georgios100 wrote:Sotos wrote:The use of marijuana in the USA and some other parts of the world is much higher so it makes sense that it will be legalized there first. Eventually it will be legalized in most other parts of the world including Cyprus. I don't think there is any reason for Cyprus to be one of the first countries to legalize it. The last thing we want is for Cyprus to become attractive to drug addicts. Those are not exactly the kind of tourists we need... if we are so desperate for money then we might as well legalize cocaine to attract high class tourists ... we don't need the pot smoking hippies
Hippies?... Hello! This is almost year 2013 my friend! Everyone does pot around here, rich or poor.
A way of life I might say. Cyprus need all kinds of tourists, revenue is revenue, including the backpacked ones.
Given the Cypriot financial mess, every Euro counts.
Come on George ... not "everyone" is doing pot... even there. And here pot use is still much lower. I have friends who tried pot a few times and I also knew people that were obsessed with it. Only the second group would choose a holiday destination based on the laws on marijuana and that is not exactly the kind of people I want to attract in my country. When most others legalize it then we can legalize it too. If we want to be progressive then there are a ton other things we could do instead. For example we could legalize Gay marriages... that could also attract a lot of tourists who would pay for hotels, receptions, parties etc