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Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby tsukoui » Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:32 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
tsukoui wrote:As you can see if you read the above link, the disadvantage as human beings started the moment the "White" race, or as you say specifically the "Brits", started to make abstractions about people taking them away from empathy...

And now you are being as offensive as Clarkson,,,,

Are you joking???? Do you have any idea what "White" means???
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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby tsukoui » Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:57 pm

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Re: Yialousa, kuru, Kimon and this guy in a locked room

Postby tsukoui » Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:23 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
tsukoui wrote:As you can see if you read the above link, the disadvantage as human beings started the moment the "White" race, or as you say specifically the "Brits", started to make abstractions about people taking them away from empathy...

And now you are being as offensive as Clarkson,,,,

I'm trying to see it from your perspective STUD... really I am... if "White" just meant skin colour, I would agree that what I wrote is offensive... but it doesn't... I suppose you subscribe to the views of the following:

I agree that Jensen is somewhat "whining" and filled with "White guilt"... I don't want "Whites" to feel guilty... I want them to act responsibly, and that means stop being "White"... this is why David Myatt is far more interesting despite his neo-nazi past, or perhaps even because of it... he has meditated about what it means to be honorable as an identity with regards to others... Cypriots are neither "White" nor "Black"... we tend to think "ethnically" rather than "racially"... thus we talk about the "Brits" whilst "Black" people talk about "Whites"... however if you swap one label for the other, the arguments are basically the same... Cypriots should feel comfortable talking about "Whites" as separate from themselves... as I said, eventually, one would hope that the construct "White" ceases to exist... and then we can talk about "Brits" or even just humans...
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