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Cyprus scores high in press freedom report

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Postby Piratis » Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:15 pm

I have nothing personal against greeks, but I hate their superiority complex, shauvinism, attitude of being a superbalkan state, and I hate the crimes they have comitted against the people of the Balkans. Of course I am not naive enough to believe that all greeks are evil, and the bulgarians and turks were angels, but still I hold my grudge against the greek state and the extreme nationalism that it promotes amongst its citizens.

bg_turk, it is ridiculous to say all these things against Greece when at the same time you support Turkey that has done 10000 time worst in everything that you said above. If your job here is to accuse Greece then at least drop/hide your support for Turkey otherwise there is absolutely no credit in what you say and one can only laugh at you.
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