in 'genetics'. It was indeed a practice of the Ottomans to steal children in order to improve their stock and as Sotos points out, you have outbred some of your extreme oriental giveaway features. You have left yourselves the perpetual nomads. No ascertainable territories, such as the 'European genetics map' provides for true nations, available to you. Furthermore, recent genetics backs up the continuity of Greeks, throughout their historical and present territories, and has thrown some interesting results by way of the sudden differences of certain genetic markers which were eliminated during massacres and genocides inflicted by Ottoman conquests (byzantine Greeks of Salagassos being one and the Troodos trait being another).
Let me educate you Herr GIG! First of all "Greeks" are not a race! Their origins are not known! The so called Greek islands and Greek civilisations that existed in the Aegean or Greece were later conveniently called "Greek" people because thay lived where today's Greece exists. The Mionean and Macedonians of the many others that existed may not necessarily agree with being Greeks! They were Mioneans, Macedonian even Mycenians as they were called at the time when the word Greek did not even exist for them. It is like saying "Hitites" of Anatolia are Turkish! The Greeks came into that area from North Europe and there is evidence that they actually destroyed most of these civilisations, assimilating what little was left behind. Even today, Macedonians do not accept being Greeks!
As for your Europen genetic map - what genetics are you talking about? A fucked up, mixed up Europe made up of many ethnicities speaking different languages but copulating with each other like rabbits over many centuries! Is there such a tyhing as pure Greek? All nations bordering the Mediterranean are of mixed blood (especially the sea faring ones). A mixture of North Africans, Italians, Apanish, Greek, Turkish and Arabs! That is why one can never tell the difference between a Turk and a Greek man sitting at a cafe in Europe, because there was even more mixing during Ottoman times.

I agree that original Turks are of Mongoloid race you keep mentioning, but Hey! What is wrong with that? So are the Chinese an many others in Far East. Remember civilisations were far more advanced and appeared much earlier in that part of the world (when Europeans were still living in tents and caves probably!) So I would be very proud if I had even one gene belonging to that race!
For your information the races of the world are divided into:
"Most anthropologists recognize 3 or 4 basic races of man in existence today. These races can be further subdivided into as many as 30 subgroups.
Ethnographic division into races from Meyers Konversationslexikon of 1885-90 is listing:
( ... the-world/ )
[*]Caucasian races (Aryans, Hamites, Semites)
[*]Mongolian races (northern Mongolian, Chinese and Indo-Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori,
Micronesian, Eskimo, American Indian),
[*]Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua, “Negrito”, Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese)
So what is Greek? I guess you belong to Hitler's great Aryan race