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Browser bugs with screen size constants

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Re: Browser bugs with screen size constants

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:02 pm

Sotos wrote:Do you know Javascript? I am not talking about just copy/paste scripts from the internet. Jquery is not exactly a new language. It is a javascript library that makes writing js code much easier and takes care of most differences between browsers. If you are a Javascript expert then you don't need Jquery. Otherwise learning Jquery is the easiest way to write JS code. Jquery is very easy to learn if you know CSS and some basics of Javascript. Here is a nice free intro course: ... rst-flight

I’ve never used other people’s libraries mate so forget it because I always solve whatever problem comes along sooner or later. I simply highlighted browser discrepancies pertaining to screen size for anyone interested.

There’s always a logical workaround to every problem but that of course doesn’t excuse the offending browsers… they should be exposed!
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Re: Browser bugs with screen size constants

Postby Me Ed » Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:46 am

JQuery is the most widley used library in JavaScript because it eliminates browser compatibility issues without the need for wasting time writing exceptions and work-arounds.

In fact to get a job as a JavaScript developer in the UK, JQuery skills are manditory.

Also check out these awesome JQuery controls for web sites, that are very easy to implement.
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Re: Browser bugs with screen size constants

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:02 pm

Me Ed wrote:JQuery is the most widley used library in JavaScript because it eliminates browser compatibility issues without the need for wasting time writing exceptions and work-arounds.

In fact to get a job as a JavaScript developer in the UK, JQuery skills are manditory.

Also check out these awesome JQuery controls for web sites, that are very easy to implement.

Well that’s where corporate development differs to lone wolf development… self sufficiency!

A lone wolf cannot afford to purchase 3rd party libraries and other aids so he has to create his own.

I appreciate that this jquery may be free of charge but still… it’s much more satisfying to get things done your self.

Let me give you an example…

How do you detect the correct Browser name and version?

Well, you can use Javascript’s “useragent” garbage to display ridiculous nonsense to the user or use an elaborate php or jquery routine that is probably 3 pages long…


Use the lone wolf’s common sense by interrogating the Windows registry with VBscript in about 5 lines of code! :lol:
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Re: Browser bugs with screen size constants

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:17 pm

That’s the difference between someone with a long 3GL background verses the new age kid (with a stud on his nose) who relies on other people’s work to get something done!

Take the kid’s libraries and goodies away and he is as competent as a granny in a wheelchair!
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Re: Browser bugs with screen size constants

Postby Sotos » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:50 pm

Get Real! wrote:How do you detect the correct Browser name and version?

Well, you can use Javascript’s “useragent” garbage to display ridiculous nonsense to the user or use an elaborate php or jquery routine that is probably 3 pages long…


Use the lone wolf’s common sense by interrogating the Windows registry with VBscript in about 5 lines of code! :lol:

VBscript? If you are talking about client side then that would work only on IE. Windows registry? Even if you could do it thats only on Windows... what about all other Operating Systems including those on mobile devices? And finding the browser and version with PHP does not need more than 3 lines of code. Not to mention that Browser Detection is rarely recommended now... what we do now is feature detection. Your skills from the 90s need a huge update. ;)
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Re: Browser bugs with screen size constants

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:42 pm

Sotos wrote:VBscript? If you are talking about client side then that would work only on IE. Windows registry? Even if you could do it thats only on Windows... what about all other Operating Systems including those on mobile devices?

Like I said to MeEd… corporate programming is a different world to lone wolf programming! I don’t do server side and I couldn’t care less about anything outside of a local Windows machine! My current interests are in intranet and local web apps under Windows and that’s it… everyone’s different.

As for VBscript, you’d be daft to write intranet and/or local web apps (that call the system for services) to run under anything other than IE! Microsoft’s disk I/O methods are second to none and worth their weight in gold! Ever wonder why IE6 refuses to go away? It’s PERFECT for Intranets! 8)

And finding the browser and version with PHP does not need more than 3 lines of code.

It’s not just three lines of code because the include files (from 3rd party libraries etc) become part of your code boating it further, because the script interpreter would also have to process whatever is in those routines you’re calling.

Don’t you care about all the crap that gets included by calling those libraries that you are probably clueless about? Err, I think I’ve just answered my own question! :lol:

Not to mention that Browser Detection is rarely recommended now... what we do now is feature detection. Your skills from the 90s need a huge update.

Obviously not for my humble needs! I’d say you modern lot need an old dog for advice… :wink:
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Re: Browser bugs with screen size constants

Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:04 am

Browser performance update:

The only browsers that truly support HTML 5 and CSS 3, and perform at an acceptable speed:

Maxthon 3

Sleipnir 3

Chrome 23

Safari 5

Browsers that failed my tests in one or more ways:

1. Internet Explorer 10 (and all past versions thereof)
2. Sea Monkey 2.13 (and all past versions thereof)
3. Opera 12.1 (and all past versions thereof)
4. Mozilla Firefox 16 (and all past versions thereof)
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