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British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:15 pm

repulsewarrior i've said, at least the British gave Cypriots a Rule of Law.

...what this case demonstrates is that Cypriots, those living south of the illegal occupation in the north have proceeded to increase the value of land through their own productivity many times more than what could be considered natural. after 38 years, with one third of its population homeless, these people have recovered. despite the present problems in the Banking sector, and with Government overspending, it is a State where they have the respect of their global partners, and their peers.

...Lordo, i would not be so gleeful that property in the north is unchanged in value since the Greek population was brutally removed. this indication of Turkey's failings are recognisable by Turks who are Cypriot and who do not necessarily want to be "Turk".

rw there is nothing to be gleeful about. the cypriots of the north have been suffering for 50 years since dec 1963. there is a light at the end of the tunnel. the fact that the values are a fifth in the north compared to the south is simply because of the economic suffocation applied by the roc. you reap the benefits of what you sow. and sooner or later it will bite you in the ass. both apply equally. not to you personally but to our fanatics in the roc and on this forum. eoga-crap is everywhere.
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:05 pm

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"two states is the only solution"
REALLY!!! Isn't that what we had since 1974? Isn't BBF a polite way of saying partition?

Two states where every time a valuable resource is found on the territory of the one, the other chimes in wanting half.

Two states where the territory for one is apportioned at a rate twice that which is justified by its population.

With this kind of approach there will be no solution, two state or other.

Kifeas posted a map some yeras ago, showing what 18 per cent of the trritory looks like. Take that, add true independence for both states, and then we talk of a two state solution. And after you finish with Cyprus let's see you apply the same approach to Kurdistan.

i dont know which century or which galaxy you or kifeas live in but i live in the one that we call Sun. In this galaxy we have land values. and one can only exchange land values not areas. that makes you and kifeas in either the galaxy of a red dwarf or a balck hole. which just about puts you boys in the gurubedos category.

now cosider the fact the land in the south is worth at least twice as much as the land in the north. so the 18% of tc land in the south equals 36% of land in the north. as this is not actually true it is more like 5 times as much worth, when the exchange happens not only will the tcs be entitled to all of the north but they will also own land in the south unless you boys can buy all that remains. and judging by the economy in the south it is very unlikely.

even with the depressed economy the roc has bought this 27 donum land for 481 thousand euros per donum.

lets face the reason why roc refuses to have an agreement is bacaue they will not get a single donum back in a fair exchange, will want to buy all the remaining tc land and give up the hold of sole recognition.

now here is an event which ms clredies claims it is a one off. thats how everything starts

enjoy. ... id=0012112

Lordo, what were the land values in 1974 for the northern and the southern parts of Cyprus on like for like basis? Don't you think if you are going to use values of land as what percentage land each state should have, surely you have to compare apples to apples and not apples to turkeys! :roll:

Just because the north is an illegal entity by self declared independence under foreign occupation on land belonging to others which makes it's land values to be worth far less than the rest of the RoC, you are not going to be rewarded with equal financial status for land with the rest of the RoC, just because you fucked up for God sake. :roll:

you cant even read what is in front of you. here you are in 2012 and you dreaming of 1974. when this decision was taken to exchange between a tc and gc was there any mention of land values of 1974 at all. was 1974 mentioned at all. no.
but i hear you say it is unfair. sure it is, so was 50 years of economic and political suffocation. so was hijacking of the roc government by the gcs. so was the acceptance of that fact by the un. so was the acceptance of gcs into the eu by themselves. shall i go on or have you got it.

the property problem is solved. you can take advantage and claim your property and do as you wish or follow the politicians and hope and pray.

I read just fine, Lordo. :D

So, what you are saying is, the land in the RoC should be valued in 2012 rate and land value in the "trnc" should be valued in 1974 rate, since TIME is more or less is frozen due to illegal actions of Turkey. Is that what you are telling us? :lol:

Why is it a surprised, that a 27 donums of land in Larnaca is worth 600 donums of land in middle of nowhere in the north. Location, location, location! :roll:

Does that mean 600 donums of land in Kyrenia is worth 27 donums of land in the middle of nowhere in the RoC? I don't think so, so whats your point? :lol:

This transaction was between Turkey and GC individual and not with the RoC, so there are no precedence set for future land settlement agreements. :roll:

What I want to know is, just how much stolen GC land did the original TC owner(s) get in the north for turning over his/their 27 donum land deeds in Larnaca to Turkey, or cash if he/they had sold them. I can assure you that he/they got truly fcuked, just as ALL the other TCs will be fcuked if they did the same thing. Surely, the fair exchange for land in the south with the north should be based on what the north had either paid for the TC land in the south or what ever stolen GC land they gave the TC in exchange for their land in the south. But didn't your beloved Annan Plan in 2004 also used 1974 prices for land for both sides, since that's when Turkey began occupying the north illegally?

As for your other rantings about the EU, the UN, embargoes, political suffocation and what ever else you want to bitch about, all I can say to all that is, just how much responsibility does the TC leaders and Turkey bear to the situation in the north as they have been in the past, the present, and in the future before you start pointing fingers at others for their actions? :roll:
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:52 pm

lets face it my little thorn bush, you cant get anything right no matter how hard you try. you are always trying to say what another person is saying but changing it. if you change what i said than it cant be what i said right. i suspect you will say it is but then again we are used to your double bullheadedness.

now lets get back to the matter. no, the tc prices are not at 1974 level. a tc plot 10 years (2002) was worth 4500 say just outside nicosia and today it is worth 50,000 and now it is worth half a million outside south nicosia. are you suggesting that a plot int he south for half a million should b exchnged for 50,000. pull the other one my friend the middle one has thorn bush on it. unfortunately for our friends in the south the values in the north are about a fifth of what they are in south. why i hear you ask, well the answer is economic suffocation. ah but we don't mind according to our beloved tasos badadobillos the suffocation was implemented with love. you see there is a difference. now when it comes to exchange you can only exchange in a court current values period and no you do not need a tampon for it. you see the annan plan was to go back to 1974 values. fancy that and my friends down south missed a trick when they refused it.

that case i mentioned was done by the ipc and approved by the echr and refused by roc. now once the precedent has been set and the values are correct which they were, bingo. everyone is happy and job done. 160,000 to go.

al it means that in a fair exchange not only will the tcs actually keep all 37.5% but actually will have some to spare.

thank god for the rule of law and you cant just keep making it up as you go along.
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:00 pm

Lordo wrote:lets face it my little thorn bush, you cant get anything right no matter how hard you try. you are always trying to say what another person is saying but changing it. if you change what i said than it cant be what i said right. i suspect you will say it is but then again we are used to your double bullheadedness.

now lets get back to the matter. no, the tc prices are not at 1974 level. a tc plot 10 years (2002) was worth 4500 say just outside nicosia and today it is worth 50,000 and now it is worth half a million outside south nicosia. are you suggesting that a plot int he south for half a million should b exchnged for 50,000. pull the other one my friend the middle one has thorn bush on it. unfortunately for our friends in the south the values in the north are about a fifth of what they are in south. why i hear you ask, well the answer is economic suffocation. ah but we don't mind according to our beloved tasos badadobillos the suffocation was implemented with love. you see there is a difference. now when it comes to exchange you can only exchange in a court current values period and no you do not need a tampon for it. you see the annan plan was to go back to 1974 values. fancy that and my friends down south missed a trick when they refused it.

that case i mentioned was done by the ipc and approved by the echr and refused by roc. now once the precedent has been set and the values are correct which they were, bingo. everyone is happy and job done. 160,000 to go.

al it means that in a fair exchange not only will the tcs actually keep all 37.5% but actually will have some to spare.

thank god for the rule of law and you cant just keep making it up as you go along.

Good luck getting the 160,000 GCs to gift their land to you in the north for peanuts. :lol:

But here is the hard question for you, because you think you and Turkey are clever than everyone else. If a plot of land in Nicosia is worth 500,000 now before a settlement is reached, how much is the same plot land will be worth after a settlement is reached? Actually, let me help you with the answer since you only have a primary school education. The answer is, 500,000 or slightly less.

Now, on a like for like basis for same size plot of land also in Nicosia, but in the "trnc", is worth about, say 50,000 now, before a settlement. How much do you think that land will be worth shortly after a settlement? How about also about 500,000.

Why would any GCs give away their land in the north for peanuts before a settlement, when they know their land will be worth many times more after a settlement. You and Turkey thinks you can outsmart everyone and become rich on others properties after a settlement is reached. :roll:

So, you don't want to talk about the TCs getting fcuked by Turkey for her taking their deeds for their land in the RoC in return for "worthless" stolen GC land in the north or they paid cash for the ones who sold them to Turkey for pittance. So tell me Lordo, how badly have you been fcuked on the deal? I'm sure you don't want to talk about it. :wink:
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:30 pm

Now my little thorn bush let me bring you up e few knotches to my education level which was primary school third grade.

first of all, no court will consider future prices today. we can only go by what we have. but what have the gcs got to gain from all this i hear you shout. I can tell you what they have to loose. here goes.

1. well they already have gained by taking every single penny given to the roc as help and investment over the past 50 years which explains pretty well the difference.
2. people will no longer wait for the agreement and will take their cases to the courts for remedy.
3. if they do not they will gift their property to turkey and no chance for compensation.
4. all tcs will be able to take roc to court as it is their government. which is where what badadobullos thought was a huge gain in joining the eu and putting pressure on turkey to give more will actually be the ball and chain round the gc peoples neck.

so long as you understand the above whether you agree with it or not consider yourself primary school 3rd grade educationed. gadalves yemu. bemu gadalaves hade exo dishari.
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:46 pm

Lordo wrote:Now my little thorn bush let me bring you up e few knotches to my education level which was primary school third grade.

first of all, no court will consider future prices today. we can only go by what we have. but what have the gcs got to gain from all this i hear you shout. I can tell you what they have to loose. here goes.

1. well they already have gained by taking every single penny given to the roc as help and investment over the past 50 years which explains pretty well the difference.
2. people will no longer wait for the agreement and will take their cases to the courts for remedy.
3. if they do not they will gift their property to turkey and no chance for compensation.
4. all tcs will be able to take roc to court as it is their government. which is where what badadobullos thought was a huge gain in joining the eu and putting pressure on turkey to give more will actually be the ball and chain round the gc peoples neck.

so long as you understand the above whether you agree with it or not consider yourself primary school 3rd grade educationed. gadalves yemu. bemu gadalaves hade exo dishari.

Lordo me dear people are having trouble understanding your English... the use of capital letter at the start of a sentence is often useful along with reasonably well constructed sentences. Try reading your posts before pressing submit.

Perhaps, he don't understand English... will try again to get through to him in his language...

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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:13 pm

gavolon. i even bullet pointed them for you. 1 2 3 4 - enan thio tria dje dessera. indan bu helis.

what grade primary was you when you got kicked out of school my friend. 1/.
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:20 pm

Let's try again in something like Turkish...

Asihktir Turkiye... asihktir GB and Hellas.

You see Thicko, it really is as simple as that.

CYs will settle their diffs when the above are side-lined.
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:31 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Let's try again in something like Turkish...

Asihktir Turkiye... asihktir GB and Hellas.

You see Thicko, it really is as simple as that.

CYs will settle their diffs when the above are side-lined.

ahhhhhhh ela botha
where was you in 63,64,65,66,67 when there was 10,000 hellas. you see what goes round comes around.

You boys still don't get it. Inonu told kucuk to go back and agree with the gcs in 64. in 72 turkey agreed with makarios demands. thicko too bloody right you are. what does it take to get you ignorant swines see you had peace in and hand and you bloody cut its head of bbq d it ffs.

how bloody many times are we have to going to repeat it before you boys get it into you thik heads and my lovely thorn bush friend too.

the peace train has left the station my friends. c'est la vie.
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Re: British archives expose Britain and Turkey.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:55 pm

repulsewarrior wrote: such, i ask you, do you see the value in a Greek Constituency, if there exists a Republic, and a Turkish Constituency, as well?

...and by the way, i'd like an answer to the above question. (is it time for the Republic to be freed to fight for its Citizens as Cypriots, because Turkish Cypriots call for an equal partner in Greek Cypriots, who like them, have self representation to sustain their Identity as Persons within a Constituency too?)

...still hoping for an answer.
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