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how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:29 am

they keep 37.5% and the water and you can keep the oil and gas right? deal and done. problem solved.
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:32 am

Lordo wrote:they keep 37.5% and the water and you can keep the oil and gas right? deal and done. problem solved.

there are no preconditions...refer to your favourite organization for clarification... the mighty UN...then come back to me...

still the question remains...are the tcs prouncing around declaring the occupation as a separate entity or nor?...
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:36 am

you cant have the gas and the land. if you claim the gas because you have lost land then it is a fair exchange. then peace will arrive. if you want the land back then you have to share the gas. who is being unreasonable here my friend.

it seems to me you want your cake and eat it. not possible my friends. you have share the well. you must allow the tcs to wet their beaks.
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:41 am

Lordo wrote:you cant have the gas and the land. if you claim the gas because you have lost land then it is a fair exchange. then peace will arrive. if you want the land back then you have to share the gas. who is being unreasonable here my friend.

it seems to me you want your cake and eat it. not possible my friends. you have share the well. you must allow the tcs to wet their beaks.

the cake analogy is the other way around... :lol: ...the idiots in the north want the revenue but nothing in the point of blackmailing everyone around... :lol:
how many times you need to be told, government revenue is for its own citizens...

and before you start making statements as to what should happen, you need to clarify this with the real turks...because the real turks would rather throw you out and keep the oil...ever thought of that?..or you think they think highly and mighty of you?... :lol:
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:31 am

exactly and the tc roc citizens will take their cut. you dont have to give it. no need to ask. dont you worry your little ol head now you hear my friend.
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:58 am

Lordo wrote:exactly and the tc roc citizens will take their cut. you dont have to give it. no need to ask. dont you worry your little ol head now you hear my friend.

i am quickly coming around to the opinion that you are born many times you need to be told that government revenues do not belong to communities or belongs to the government to be spend for the benefit of the people regardless who they are as people...this is how it works...
are you under the impression because they are tcs, RoC citizens, they get a cut given to them to spend as they see fit?...are you for real?...
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:41 am

so long as they get 30% no problem my friend. a percentage point less and you are in trouble and i mean a whole load trouble.

the turkish percentage comes out of your share too btw.
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:57 am

Lordo wrote:so long as they get 30% no problem my friend. a percentage point less and you are in trouble and i mean a whole load trouble.

the turkish percentage comes out of your share too btw.

stupidity to the max or what? it is again in huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge the point even blind freddy can see them... :lol:

how many times you need to be told that government revenues do not belong to communities or belongs to the government to be spend for the benefit of the people, on all its citizens, regardless who they are as people...this is how it works...

:arrow: a community, a useless one at that will get nothing...zilch...nada...capich?...

even in a unified federation the federal government will get the funds, not communities...the federal government will disperse the funds to the states accordingly...get it?...

all of the above are ofcourse off topic...

the topic is while tcs are prouncing around the globe promoting their own country, are they entitled to any finds far away from their so called country? this how civilised societies behave?... what kind of a country are they promoting anyway?...we know is one established on ethnic cleansing but this demand of demanding takes it to a whole new level...

the curse of the otttomans...

one could say, the tcs establishing their own so called country saved the rest of the cypriots from the ottoman curse... :lol:
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:16 pm

So boomer if your laws and consitution say we are one then surely we are entitled to a share?
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Re: how can the tcs deserve of any gas revenue?

Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:28 pm

Viewpoint wrote:So boomer if your laws and consitution say we are one then surely we are entitled to a share?

of course you need to become a citizen of the RoC...

funds go to the government and government spends on the whole of the population....simple really...

but since you joined the fray, tell us, should the tcs in the north have claim to any revenue on gas?...after all you are telling everyone you are your own country and gas found far away from your domain?...
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