Schnauzer wrote:wyoming cowboy wrote:thank you Schnauzer for you insight into the video, one thing that we lack in today's society that you may have inadvertently omitted is honor. Honor in our politicians and honor in ourselves.
You have raised a very good topic for discussion (wyoming cowboy), unfortunately I cannot respond at length and would not wish you to feel that I may have ignored your response, perhaps I will have more time a little later, Best Wishes, Schnauzer.

The perception of 'Honour' is something which is all too often distorted by that which we are 'Told' to believe qualifies for such 'Title'. (imho)
It is very difficult to accept the application of such 'Title' to persons who are 'Honoured' merely as a result of their station in life OR as a result of an action which, in fairness, should be a 'Natural' one in such cases where an act of 'Common Decency' might save a life or ease suffering, the 'Self Esteem' for such action should be reward enough and 'Honour' suffers a little when it is accorded to such (loosely illustrated) 'Human Obligations'. (imho)
The recent exposures of 'Chicanery', 'Misfeasance', 'Malpractice' and a host of other reports of 'Misconduct' by those who are supposed to be our 'Mentors' since they govern or direct us (e.g. 'Politicians and Legal Professionals'), clearly diminishes the meaning of 'Honour' and those who commit themselves to ANY form of dishonesty, should neither be regarded as 'Honourable' nor allowed to maintain their positions since they have proven themselves unworthy.
The very word 'Honour' (or as our 'Friends across the Pond' spell 'Honor') has received a severe buffeting in recent years due to the unwarranted attacks upon the 'Innocents' of many nations, there cannot be much 'Honour' in unleashing the fury of 'High Tech Weaponry' upon sleeping children, nor can 'Honour' be a suitable attribute to those who are (even NOW) on the front lines of aggression, (except the 'Honourable Prince Harry' who is nicely tucked up about 600 miles on the 'Safe Side' locating targets for the 'Bombers with his 'High Tech Equipment'

There are far too many 'Heroes' these days, their 'Heroics' are as tarnished as the characters of those who sent them into battle under false pretences and we are daily informed of them. (imho)
Therefore, it is very difficult to 'Honour' others.
As to 'Ourselves', I believe that it IS possible to 'Honour' oneself BUT, there are certain conditions attached and the foremost of those conditions is the ability to THINK for oneself, there is little use in adopting (or emulating) the views and characteristics of 'Proven Liars' if one wishes to experience the feelings of 'Self Esteem' (or 'Honour') since such adoption places the 'Self' into the same category as the 'Liars' which the 'Self' uses as the 'Yardstick'.
The 'Wise Words' of others (if they BE wise) may help one to gain 'Self Respect' providing the credit of them is given to the one who expressed them, however, all too often, the 'Wisdom' is passed on as if it was sourced from the recipient and THAT is how one 'Dishonours' oneself.
Then there is 'Emotional Honour' and one of the foremost of these (outside of Family) is 'Patriotism' and THAT also has received something of a buffeting in recent years, AGAIN due to the conduct of those in 'Power'.
It is difficult to remain 'Patriotic', unless one discards one's own perceptions and relies on the 'Misinformation' that is constantly made available to the general public, such 'Flag-wavers' are the 'Feeding Trough' of the 'Politician' and for as long as 'Blind Patriotism' is alive and well, so is corruption in high places BUT, under such delusion, there can hardly be 'Honour'.
'Real Patriots' would always protest 'Injustices' thrust upon their nation with the same vigour as they would were their nation guilty of imposing 'Injustices' upon another, unfortunately, the 'Laws' which govern 'Public Unrest', usually prevent any worthwhile demonstrations and therefore yet another opportunity to act with 'Honour' is discouraged.
When you mention 'Today's Society', I presume that you are referring to we of the 'West' and I am inclined to agree that there is a distinct lack of 'Honour' as you have indicated, I would venture further to add that the 'Influence' we have had on other nations has been (in many instances) detrimental to the concept of 'Honour' THEY had prior to such 'Influence'
All in all, I really do not think that we have done very much to commend ourselves 'Honourable' in recent years, UNLESS we are able to turn a 'Blind Eye' to the rest of the world as it gradually falls foul of the 'Modern Democracy' aforementioned.
In closing, I do believe that 'Honour among Thieves' is still thriving, perhaps there is hope for us yet.
Kindest Regards........Schnauzer.