supporttheunderdog wrote:but people who are over the limit are law breakers....
supporttheunderdog wrote: the law is an ass.
supporttheunderdog wrote:but people who are over the limit are law breakers....
supporttheunderdog wrote: the law is an ass.
supporttheunderdog wrote:yers, an ass, occasionally obstinate, but not stupid,
FragnaticDeath wrote:Cyprusgrump all I see from your posts is you moaning about being able to drink and drive. Alcohol might not affect you the same way it affects other people.
Learn what is right or wrong. When one day your child gets run over by a drunk driver then don't complain just say at his coffin "Forgive him son he was only trying to have fun with his alcohol and his friends".
But I do agree with you even taking pills that might affect your driving is wrong, but at the end of the day it comes to the moral values of the driver to see what's right or wrong.
FragnaticDeath wrote:Cyprusgrump all I see from your posts is you moaning about being able to drink and drive. Alcohol might not affect you the same way it affects other people.
Learn what is right or wrong. When one day your child gets run over by a drunk driver then don't complain just say at his coffin "Forgive him son he was only trying to have fun with his alcohol and his friends".
But I do agree with you even taking pills that might affect your driving is wrong, but at the end of the day it comes to the moral values of the driver to see what's right or wrong.
supporttheunderdog wrote:Yes there are many who even sober are a hazard to other road users, and no one should drive while impaired by drink, drugs, (illegal or legal), of which alcohol is one, by state of health or tiredness - there was the tragic case in the UK of Rail crash in the UK where a sleep deprived driver rolled of the road onto the railway, the subsequent events causing 10 deaths.
everyone should assess their condition to drive before they set off: unfortanately because alcohol is a mind altering drug which affects perception, someone who has had modest amounts of Alcohol is not capable of judging their own ability: they may think they are safe but are not: see for example (which is but one of many such studies)
And its not about the nanny state telling people what to think, it is about the state providing protection for the public against poeple who are probably unsafe to drive but who do not know it, because of consumption of even small amounts of Alcohol (two or three drinks) . Grump you might think you are safe, but quite possibly you are not thinking right.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Alcohol effects everyone in the same way. The only ones who think they are immune from its effects are alcoholics.
But, detoxifying your body of alcohol varies from person to person (some faster than others; cf, Europeans and Asians). But this fact alone does not exempt anyone from drinking and then getting into a car as a driver! It takes a long time (hours at least) for the dehydrating effects on the brain to diminish and, until then, your reaction time will be slowed and your risk assessment severely off kilter not to mention your hand-eye coordination tempered.
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