you do not need ice to play kockey, you don't even need a puck; there is a famous expression in Canada, known in every neighbourhood across the country, kids say "car!", and even though Municipalities have made By-Laws against it, children play hockey in the street: stopping to move out of the way for the vehicular traffic.
if you want to play hockey, and promote it, just get some sticks, a tennis ball (flat unusable for tennis is best), an four rocks. place two rocks each to signify the goals and start small (one net is ok too), taking over more and more of the street as more players participate, play safe, its fun!
there is a company in Quebec that makes artificial ice (a plastic) quite successfully (although the company is small), it is used in Montreal and in other arenas, gliding on skates is special. balance, poise, and concentration all important, obviously practice makes perfect, but the learning experience is the same from 5 years old to whatever, it is very satisfying, and not as difficult as first perceived, very refreshing whether you're skating in the cold to stay warm or vice versa.
cheers, good luck, and if you dare, try lacrosse (you can play it on a football field), another truly Canadian experience.