Demonax wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:Demonax wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:
So, I can buy a Pipo today (which has a stunning 9.7" IPS display, dual core 1.6GHz processor 1G RAM and 16G flash) and in a couple of years time buy another tablet of the latest specification for the same money.
Grumpy old chap. It's a cheap knock-off made with cheap components with a dodgy UI, Chinese bloatware, poor screen, lousy wifi and mediocre battery life. Why do you think it's so cheap? But if I were you, I'd buy it because I reckon these things don't bother you. You'll reckon you have bought a top quality product. Like those tourists in London who buy fake perfume from a bloke in Oxford Street thinking they have bought the real thing. Good luck! But don't say I didn't warn you.
I take it you have actually used on then...?
Grumpy. In all seriousness, I've looked into the cheap Android tablet market out of curiosity and read a lot of reviews/forums and there is a reason that these tablets are so cheap. Apple could produce a really cheap tablet if it wanted. But it doesn't because it would be a lousy tablet that would provide a lousy experience. And it wouldn't make any money that way. By all means try one out. You can’t go wrong at those prices. It might even be quite usable. But I have used an iPad and it's a really nice product which I use far more than I expected. So much so that my laptop is gathering dust these days.
If I was in the market for a tablet right now I'd be looking at an iPad Mini which is actually a very nice size and not at all compromised except for the lack of a retina display - which is the one thing I would miss from the larger machines. Next year's model should get the retina display then it would be the perfect tablet in my opinion.
So that is a 'no' then...?
You really have no idea do you...?
I've actually owned a cheap Android tablet - it was excellent! However, I made the mistake of buying a 7" device which wasn't really large enough for me... I gave it to my daughter and she is thrilled with it.
Hence the reason I am looking for a device with a larger screen.
So unlike you, the 'expert' on the subject I actually know what I am talking about...
I'll explain in greater detail for the hard of understanding why the iPad Mini would not be the perfect machine for me....
I have a small network of Windows 7 based PCs.
I have a QNAP NAS that stores all my data, streams music and video, manages backups, etc. That was about £150 plus the drives (2 x 1TB).
I do some web development, e-mail, browse some forums, etc.
So, if I need a mobile device to travel the Pipo would be perfect for me. I’d simply pop a 32Gb Micro SD card (£13) into my PC and copy all the music, pictures, movies and data that I need from the NAS.
Then pop the Micro SD card into the Pipo and I’m up and running – 9.7” IPS tablet, 48Gb storage – all for under £160.
Then, when you and the other Apple fanboys are queuing up at midnight in a couple of years time to get the iPad mini 3 or whatever it is, I'll be able to turn the Pipo into a beer mat and buy the latest Android or Windows device
with the money I saved by not buying an iPad Mini! 
There really is no reason in the world why I would buy an iWhatever...