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Hippopotomized Humanity.

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Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:58 pm

As difficult as it is to make communications from the location I am currently in, I do find myself able to glance at the subjects under discussion on 'Forum' when I visit 'Yangon' where I am (occasionally), able to avail myself of such facilities that are taken for granted by most of us.

The use of 'Telephones' and 'Computers' is particularly restricted further inland and as such, my periods of isolation rather more frequent and lengthier of late.

Strangely enough, I do not feel 'Isolated' since the folk I am currently among seem to possess a 'Mindset' which actually benefits from 'Isolation' and I am sure that their influence is beneficial to my own well-being.

Disregarding the fact that there is much turmoil in the region and that (as usual) it is all associated with (or sourced from) 'Political and Militaristic' dogma, the folk and attending 'Mindset' which I allude to, present an absolute defence to whatever pressures those aforementioned 'Powers' seek to impose upon them simply because they regard such 'Powers' as 'Contaminants' and therefore ignore them (much to the distress of the said 'Powers').

In retaliation to the fact that they are being ignored, the 'Powers' embark upon a campaign of persecution, they hold forth the suggestion that these gentle folk present a great threat to the 'Peace and Stability' of any 'Society' in which they may be found, completely overlooking the fact that the 'Society' which they accuse of such disruption, IS one of perfect 'Peace and Harmony' YET, such is the effectiveness of the 'Lies' and 'Distortions' spread by those 'Powers', the vast majority of those who do not 'Ignore', readily accept that there must be justification in such accusations and thus, the 'Guns' of the aggressor begin to speak their truth.

Which brings me to the point where the expression 'Hippopotomizing Humanity' might well be a suitable one to describe the process IF one studies the 'Life Style' of the 'Hippopotamus' and is prepared to make certain comparisons.

At 'Birth', the 'Hippopotamus' is introduced into an environment of 'Filth and Stench' (as WE perceive it to be) it defecates in the water and mud it lives in, it reproduces and carries out ALL it's functions and spends it's entire lifetime in such an environment, the ONLY time it leaves it's surroundings is when it ventures forth to feed upon the grass which sustains it, the 'Bull' (or leader of the 'Pod') dictates policy and the community over which he presides, lives within the confines of their own (mostly harmonious) surroundings and, in accordance with the 'Protocol of the Hippo', any invitation to join the 'Wallowing' enjoyed by others, is probably met with gratitude by the invited 'Guest'.

Unfortunately, among 'Humans', the 'Opposite' is very often (or mostly) the reason for inviting a fellow 'Human' to join them when their lives suffer a decline, it would appear that the one who is beset by misfortune and misery, actively encourages others to join them in their 'Quagmire' and, strangely enough, the 'Invited One' invariably succumbs to the 'Invitation' with the result that 'Western Society' is now in the 'State of Confusion' that the population is expected to enjoy, furthermore, an overwhelming majority of the population are now actually in favour of dwelling in the 'Quagmire' (which the more discerning among us can see quite plainly) even to the extent that they are prepared to risk their lives to impose on others, the same injustices that 'Lies and Deception' has so blighted their own lives.

Sorry Folks, time has run out and I must leave in a few minutes, hope all is well with you.

God Bless.........................Schnauzer. X :wink:
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby B25 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:10 pm

Nice to hear from you my friend, take care where ever you are.
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:25 pm

Thank you for your kind words and concern B25, Best Wishes to you also.

Further to the foregoing, I was leading to the 'Natural Comparisons' between 'Hippo and Humanity' and I
suggest that a little time thinking about them might be time well spent.

For as much as we humans may consider the habits and habitat of the 'Hippo' disgusting, they ARE quite in
keeping with their true 'Nature' and therefore could be considered superior since 'Humanity' seemingly
possesses very few attributes which one could ascribe to a true 'Nature', a 'Bold Statement' perhaps BUT,
unless one is prepared to accept that the capacity to 'Murder', 'Hate', 'Lie', 'Cheat', 'Rob' 'Blaspheme' (and a
host of other negative tendencies) IS the true 'Nature' of 'Humanity', the 'Bold Statement' does warrant
consideration (imho).

There are innumerable 'Tribes' or other remote 'Pockets of Humanity' on the face of the earth, some MAY be
still quite unknown to us despite the advancement of 'Technology' and it is worth considering how THEY
might view OUR 'Natures'.

Devoid of contact with what such 'Tribes-people' may have seen of OUR behaviour on the planet, it may well
be said that they too are 'Superior' in terms of their interaction with 'Nature', perhaps they should be envied
for their ability to survive without the trappings of 'Technology' which so dictates our daily lives.

Even the practise of 'Cannibalism' could be viewed as closer to a 'Natural Instinct' than the persistent
slaughter of one's fellow man in order to deprive him of his goods, at the very least, it may be more
acceptable (in 'Nature') to be eaten by one's enemies rather than be blown to smithereens at the behest of
those who seek to conduct themselves 'Unnaturally' in their quests for the domination of others.

I am currently among practising 'Buddhists' and I would immediately suggest that such folk should NOT be
viewed with the same scepticism as so many others (of various beliefs and traditions) deserve to be, it may
well be that 'Buddhists' are among the closest examples to 'Natural Humans' upon the face of the earth in
terms of how they perceive AND practise the 'Natural' obligations to their daily lives, albeit that their quest
towards perfection was necessarily an 'Invented Route' and is often criticised (even ridiculed) because of it.

There are those who advocate 'Sky Burials', a practise which serves it's purpose to those who live in regions
where there is scant vegetation and therefore renders 'Cremation' impracticable due to the lack of trees,
those who know of their 'Fate' upon expiry, actually embrace the notion that their bodies will serve to sustain
the lives of the 'Vultures' (etc) that will consume their remains, a 'Final Act' of contribution to the 'Natural'
order of transition between 'Life' and 'Death' with the added bonus to the 'Deceased' that the final action will
be one of 'Giving' and as such is regarded as a good 'Karma'.

Such 'Sky Burials' (as they are called) also serve to prevent the spread of disease and is viewed (by those
who believe in such practises) as the next stage of 'Human Existence'.

Thus, as WE look forward to the 'Festivities' which no doubt await the vast majority of us over the 'Season
of Good Will' (to ALL Mankind), perhaps a few moments spent considering how many 'Innocent' young children
(and others) will perish as a result of OUR habitual attempts to stamp OUR perceptions of 'Nature' upon those
who have done little to justify the punishment they will receive, perhaps the 'Hippopotamus' IS superior to
'Humanity',after all, it knows nothing better than to act in accordance with that which 'Nature' decrees.

The ONLY possible excuse for 'Humanity' is that it is truly deep in the 'Shit', but doesn't realize it !. (imho) :wink:
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:43 am

For as much as we humans may consider the habits and habitat of the 'Hippo' disgusting, they ARE quite in
keeping with their true 'Nature' and therefore could be considered superior since 'Humanity' seemingly
possesses very few attributes which one could ascribe to a true 'Nature',

an intersting video Schnauzer, which may relate to your we come out of deep shit and the extremes one has to go through, to come out of deep shit. Greeks might be the ones showing the world the way again.

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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:50 am

Thank you for drawing attention to this video (wyoming cowboy) and how sad it is that the overall inference of it's content seems to suggest that 'Every Man for Himself' is the solution to the problems foisted upon the people of Greece (and elsewhere) as a result of the actions of corrupt politicians.

The unfortunate facts are (imho) that IF the suggested routes of 'Self Motivation' and 'Diversity' prove to be a success, the same politicians which created the problems which now beset us all, will be the first to claim credit for them AND, as usual, the people will be fooled into believing that the sacrifices made in order to clamber out of the 'Shit', was all worth while and the same 'Cogs' will once again grind into motion under precisely the same control as before.

Christos Rozakis' dilemma highlighted a poignant truth when he raised the question of 'Democracy' and it's invention by the 'Greeks', what he failed to mention (when he suggested that a 'Dictatorship' might be preferable in HIS case) is that the principles of that 'Democracy' have become distorted to such an extent that the ideals of them (currently) could be condemned as 'Opposite' to their original intention.

Christos tearfully referred to the past history of the 'Greeks', perhaps the 'Nature' of those 'Brave Souls' WAS something akin to the 'Nature of Humanity' in those times, such 'Valour' is hardly likely to be seen again, 'Modern Weaponry' and the eagerness to use it in the spread and support of 'Modern Democracy' has surely put paid to the 'Characteristics' which might reveal a 'Human Nature', perhaps the 'Shit' that we have ALL now been consigned to, IS the most suitable 'Natural Environment' for us.

Let us take a leaf out of the 'Hippo's book..................'Enjoy!' :wink:
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:05 am

thank you Schnauzer for you insight into the video, one thing that we lack in today's society that you may have inadvertently omitted is honor. Honor in our politicians and honor in ourselves.
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby theodosia » Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:39 pm

hope you are well, stay safe :P
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:10 pm

theodosia wrote:hope you are well, stay safe :P

Another happy message from your local lollipop lady! :lol:

You can put the sign down now Theodosia… the kids have crossed safely! :)
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:11 pm

Get Real! wrote:
theodosia wrote:hope you are well, stay safe :P

Another happy message from your local lollipop lady! :lol:

You can put the sign down now Theodosia… the kids have crossed safely! :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Hippopotomized Humanity.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:00 am

On "Top Gear" there are a couple of bullies (here exemplified by GR!) and then there is that snidey, hamsterish one (here exemplified by CG) who laughs at the bullies' jokes ...

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