Ok, let’s have a roundup of the current fate of old CF’ers…
Milti: Currently nursed at the “Continent center for the incontinent”
Paphitis: In Hong Kong representing Choirokitians in the Mahjong league.
Birkibrisli: Lost somewhere in the Bosporus straights with a g-string around his neck.
Iceman: SatTV fine-tuner turned Ganman promoter rivaling Don King.
Rebel without a clue: Divorced 6 times and living off court settlements.
Yialoser: Currently under surgery to replace 3rd rejected goldfish donor brain.
Bananiot: Inducted into the “Citizens of this world” hall of fame.
Kifeas: Went on to become the mayor of Paphos. (in his head)
Zan: Wrote the best seller… “From Taxi driver to tycoon in 40 days!”
RichardB: Wrote the flop “101 uses for saucepans outside the kitchen!”
Who have I left behind?