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Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:Just remember Zoc that evolution leads to nihilism whereas God leads to afterlife.

So choose carefully what you want things to be… a depressing dead end or a bright future?

And btw, we cannot evaluate God with earthly science but with a yet unknown celestial science.

I tend to share your view that Christianity is a man made invention - indeed probabaly principally that of Saul of Tarsus, but whether any sort of science will ever find a way to evaluate any god and prove or disprove the existence of an after life is a debatable point, bearing in mind science has yet to either prove or disprove the existence of god.
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby Piratis » Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:15 pm

potassium wrote:Speaking as a student, this has been bothering me a lot these past years since I decided to become an atheist.

To begin with, Cyprus claims to be a "multi-cultural" country but the religion class is mandatory. Usually in other European countries, like Sweden, you can choose which religion to study or if you don't believe in any you can pick the philosophy class (not sure).

This situation reminds me of a 3rd world dictatorship religious country which tries to shove down religion into kids throats so they can believe what the system wants them to believe. As far as I know, Cyprus is a 1st world country and a so called "democracy". This is not acceptable, if we want the other EU countries to consider us as an EU country we should act like one.

Schools were supposed to teach kids how to think, not what to think.

Does anyone know if there are any future plans about this issue?

Cyprus is a 1st World Country, but it hasn't been for long. Cyprus was a poor colony until just 52 years ago, and until then the Church provided the leadership and the education, especially during the Ottoman rule. So you really can't expect Cyprus to be like Sweden.

Cyprus is definitely nothing like a "3rd world dictatorship religious country". There are several other EU countries which are at least as bad as Cyprus when it comes to religion, like Poland and Malta, and while other countries might be a bit more progressive in this respect they are less so in other things, like for example still having Kings, Queens and Lords, which is equally ridiculous for the 21st century.

If you can, do what I did and go against the system. I challenged their nonsense during the religion class, and I refused to do any religious related activities. They gave me low grades in the religion courses but they didn't dare to give me below the base as I made it clear to them that I would create problems to them and to the system if they dared to do so. It should be much easier for you to do the same today that Cyprus is in EU.
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby Piratis » Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:26 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
potassium wrote: .... since I decided to become an atheist.

I don't think you can "decide" to become an atheist unless you somehow think it's a fashion accessory.

Otherwise, as far as teaching of religion goes - my own son goes to a very expensive British school which is independent and not Church associated in any way but he still has to study "Religious Education" even if he doesn't want to sit the exam at the end.

He is an atheist; but unlike you he finds the philosophical debates in our religious history very stimulating and has a big enough brain that he can contain his own preferences and a bigger picture quite happily.

May I suggest you open up ... :D

(I wouldn't use Swedes as an example in cognitive studies. I have found them to be profoundly deficient. :wink: )

Somebody who "decides" to become atheist is somebody who used his own brain to come to logical conclusions and this shows that he has "big enough brain". Those who are atheists because this is the way they were brought up are not necessarily more intelligent than average.
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby Piratis » Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:48 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Just remember Zoc that evolution leads to nihilism whereas God leads to afterlife.

So choose carefully what you want things to be… a depressing dead end or a bright future?

And btw, we cannot evaluate God with earthly science but with a yet unknown celestial science.

I tend to share your view that Christianity is a man made invention - indeed probabaly principally that of Saul of Tarsus, but whether any sort of science will ever find a way to evaluate any god and prove or disprove the existence of an after life is a debatable point, bearing in mind science has yet to either prove or disprove the existence of god.

"God" is a man made invention. Even if a "God" existed humans are not in the position to know anything about it, let alone to know that this "God" actually gives a fuck about humans. Paraphrasing what GR said: "So choose carefully what you want to imagine things to be… a depressing dead end or a bright future?". Obviously it feels better to imagine a "bright future" than a "dead end" . Personally I fully understand those who want to imagine that a caring God exists. It might not make any sense whatsoever, but being happy is more important than being right or sensible, and if the "dead end" makes you depressed, then by all means believe in whatever fairy tale makes you feel better.

For me an "after life" should be the same as the "before life". The Universe existed for at least several billion years but we exist for just some decades. Where have we been in the billions of years before we were created? Nowhere. How did we feel in those billions of years? Nothing. That is how "before life" was, and I believe that this is how "after life" will be as well. If this sounds too depressive to you then stick to your Gods and ignore everything I said without even trying to think about it.
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:17 pm

Piratis wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Just remember Zoc that evolution leads to nihilism whereas God leads to afterlife.

So choose carefully what you want things to be… a depressing dead end or a bright future?

And btw, we cannot evaluate God with earthly science but with a yet unknown celestial science.

I tend to share your view that Christianity is a man made invention - indeed probabaly principally that of Saul of Tarsus, but whether any sort of science will ever find a way to evaluate any god and prove or disprove the existence of an after life is a debatable point, bearing in mind science has yet to either prove or disprove the existence of god.

"God" is a man made invention. Even if a "God" existed humans are not in the position to know anything about it, let alone to know that this "God" actually gives a fuck about humans. Paraphrasing what GR said: "So choose carefully what you want to imagine things to be… a depressing dead end or a bright future?". Obviously it feels better to imagine a "bright future" than a "dead end" . Personally I fully understand those who want to imagine that a caring God exists. It might not make any sense whatsoever, but being happy is more important than being right or sensible, and if the "dead end" makes you depressed, then by all means believe in whatever fairy tale makes you feel better.

For me an "after life" should be the same as the "before life". The Universe existed for at least several billion years but we exist for just some decades. Where have we been in the billions of years before we were created? Nowhere. How did we feel in those billions of years? Nothing. That is how "before life" was, and I believe that this is how "after life" will be as well. If this sounds too depressive to you then stick to your Gods and ignore everything I said without even trying to think about it.

I think you’re suffering from nihilistic depression! :lol:
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:38 pm

Think our GR is suffering from delusions of ever-lasting life... :lol:
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby ZoC » Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:17 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Just remember Zoc that evolution leads to nihilism whereas God leads to afterlife.

So choose carefully what you want things to be… a depressing dead end or a bright future?

And btw, we cannot evaluate God with earthly science but with a yet unknown celestial science.

I tend to share your view that Christianity is a man made invention - indeed probabaly principally that of Saul of Tarsus, but whether any sort of science will ever find a way to evaluate any god and prove or disprove the existence of an after life is a debatable point, bearing in mind science has yet to either prove or disprove the existence of god.

i don't think that's gr's view.... i think this is gr's view:

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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:43 pm

ZoC wrote:i don't think that's gr's view.... i think this is gr's view:


:shock: I demand Admin removes my photo from this thread immediately!!! :evil:
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:45 pm

No matter how hard we try, can any of us really picture GR as an Angel...? :D
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Re: Cypriot Educational System: Mandatory Religion Class?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:54 pm

bill cobbett wrote:No matter how hard we try, can any of us really picture GR as an Angel...? :D

Funnily enough... I can! :lol:
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