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Microsoft Has Failed

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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:The Xerox GUI from 1973... ... cument.jpg

I must say, this looks fantastic for its day but what Apple and Ms came up with afterwards looked like a fucking joke! :lol:
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Demonax » Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:25 pm

Sotos wrote:iPhone doesn't have "higher sales" than Windows or Office.

It’s revenues we are talking about here, Sotos. Today, the iPhone brings in more revenue than the entirety of Microsoft. More than Windows, Office, Xbox, Bing, Windows Phone, and every other product that Microsoft has created since 1975. In the quarter ended March 31, 2012, iPhone had sales of $22.7 billion; Microsoft Corporation, $17.4 billion.

In fact, Apple made more money than Microsoft, eBay, Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, and Amazon combined! Apple just recently wrapped up its fiscal year 2012 with a record profit of $41.7 billion and $156.5 billion in revenue. In comparison, the six companies mentioned above combined for a total profit of $34.4 billion. Furthermore, Dell, Intel, Acer, ASUS, IBM, HP, and Lenovo — nearly the entire PC industry — profited a total of only $19.4 billion combined. They make this money on a simple principle. Premium prices for premium products. In other words, people know they are getting what they pay for.

For Microsoft to collapse people need to have an alternative to switch to. Currently there isn't any real competition to Windows so even if a Windows version is a flop most people just skip that version and upgrade with the next one...they don't buy an iMac.

Actually plenty of Microsoft consumers are planning to switch to Apple products. 42 per cent of Windows users in fact: ... le-2012-11

Microsoft's other problem is for how long they can stick to their model of locking in and screwing companies:

The problem is that if you are locked in with a choice of 100% Microsoft or 0% Microsoft, once someone goes, it isn’t a baby step, they are gone. Once you start using Google Docs and the related suites, you have no need for Office. That means you, or likely your company, saves several hundred dollars a head. No need for Office means no need for Exchange. No need for Exchange means no need for Windows Server. No need for Office means no need for Windows. Once the snowball starts rolling, it picks up speed at a frightening pace. And that is where we are. The barriers to exit are now even more potent barriers to entry.
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:04 pm

Demonax wrote:Actually plenty of Microsoft consumers are planning to switch to Apple products. 42 per cent of Windows users in fact:

Avast did a survey? :lol:

Microsoft's other problem is for how long they can stick to their model of locking in and screwing companies:

In what way? :?

Once you start using Google Docs and the related suites, you have no need for Office.

:lol: Anyone stupid enough to rely on a online office suite shouldn’t own a computer in the first place!

Demonmax, quit posting bollocks please because I've been in this industry since 1989 so I have seen myriads of Ms haters proven wrong and left behind!
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Demonax » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:Avast did a survey?

If this number of potential switchers is even close to true, Mac and iPad sales are going to continue to grow which is good news for Apple.

:lol: Anyone stupid enough to rely on a online office suite shouldn’t own a computer in the first place!

Have you never heard of Microsoft Office 365? A cloud based version of Office? Do you not know that Office will be transitioning into a cloud service with the newest version of the software suite, Office 15? You really need to catch up. Do you think Microsoft is unaware of the threat from Google Drive and Google Docs? Have you not heard of Skydrive? See Microsoft Hits Back as Google Muscles In

Demonmax, quit posting bollocks please because I've been in this industry since 1989 so I have seen myriads of Ms haters proven wrong and left behind!

This isn't 1989, Get Real. The PC industry is changing. Why do you think Microsoft is trying to shoehorn a mobile operating system on to desktop machines? Why has Microsoft decided to compete with the manufacturers that have been its partners since the dawn of the PC era? They know the direction the PC industry is heading.

When it comes to mobile computing, Apple owns the lion’s share of revenue and profits. No other manufacturer is close, and Microsoft is far, far down the list. Microsoft is not the only company falling into the gravitational field of Apple's massive success. Does anyone think Google planned to purchase Motorola a year before they did? Why would HP, the biggest PC maker with the most at stake, essentially write-off the future of that enterprise, barely a year after the first iPad came out? Tell me, who's wagging who in the tech world? :roll:
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:17 am

Demonax wrote:Have you never heard of Microsoft Office 365? A cloud based version of Office? Do you not know that Office will be transitioning into a cloud service with the newest version of the software suite, Office 15? You really need to catch up. Do you think Microsoft is unaware of the threat from Google Drive and Google Docs? Have you not heard of Skydrive?

The (now old and very boring) notion that nobody will be installing software in the future because everything will be on the Internet is BOLLOCKS magazine material for idiots like you.

This isn't 1989, Get Real. The PC industry is changing. Why do you think Microsoft is trying to shoehorn a mobile operating system on to desktop machines? Why has Microsoft decided to compete with the manufacturers that have been its partners since the dawn of the PC era? They know the direction the PC industry is heading.

A mobile operating system on desktop machines? :lol: What the fuck are you talking about??? Quit imagining baloney and serving it as fact!

When it comes to mobile computing, Apple owns the lion’s share of revenue and profits.

Look, fuck your mobile computing, fuck your gay Apple crap, but most importantly fuck you and the horseshit you post that you read from gay magazines!

If you’re not in the industry (and I’m pretty sure you’re not) you don’t know jackshit and I don’t want to hear your crystal ball bollocks anymore!
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:52 am

Demonax wrote:This isn't 1989, Get Real. The PC industry is changing.

And btw Dr bullshit, absolutely NOTHING has changed from 1989!

I had a PC with a screen, keyboard, mouse, and printer just like I have today and I was using an office suite, playing games, programming, and drawing, just as I do today, and 20 years from now my needs will be the same.

In fact the only change is what I see on the screen which has gotten prettier and that's it!
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Demonax » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:12 am

Get Real! wrote:The (now old and very boring) notion that nobody will be installing software in the future because everything will be on the Internet is BOLLOCKS magazine material for idiots like you.

What have Cloud services got to do with 'nobody installing software in the future’? It's about accessing documents on multiple devices, you idiot. You know like desktops, tablets and smartphones. Is that too much for your dinosaur brain to take in all at once? :roll:

A mobile operating system on desktop machines? What the fuck are you talking about?

You really don't know the answer to that, do you? :roll:

Look, fuck your mobile computing

No, I didn't think so. :roll:
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Demonax » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:09 am

Get Real! wrote:
Demonax wrote:This isn't 1989, Get Real. The PC industry is changing.

And btw Dr bullshit, absolutely NOTHING has changed from 1989!

I had a PC with a screen, keyboard, mouse, and printer just like I have today and I was using an office suite, playing games, programming, and drawing, just as I do today, and 20 years from now my needs will be the same.

That is all very touching. But twenty years ago I had no idea that I would be able to do most of these things on a beautiful, powerful thin device that would fit in one hand and I could take anywhere with me. Or that I wouldn't need an external keyboard or a mouse but could interact with a computer interface via a 10 inch display with my fingers and which would actually be an elegant and satisfying computer experience. Or that Apple would design something as stunning as a Macbook Air...

I can write, play games, program, draw, paint, surf, email and a ton of other things without the need for a desktop PC or a mouse. I can't even begin to think what computing will be like in 20 years time. Or what innovations are around the corner. But the desktop PC as we know it almost certainly will have evolved into something else. Like landfill...
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:00 am

Problem is… any thinner and it’s gonna snap and any smaller and it better come with a magnifying glass so it looks like the end of the road for the thin brigade!

So what now?

Are computers any faster? Nope, because ever more bloated software always ensure that any hardware speed gains go to waste!

Are we more productive than we were 20 years ago? Bollocks! We’re wasting so much time on the net that we’d be lucky to get 50% done of what we were accomplishing then.

And as for the “sleekness” of the junk they design these days… to me Apple products look more like tampon dispensers! :roll:

This fucking industry has gone so fucking gay that it’s getting embarrassing working in it!
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Re: Microsoft Has Failed

Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:19 am

yes definetely microsoft has failed....

Microsoft sells 40 million Windows 8 licenses

By Rick Whiting, on Nov 28, 2012 12:36 PM (5 hours ago)
Microsoft has sold 40 million Windows 8 licenses since the new release of the company's flagship operating system software became available just over one month ago.

The Windows 8 sales numbers are the first Microsoft has disclosed since the product began shipping on Oct. 25.

Microsoft did not break down the sales numbers to say how many of the 40 million copies of Windows 8 have been sold with new PCs and laptop computers and how many have been sold as upgrades for older Windows releases. The blog did say that Windows 8 sales are "outpacing Windows 7 in terms of upgrades."

Microsoft also did not disclose sales numbers for its Surface tablet, which also went on sale on Oct. 25. That device runs on Windows RT, a version of Windows specifically developed to run on ARM-based devices.,microsoft-sells-40-million-windows-8-licenses.aspx
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