Get Real! wrote:georgios100 wrote:Diavivasis oplon, anthypoloxoyos, Baroshia (phytorio), Bogazi, 5 mili, tixia ETC
1. What’s a Diavivastis doing on the front line like 5-mili? You shouldn’t be on the front line.
2. What personal weapon were you issued with as a Diavivastis?
3. What was your rank prior to becoming a Anthibolohagos and where did you go to attain it?
4. Why did you take so long to respond to this? You should be able to answer such basic things instantly on the fly.Wher were you?
A 9 year old caught up in Tymbou.
not to ruin this but I am pretty sure diavivastes (those who carry the radios???) are always with a squad.