Been up to do some shopping in our local High Street here somewhere in North London.
As have done for decades, parked up in the same place alongside a very nice bit of Common and strolled down to the shops, a very pleasant five mins walk away.
There's a small pond there (whose location must remain secret less Bordo pays a visit) which is very popular with ducks. Loads of them.
... and since last visiting a few days ago our local council has spent God only knows how much of the money of the Borough's Hard-Pressed Rate-payers in building the ducks a Duck-House in the middle of the pond..!!!
In these difficult times when front-line services are being cut, the Council builds, of all things, a Duck-House...!!!
...of all things...??? Some of you will remember the little matter a GB MP who built an albeit much more lavish and luxurious flipping, bleeding Duck-House on his estate at Public Expense by trying to claim it was a legitimate out-going on his MP's Expenses Claim.
Now, if you'll excuse, will have to email local council to find out how much this damned thing cost...!!!