Tangri, why don't you just piss off. Go masturbate your superiority complex somewhere else.
I am not a Kurd, never been. I am a pure blood Turk
*Tengri* wrote:Big idiot!! Stop writing about TÜRKIYE.You are a big looser. (sen ne bicim Türksün be!! Senden olsa olsa vatan haini olur. su logono ba pis adi ingiliz bayragi!!Kimsin sen?!!. )
Hi greeks and cyprus citizens. Big türk is on your sideI know he is not a Real Türk. I know that and you know that.Stop to playing eacother
whatever he says about TÜRKIYE: its a bullshit.He is a fucking looser and have not any identification. He is nobody in this forum.
By the way. Türkiye will not gonna be in EU. We will gonna make TÜRKISH UNION IN THE ALL ASIA AND SIDE OF EUROPA!:) ARABS CAN FOLLOW IF THEY WANT!!
Iran Forever wrote:Listen Pasha the Loser! S-k-m Azerbaycan Republikasini! YASHA IRAN, VAR OL IRAN!
Azerbaycan "Republikasi"=Shimali (Quzey) Azerbaycan Ostani (IRAN)
If you think you can incite our ethnic Azerbaijanis and make them secede and separate from Iran, you are sorely mistaken...And we will continue to help ARMENIA keep Karabakh. ARMENIA is our FRIEND.
Turkey is a loser country...the E.U. doesn't want you...your country was built on stolen Greek, Kurdish and Armenian land. You have nothing of your own, except your language which came from Mongolia.
Iran's Azeri-speaking provinces will remain Iranian...even the Republic of Azerbaijan belonged to Iran before Turkmenchay Treaty.
Your Turdic alliance will not take one centimeter of Iranian land south of the Araz River.
And the issue of our Azerbaijani people has nothing do with you Anatolian Turks...bu movzu size hech dexli yoxdur...ishinize mesghul olun, ve "Guney" Azerbaycan'in istiglalina qarishmayin...dogrudan, size ne? Ayrica, bu mesele sizin memleketinizle ne ilgisi vardir?
Azerbaijanis are the same people who massacred Armenians in Sumgait near Baku, and Ramil Safarov, lieutenant in Azerbaijani army, murdered an innocent Armenian in the most brutal fashion in Budapest, Hungary.
Qehr olsun pan-Turanizmi! Pan-Turkism=toilet ideology
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