Me Ed wrote:I don't need a geneticist or a historian to tell me that I am a Cypriot and not a Greek, it's blatantly obvious.
Growing up in a "Greek" bubble (no pun intended) in London, where I was effectively brainwashed by my parents and the Church with constant reminders of "you are Greek, you are Greek, you are Greek", it wasn't until later in life when I went to Greece and met some real Greeks that I realised that I am not actually Greek at all.
We don't look like them, talk like them or smell like them.
We have our own cuisine and music unique to our culture and our autocephalous Church has never been part of the Church of Greece which it predates by around 1,500 years.
People can talk about DNA, but until a thorough scientific study is done, we can only speculate as to what we actually are.
The nearest we have to this is a study which identifies that GCs and TCs are genetically more similar to each other than people from their so called "motherlands".
So one must ask the question, what are these genetic similarities? Are they the genes of the ancient Cypriots that predate any Greek, Turkish or other influence?
For example, the English call themselves Anglo-Saxons, but it has been discovered that the Saxon genes only constitute 5% of their genetic make up.
The reason
you are not Greek is because you are British.