Lordo wrote:lets face it my little thorn bush, you cant get anything right no matter how hard you try. you are always trying to say what another person is saying but changing it. if you change what i said than it cant be what i said right. i suspect you will say it is but then again we are used to your double bullheadedness.
now lets get back to the matter. no, the tc prices are not at 1974 level. a tc plot 10 years (2002) was worth 4500 say just outside nicosia and today it is worth 50,000 and now it is worth half a million outside south nicosia. are you suggesting that a plot int he south for half a million should b exchnged for 50,000. pull the other one my friend the middle one has thorn bush on it. unfortunately for our friends in the south the values in the north are about a fifth of what they are in south. why i hear you ask, well the answer is economic suffocation. ah but we don't mind according to our beloved tasos badadobillos the suffocation was implemented with love. you see there is a difference. now when it comes to exchange you can only exchange in a court current values period and no you do not need a tampon for it. you see the annan plan was to go back to 1974 values. fancy that and my friends down south missed a trick when they refused it.
that case i mentioned was done by the ipc and approved by the echr and refused by roc. now once the precedent has been set and the values are correct which they were, bingo. everyone is happy and job done. 160,000 to go.
al it means that in a fair exchange not only will the tcs actually keep all 37.5% but actually will have some to spare.
thank god for the rule of law and you cant just keep making it up as you go along.
Good luck getting the 160,000 GCs to gift their land to you in the north for peanuts.
But here is the hard question for you, because you think you and Turkey are clever than everyone else. If a plot of land in Nicosia is worth 500,000 now before a settlement is reached, how much is the same plot land will be worth after a settlement is reached? Actually, let me help you with the answer since you only have a primary school education. The answer is, 500,000 or slightly less.
Now, on a like for like basis for same size plot of land also in Nicosia, but in the "trnc", is worth about, say 50,000 now, before a settlement. How much do you think that land will be worth shortly after a settlement? How about also about 500,000.
Why would any GCs give away their land in the north for peanuts before a settlement, when they know their land will be worth many times more after a settlement. You and Turkey thinks you can outsmart everyone and become rich on others properties after a settlement is reached.
So, you don't want to talk about the TCs getting fcuked by Turkey for her taking their deeds for their land in the RoC in return for "worthless" stolen GC land in the north or they paid cash for the ones who sold them to Turkey for pittance. So tell me Lordo, how badly have you been fcuked on the deal? I'm sure you don't want to talk about it.