Top Russian Advisor, Aleksandr Dugin, Communicating With N.G. Michaloliakos Via Letters- Defencenet: Οι επιστολές Αλεξάντερ Ντούγκιν – Ν. Γ. ΜιχαλολιάκουFor months, the General Secretary of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos has been in contact with major international personalities. One of President Putin’s top advisors on geopolitics, Alexander Dugin is one of them.
Regarding the correspondence between the leader of Golden Dawn and Alexander Dugin, defencenet wrote: “A letter by Russian scholar and writer Alexander Dugin, one of the closest advisors of Russian President Putin arrived in the prison cell of General-Secretary Michaloliako of the People’s Association-Golden Dawn a few days ago.”
In the letter, Dugin spoke favorably of Golden Dawn’s geopolitical approaches and positions, and requested to open a channel of communication between the party and his think tank that is based in Moscow.
Professor Dugin, born in 1962, is one of best known political commentators and theorists of Russia’s ideas. He teaches at Moscow State University and is the modern formulator and leader of a movement called “Eurasianism”, i.e., the view that Russia is not in the West nor the East, but is actually a Eurasian country, which will require Land force (Land power) in order to counter-balance “naval forces” (Naval powers) . Dugin refers to the naval superpowers as “Atlantic”, and calls for Russia to balance and check Anglo-American incursions in the vast spaces of Eurasia.
His ideal would be achieved via a union of the people’s of Eurasia, with Moscow as the center. This theory was the most influential with Vladimir Putin’s creation of a Eurasian Union. The Secretary General of the People’s Association of Golden Dawn, N. Michaloliakos, has spoken out clearly in favor of an alliance and cooperation with Russia, and away from the “naval forces” of the “Atlantic”. For Russia, Greece would be a valuable ally as a naval power, as Russia is oriented around being a “land force”.
It is safe to say, that the theory of “Eurasianism” is an academic- and not only- issue , which touches on issues of identity, culture, religion, sociology, anthropology, geopolitics, and history. Dugin’s political activism and writings have been extremely influential on Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy actions in the last decade, and his views continue to directly influence the diplomatic decisions of the Russian president today.
The letter sent to N.G. Michaloliako is for sure not a random act. ... %bb%ce%b5/