Viewpoint wrote:Pyro I dont see why such a big deal is being made out of this subject people go where they can get the best medical treatment for their money this can be the UK USA Turkey or South Cyprus.
The point is that you still avoid to admit that both the free medical services as well as the paid private medical services at the occupied are of low quality.
You also missed my point that I personally, as well as many other Kypreoi like me ARE NOT entitled of free medical care at Government hospitals. If we are to follow your logic that would be a discrimination again me, therefore I would need further checks and balances to remedy this "bad" Democracy.
Btw those of us who ARE NOT entitled of free medical care, are the
MAJORITY of the Kypreoi.
Don't get me wrong, Democracy is not a perfect system, but until the time comes that we as humans invent something better, this is the best we can have. Kikapu explained you very well that it surely differs from other forms of "Democracy" like for example the Turkish Erdogan form of Autocracy, or Neo-Sultanism :mrgreen