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No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC!

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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:29 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:More proof that the GCs do not represent the TCs, CASE IS NOW CLOSED.

As long as the TCs are registered RoC passport holders on their own free will, then they will ALWAYS be politically represented by the RoC and the Case has always been Closed on this for a very long time no matter what you say. Just by those calling themselves a TC (who are entitled), it automatically implies that he/she is a citizen of the RoC. I know it's hard for you to swallow the bitter truth, but life can be a bitch for you sometimes. :D

Only time will show the results of this change if in fact it takes place, Im all for treating citizens equally but once you use democracy as a tool to discrminate then I will always oppose it, people have seen fro this examplke that the true democracy and human rights you peddle isnt all its made out to be, the loopholes and pitfalls are clear for all to see.

I can't help that you do not fully comprehend the written English language which I have explained to you many times already, for you to still go on about "democracy and human rights" as being not fair to the TCs who do not live in the RoC's controlled areas. I wish others in wanting to explain to you further, GOOD LUCK!
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:18 am

When a person has been found out, they want to run away and not face the music only natural Kikapooooo.
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:47 am

Viewpoint wrote:When a person has been found out, they want to run away and not face the music only natural Kikapooooo.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, you were found out long time ago as a Annan Plan and Erdogan supporter. This is your idea of "Democracy, Human Rights and Checks & Balances"! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Separation of powers an obstacle, says Erdoğan

KONYA - Hürriyet Daily News

Lambasting the separation of legislature, executive, and judiciary powers as ‘the main obstacle’ in Turkey, PM Erdoğan says the division holds the government back in its bid for launching ‘further services.’ His remarks are seen an obvious reference to his party’s powerful presidential offer.

Prime Minister Erdoğan’s criticism of Turkey’s separation of powers are seen as a clear reference to his party’s offer to create a powerful presidential post.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has described the separation of powers as the government's main obstacle, saying it was preventing them from introducing “further services.” ... sCatID=338
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:31 pm

This has nothing to do with the subject at hand and you obviously have been found out that the "true democracy" you preach can and will be used as is the case here to benefit of certain citizens names those living in the south. As south Cyprus is accountable to the EU if such a law is passed and citizens residing in the north are refused medical on the grounds of where they live and the obstacles put before them due to no fault of their own, then they will have to explain this discrminative action to the EU and the courts in which they will be sued, especially in the case of a death at the door of the GC health service.

Kikapooo as you know I look forward to this law as it will only serve as another wedge between the north and south and reconfirm to people how GCs should never be trusted, it can be used to prove to the world that the GCs do not represent the TCs in any shape or form and the recognition of the TCs as the TRNc is the best policy in the fact of GC discrmination.

If the EU is worth anything it will slap the GCs in the face and force them to provide the same healthcare options to all the citizens shes claims to represent without discrimating on residency. Whats so undemocratic about this?
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Maximus » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:06 pm

Viewpoint wrote:This has nothing to do with the subject at hand and you obviously have been found out that the "true democracy" you preach can and will be used as is the case here to benefit of certain citizens names those living in the south. As south Cyprus is accountable to the EU if such a law is passed and citizens residing in the north are refused medical on the grounds of where they live and the obstacles put before them due to no fault of their own, then they will have to explain this discrminative action to the EU and the courts in which they will be sued, especially in the case of a death at the door of the GC health service.

Kikapooo as you know I look forward to this law as it will only serve as another wedge between the north and south and reconfirm to people how GCs should never be trusted, it can be used to prove to the world that the GCs do not represent the TCs in any shape or form and the recognition of the TCs as the TRNc is the best policy in the fact of GC discrmination.

If the EU is worth anything it will slap the GCs in the face and force them to provide the same healthcare options to all the citizens shes claims to represent without discrimating on residency. Whats so undemocratic about this?

why is it always someone elses fault that your Turkishness has serious shortcomings and noone recognises the logic in what you are saying? Your understanding of the world in which you live is not 'proper'. what you are saying is just not right, you are just regurgetating words, its a word salad.

Just because you can make up a string of sentences, this does not mean that it will make any sense to others that are reading them.
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:20 pm

Viewpoint wrote:This has nothing to do with the subject at hand and you obviously have been found out that the "true democracy" you preach can and will be used as is the case here to benefit of certain citizens names those living in the south. As south Cyprus is accountable to the EU if such a law is passed and citizens residing in the north are refused medical on the grounds of where they live and the obstacles put before them due to no fault of their own, then they will have to explain this discrminative action to the EU and the courts in which they will be sued, especially in the case of a death at the door of the GC health service.

Kikapooo as you know I look forward to this law as it will only serve as another wedge between the north and south and reconfirm to people how GCs should never be trusted, it can be used to prove to the world that the GCs do not represent the TCs in any shape or form and the recognition of the TCs as the TRNc is the best policy in the fact of GC discrmination.

If the EU is worth anything it will slap the GCs in the face and force them to provide the same healthcare options to all the citizens shes claims to represent without discrimating on residency. Whats so undemocratic about this?

Answer this question if you can. Will this law ONLY benefit the GCs over the TCs who are living in the RoC (south) as communities? If the answer is a YES (explain how), then your claim of discrimination will be valid, but if the answer is a NO, then you don't know what the hell you are talking about, other than making some cheap propaganda that no one is supporting you, even Halil.

So what you are saying is, All Cypriots living in every corner of the world should be able to come to Cyprus for free healthcare and then leave and go back to where they came from without paying a penny into the system through taxes, just because the RoC represents them politically. Really, is this what happens in other EU countries?

So, will you accept that nothing was done in a discriminatory way by the RoC when the EU does not find the RoC at fault should this law comes into effect, or will you once again blame the EU for being against the "trnc", the TCs and Turkey?
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Maximus » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:22 pm

Viewpoint wrote: If the EU is worth anything it will slap the GCs in the face and force them to provide the same healthcare options to all the citizens shes claims to represent without discrimating on residency. Whats so undemocratic about this?

If Turkey was worth anything it will slap the TCs in the face and force them to provide the same healthcare options to all the citizens shes claims to represent without discrimating on residency. Whats so undemocratic about this?
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:39 pm

B25 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Why do you think the GCs have had to provide free healthcare? its because all TCs are considered to be earning below the poverty line, a decision taken by the south to show they also cater for a community they claim to represent and who have citizenship.

How ironic you yourself have fallen into the trap by exposing how your true democracy and human rights can easily be manipulated to the benefit of certain people who live in specific areas of the island, now you are trying to backtrack and save face.

As for the standard of healthcare in the south compared to the north we also have GCs crossing to the north for healthcare albeit not free at our Near East Hospital, this proves the families who need medical care will go where ever they can get the best treatment for the best price according to their financial means. No doubt there are some great doctors in the south just as there are in the USA UK or Turkey but when you add to this free its a no contest decision. Now do you get it?

VP please stop it. RoC had absolutely no obligation to provide anything to the Kibrislis, who live in the occupied. They did this at a time we had enough money to show some support for you and our good will. Now things have changed, there are no money most government allowances have been cut off to the Cypriots who live here and pay taxes.At the moment they only apply a small visiting fee at Government hospitals, about 10 Euros, the medicines and the medical care that costs thousands still remains free.
HOWEVER there is a new law proposal that I am absolutely certain will p[ass either this month or next February after the elections that says
that In order to be eligible for free medical care at the Government hospitals

a)You must have paid social insurance for the past 3 years
b)You must have submitted income tax forms for the the same period
c)Your income must not exceed a certain value.

In short all Kibrislis who live in the occupied will be out, same with foreign workers who live here for less than 3 years, same with the Kypreoi who don't pay their taxes.

Yep this is how Democracy works. And this is how it should.

So what you are saying is that "RoC" citizens that reside in the North and have always resided there who cannot pay taxes direct to the "RoC", live below the poverty line cannot benefit from healthcare in the south paid or free?

Do you know expats in the UK who live in the TRNC can benefit from free healthcare in the UK?

Sounds like the "RoC" will be paying a lot more for expenisve court cases and compensation when they are sued for discrimination on the basis of residency, although they claim to represent the whole island benefiting accordingly.

Interesting times ahead, all we need is one death of a TC at the hands of the "true democratic" health system in the south and the reprecussions that follow...way to go "RoC".

I don't think that is entirely true.

I know someone who is a TC living in the north and is also British citizen. She came to London to have her child there, but was asked to pay £3,500 pounds towards the cost, and when she said, "but last time you did not charge me anything", she was then told "OK, that would now cost you £7,000 pounds". She was literally on the next flight back to the north before the date she could not fly due to her pregnancy. Can you explain this to me?

Yes, just the story of another TC parasite trying to suck from another payer, until she was told to FO. Then she went back to you shit hole to have the little brat. Whats new, thanks for confirming the parasitic nature of your people. :lol: :lol:

You insult even Kikapu :oops: :evil:
"YOUR" shithole???? Since when?
A little "brat"? The Kibrislis are "brat"????
If I were a Kibrisli I wouldn't participate to this forum with so many direct and personal insults against me...
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:48 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
B25 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
I don't think that is entirely true.

I know someone who is a TC living in the north and is also British citizen. She came to London to have her child there, but was asked to pay £3,500 pounds towards the cost, and when she said, "but last time you did not charge me anything", she was then told "OK, that would now cost you £7,000 pounds". She was literally on the next flight back to the north before the date she could not fly due to her pregnancy. Can you explain this to me?

Yes, just the story of another TC parasite trying to suck from another payer, until she was told to FO. Then she went back to you shit hole to have the little brat. Whats new, thanks for confirming the parasitic nature of your people. :lol: :lol:

You insult even Kikapu :oops: :evil:
"YOUR" shithole???? Since when?
A little "brat"? The Kibrislis are "brat"????
If I were a Kibrisli I wouldn't participate to this forum with so many direct and personal insults against me...

Actually Pyro, this person did not go to the UK to save money since she could have had her baby in the north for free. It had more to do with giving the child "born in the UK status" that would secure the new baby's future children's rights to remain British, should the new baby marry anyone who is not British. It has to do with the maximum 3rd generation status for those who has gotten their British citizenship through naturalisation. I can explain more if anyone is interested.
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Re: No more free health services to TCs of "trnc" in the RoC

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:18 pm

Maximus wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: If the EU is worth anything it will slap the GCs in the face and force them to provide the same healthcare options to all the citizens shes claims to represent without discrimating on residency. Whats so undemocratic about this?

If Turkey was worth anything it will slap the TCs in the face and force them to provide the same healthcare options to all the citizens shes claims to represent without discrimating on residency. Whats so undemocratic about this?

She does you moron.
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