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Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby potassium » Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:51 pm

Get Real! wrote:
potassium wrote:The last thing I'd want would be smelling hippies smoking joints wherever I am walking.

I’m proud of you potty! <-- pun not intended! :?

:lol: nice connection.
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:04 pm

georgios100 wrote:Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Btw George, my next door neighbors’ brother-in-law is the chief Cyprus narcotics investigator and spokesman as regularly seen on TV here fervently talking about drug busts etc, and if he comes across your thread he will NOT be amused and you may find that you can never enter Cyprus again!
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:30 pm

Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Btw George, my next door neighbors’ brother-in-law is the chief Cyprus narcotics investigator and spokesman as regularly seen on TV here fervently talking about drug busts etc, and if he comes across your thread he will NOT be amused and you may find that you can never enter Cyprus again!

Tell your fellow intolerant bugger of a neighbour's BiL that he's clearly an over-paid and under-worked pratt (and prob an Apoel supporter)... and get him to come on here... if he has the courage.
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:34 pm

potassium wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
potassium wrote:The last thing I'd want would be smelling hippies smoking joints wherever I am walking.

I’m proud of you potty! <-- pun not intended! :?

:lol: nice connection.

You're both Potty... WTF has it got to with frigging governments what people smoke or drink or eat or shove up their bums...???

What's next from these controlling states and their supporters like K and GR ...??? Banning sex and smoking fags in public places...!!! ...???
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:37 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Btw George, my next door neighbors’ brother-in-law is the chief Cyprus narcotics investigator and spokesman as regularly seen on TV here fervently talking about drug busts etc, and if he comes across your thread he will NOT be amused and you may find that you can never enter Cyprus again!

Tell your fellow intolerant bugger of a neighbour's BiL that he's clearly an over-paid and under-worked pratt (and prob an Apoel supporter)... and get him to come on here... if he has the courage.

I should be in Protaras at his holiday home right now but I turned down the invite because I hate driving the distance, but he’ll be here in about a week for a pending barbie next door and I just might point him in your direction O’ Billus Copernicus! :wink:
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:45 pm

Get Real! wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Btw George, my next door neighbors’ brother-in-law is the chief Cyprus narcotics investigator and spokesman as regularly seen on TV here fervently talking about drug busts etc, and if he comes across your thread he will NOT be amused and you may find that you can never enter Cyprus again!

Tell your fellow intolerant bugger of a neighbour's BiL that he's clearly an over-paid and under-worked pratt (and prob an Apoel supporter)... and get him to come on here... if he has the courage.

I should be in Protaras at his holiday home right now but I turned down the invite because I hate driving the distance, but he’ll be here in about a week for a pending barbie next door and I just might point him in your direction O’ Billus Copernicus! :wink:

Right he is paid enough to afford holiday homes and holidays, whilst most CYs are struggling to find the price of a packet of fags in these difficult times... yes, some of us might know his sort.

... and don't forget to tell him that imo he's a pratt for his views on pot. ... oh and you and Potty and this chap should think about moving to Erdogan's Turkey... you'll all be very happy there under a state that controls lives so well.
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:52 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Btw George, my next door neighbors’ brother-in-law is the chief Cyprus narcotics investigator and spokesman as regularly seen on TV here fervently talking about drug busts etc, and if he comes across your thread he will NOT be amused and you may find that you can never enter Cyprus again!

Tell your fellow intolerant bugger of a neighbour's BiL that he's clearly an over-paid and under-worked pratt (and prob an Apoel supporter)... and get him to come on here... if he has the courage.

I should be in Protaras at his holiday home right now but I turned down the invite because I hate driving the distance, but he’ll be here in about a week for a pending barbie next door and I just might point him in your direction O’ Billus Copernicus! :wink:

Right he is paid enough to afford holiday homes and holidays, whilst most CYs are struggling to find the price of a packet of fags in these difficult times... yes, some of us might know his sort.

... and don't forget to tell him that imo he's a pratt for his views on pot. ... oh and you and Potty and this chap should think about moving to Erdogan's Turkey... you'll all be very happy there under a state that controls lives so well.

O’ Billus! Haven’t all those decades in Blighty taught you yet that: :roll:


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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby georgios100 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Just 2 weeks ago, Uruguay's House of Deputies voted 50 to 46 in favour of a bill to legalize the production, commercialization and distribution of pot.
Uruguay has taken the lead of the inevitable future of popt. ... uguay.html ... galization

CNN medical reporter Dr Sanjay Gupta in favor of marijuana!!!
"Weed" documentary aired by CNN last Sunday. This is a major "move" by CNN. ... 41256.html ... index.html

Excellent news.

For who? :shock: :?

For junkies! :roll:

Bill isn’t telling us the whole story… :?

It’s easy to spot a non Cypriot; they have these liberal western ideas that are incompatible with Cyprus and they are unaware of how resistant we are to this shit.

Non Cypriots...Western ideas... incompatible with Cyprus... what have you been smoking?
I bet most of the forumers would like to see pot legalized except you, a backward hillbilly who does not like western ideas... besides the fact that
all your shop shelves are full of computers/parts which are western ideas! Your cell phone & tablet are western ideas. So is the medication you take every day to stay alive is a western idea and probably 75% of all your possessions are western ideas.

GR, get with the program man and be a Cypriot like me, not a Brit wannabe (westerner).
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby georgios100 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:27 pm

Some more "bad" news for GR...

Map of the US showing US cannabis laws.
   State with legal medical cannabis.
   State with decriminalized cannabis possession laws.*
   State with both medical and decriminalization laws.
   State with legalized cannabis.
Nevada has laws decriminalizing cannabis possession for adults age 21 and over; non-medicinal cannabis possession remains a felony with a minimum one-year and a maximum four-year prison sentence for adults under age 21. Thus, Nevada is not considered to have fully decriminalized marijuana.[1]
Maryland has an active medical marijuana program, but this is really an affirmative defense law rather than an active program. Therefore, it is not included above.[2]
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Re: Legalizing marijuana in Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:45 pm

georgios100 wrote:GR, get with the program man and be a Cypriot like me, not a Brit wannabe (westerner).

Dudes, there’s just nothing Cypriot about most of you lot on this forum! :lol:

All the males here in Cyprus are NG reservists, they’re all into Cypriot football, they all frown upon drugs, they like cigarette/cigar smoking and social drinking, speak Cypriot fluently, like Cypriot barbies and cafeterias, the beach, etc… :wink:

But you guys are just a bunch of American cock-sucking, homo loving, pot smoking, foreign weirdoes! :lol:

Admit it guys… you’ve been gone too long! :?

I dedicate this song to all the pseudoheads… :D

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