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Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

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Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby Cap » Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:59 pm

:lol: :lol:

We're looking at a homicide.

I must admit, this guy is an a**hole of note.
Stelios Hadjioannou takes the abuse with a smile!

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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:25 am

I would take that fool Clarksons head off, get rid of what little is inside it and make it into a biscuit container. Then give it to Svetlana for her Christmas present, she can show it off to the old age Paphos English ladies society when they come round on Sunday for their tea. :mrgreen:
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby kimon07 » Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:21 am

Cap wrote::lol: :lol:

We're looking at a homicide.

I see that as good faithed humor. Maybe a bit exaggerated but, even so, good faithed humor does no harm.
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby kurupetos » Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:13 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:I would take that fool Clarksons head off, get rid of what little is inside it and make it into a biscuit container. Then give it to Svetlana for her Christmas present, she can show it off to the old age Paphos English ladies society when they come round on Sunday for their tea. :mrgreen:

I will use the rest of his body for my nuclear tests. :mrgreen:
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby tsukoui » Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:08 am

Did we ever need any more evidence that we are not "White"...

It is a common theme... the darker men are more sexual... read "base"... there are many reasons for this... one intriguing answer is that in general women are lighter than men because they have more fat... thus a sister will be lighter than her brother... but "shaytan", if you will excuse me using a religious term and one whose meaning is shrouded in even more mystery, takes this reality and feeds it into ideas that corrupt it, causing confusion... fat is not the same as melanin... only an idiot would confuse the two... yet this is what people do... but there is another far more sinister reason... and that is control... darker men are more sexual because they are inferior in mind... they lack the control of "Whites" when it comes to sex... they are like animals... concerned only with animal instincts... it is the poison that infects "White" minds... and with this poison they also fear... fear that they will be outnumbered... that darker people are breading to fast... as always, Clarkson reveals the coward that he is... he would not dare say the things he says about "Blacks"... but "Greeks" they are almost "White"... he can say what he thinks with a little comfort... Marx talks about the fetishism of commodity... the commodity in question is darker people... "White" women and "White" men are both guilty of this, even if they think they are not racist by sleeping with other "races"...

I recently came across the following article:

Here is the quote which I think is significant:

"Gonzo porn does well in the “racism sells” market. That is, porn films featuring black men having sex with white women are extremely popular—among white male viewers.

This last factoid surprised a lot of the people at the workshop (most of whom were female advocates against sexual violence) and it had also surprised Jensen. His conclusion? Let’s take the premise that porn is the eroticizing of domination. What more effective way to dominate a white woman than to make her have sex with men who are the bottom of the racial hierarchy and are usually portrayed in the media as sexual predators?"

We will not defeat racism until the fetishism of commodity ceases to exist, specifically with regards to people.
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby kurupetos » Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:57 am

Tsukoui, wait until I publish my next book... 'Negro brains: Their peculiarities and why they are malfunctioning.'
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby tsukoui » Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:30 am

kurupetos wrote:Tsukoui, wait until I publish my next book... 'Negro brains: Their peculiarities and why they are malfunctioning.'

I would love there to be scientific explanations... however as every mathematician knows, logic cannot explain everything... above mathematical logic is dialectical logic... and above dialectical logic is mysticism and God, a contradiction in terms... at the risk of confounding two different issues... the following from which I really shouldn't be reading, makes it clear the limitations of science when it comes to these issues...

"Genes, environment, and self-agency determine human behavior says an expert on behavioral genetics, who also says that homosexual politics and not good science is behind the search for the "gay" gene.

Douglas A. Abbott, PhD, a professor of Child, Youth, and Family Studies at the University of Nebraska, calls the "hypothetical evidence" for genetic determinism of homosexuality" both "overstated" and "overrated."

"Except for the rare physical abnormalities (such as Huntington's Disease) at the present time, there is no evidence of a direct causative link between a single gene and complex psycho-social behavior such as sexual preference," says Abbott.

In his July article for the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), Abbott explains that much of the public perception is misguided about the relationship between genes and behavior. Media reporting aids this confusion with headlines such as "Gene X Found to Cause Behavior Y". Abbott, however, says this is a "simplistic" view of the science of behavioral genetics, which studies "how genes, operating within their complex environments, connect to human environments."

"Environment" in behavioral genetics means any non-genetic influence, including internal biological factors such as nutrients, bacteria, viruses, and medicines, and external forces on a person such as parenting, family life, peers, the media, geography, war, calamities, etc.

While genetics play a role in a person's predispositions, this is a far cry from predetermining that a person will engage in certain behaviors - such as homosexuality - a view corroborated by Dr. Francis S. Collins, the head of the Human Genome Project."

I'm not against homosexuality, some people even say it is a Greek invention... but that is probably a lie... are you siding with Clarkson now?
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby tsukoui » Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:31 am

Anyway I'm more interested in understanding the malfunctioning "White" brain which is the root cause of all this...
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby tsukoui » Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:43 am

Finally, this is not about "race" baiting... see my post on the difference between "racism", "xenophobia" and "banter" and meditate some more...
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:10 am

tsukoui wrote:Finally, this is not about "race" baiting... see my post on the difference between "racism", "xenophobia" and "banter" and meditate some more...

In my considered opinion, the 'White' race (more specifically the Brits) have disadvantaged themselves by introducing 'Political Correctness' as a sound basis for the discussion or implementation of ANY action, particularly in those areas where the subjects of 'Racism', 'Xeno' (or any other 'Phobia') and 'Banter' are the subject matters to be discussed.

Therefore, the notion that a satisfactory conclusion may be reached between those of opposing views is hardly likely, since the 'P.C' contributor is severely handicapped by his own restrictions.

Better by far is the 'OLD' formulation of confrontational issues when it was policy to 'Clear the Air' before any in depth discussion (or argument) took place, for once the fact that the necessary 'Appraisals' between opposing parties had been expressed, the 'REAL' issues become paramount.

Once the 'White' proponent has established the fact that his adversary is either a 'Black Bastard', a 'Poofter', 'Dago', Chink', 'Wog', 'Spick', (or a host of others, mostly invented by the 'Brits' :lol: ), the need for disparaging remarks (and foul language) becomes of less importance, in fact, in those days which I refer to as the 'OLD', such terms used to denote one's origins, were actually regarded (in certain situations) as 'Terms of Endearment' and were freely used by BOTH combatants in their daily lives when 'Integration' was seemingly less of an issue than is now current.

I have often been called a 'Honky' by one of my closest friends, I have also been severally called an 'Arrogant Bastard' by those of my subordinates (and a 'Plonker' by one whom I considered to be a 'Great Character') BUT, I have never taken such insult to heart, after all, according to the principles of 'P.C', we are ALL in the same boat, how sad that it sails upon such stormy waters. (imho). :wink:
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