Been reading and lurking for years on and off. Even had an account but can't recall my user or password but never contributed mind you.
Some of the past members which don't seem to be active anymore had some useful information to contribute and added to the ambience. The forum doesn't seem to be the same without the big characters of the past.
Surely the discussion about Facebook may seem ironic in the context of this topic. This social media is a big threat to forums which is a shame really. Have they succumbed?
Just been searching the forum: memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=d
and recall many of the names there.
I remember members such as Kifeas, Paphitis, Miltiades, Oracle, Nikitas, Zan, DT et al
Where are they now? Perhaps they can drop in and say hello for old times sake.

The forum is not the same without these guys.