Get Real! wrote:The Xerox GUI from 1973... ... cument.jpg
I must say, this looks fantastic for its day but what Apple and Ms came up with afterwards looked like a fucking joke!

Get Real! wrote:The Xerox GUI from 1973... ... cument.jpg
Sotos wrote:iPhone doesn't have "higher sales" than Windows or Office.
For Microsoft to collapse people need to have an alternative to switch to. Currently there isn't any real competition to Windows so even if a Windows version is a flop most people just skip that version and upgrade with the next one...they don't buy an iMac.
Demonax wrote:Actually plenty of Microsoft consumers are planning to switch to Apple products. 42 per cent of Windows users in fact:
Microsoft's other problem is for how long they can stick to their model of locking in and screwing companies:
Once you start using Google Docs and the related suites, you have no need for Office.
Get Real! wrote:Avast did a survey?
Anyone stupid enough to rely on a online office suite shouldn’t own a computer in the first place!
Demonmax, quit posting bollocks please because I've been in this industry since 1989 so I have seen myriads of Ms haters proven wrong and left behind!
Demonax wrote:Have you never heard of Microsoft Office 365? A cloud based version of Office? Do you not know that Office will be transitioning into a cloud service with the newest version of the software suite, Office 15? You really need to catch up. Do you think Microsoft is unaware of the threat from Google Drive and Google Docs? Have you not heard of Skydrive?
This isn't 1989, Get Real. The PC industry is changing. Why do you think Microsoft is trying to shoehorn a mobile operating system on to desktop machines? Why has Microsoft decided to compete with the manufacturers that have been its partners since the dawn of the PC era? They know the direction the PC industry is heading.
When it comes to mobile computing, Apple owns the lion’s share of revenue and profits.
Demonax wrote:This isn't 1989, Get Real. The PC industry is changing.
Get Real! wrote:The (now old and very boring) notion that nobody will be installing software in the future because everything will be on the Internet is BOLLOCKS magazine material for idiots like you.
A mobile operating system on desktop machines? What the fuck are you talking about?
Look, fuck your mobile computing
Get Real! wrote:Demonax wrote:This isn't 1989, Get Real. The PC industry is changing.
And btw Dr bullshit, absolutely NOTHING has changed from 1989!
I had a PC with a screen, keyboard, mouse, and printer just like I have today and I was using an office suite, playing games, programming, and drawing, just as I do today, and 20 years from now my needs will be the same.
Microsoft sells 40 million Windows 8 licenses
By Rick Whiting, on Nov 28, 2012 12:36 PM (5 hours ago)
Microsoft has sold 40 million Windows 8 licenses since the new release of the company's flagship operating system software became available just over one month ago.
The Windows 8 sales numbers are the first Microsoft has disclosed since the product began shipping on Oct. 25.
Microsoft did not break down the sales numbers to say how many of the 40 million copies of Windows 8 have been sold with new PCs and laptop computers and how many have been sold as upgrades for older Windows releases. The blog did say that Windows 8 sales are "outpacing Windows 7 in terms of upgrades."
Microsoft also did not disclose sales numbers for its Surface tablet, which also went on sale on Oct. 25. That device runs on Windows RT, a version of Windows specifically developed to run on ARM-based devices.,microsoft-sells-40-million-windows-8-licenses.aspx
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