Demonax wrote:boomerang wrote:
evreyone is gunning for them, but only mocrosoft and intel will drive the final nail in the coffin...
wasn't long ago microsooft bailed apple out of bankrupsy...i do not think they will be doing it again...
how can anyone compete with microsoft and intel? owns the platforms, desktop, server and gaming...and intel owns the hardware...
Sorry, Boomerang, I couldn't make much sense out of your post. But I think you said that Apple is going to go bankrupt and Microsoft and Intel are about to finish them off. What evidence do you have for this?
oh demonax, clearly reading and comprehending to you are 2 separate issues...a classic symptom of an apple user as proven thus far...

now where did i say apple will go bankruprt and then we will get to the evidence...
but did you know apple was bailed out by the devil himself?...gates...a then a mild kick in the balls for the fanboys...
but the real heavy duty kick in the balls will be coming in january....with the introduction of the surface running win 8 pro with an intel i5 and the ivy chipset, they reckon between $800 -$900...this will steamroll not only the ipad but half the mac range...

what do you think apple will do to combat all this?...oh yes more iwhatever apps...

while 80% of the world is using office the fanboys are claiming iworks....what the hell is that?...and lets not forget the dropkickbox...yeah thats gonna cut it, as long as it's for free...
but hey we got demonax using dropkick and using iworks....surely this is spelling the end of microsoft and intel...hmmm
what you failed to understand is microsoft today exclusively owns and controls more than 80% the server market, the operating system, the applications, a gaming platform and shelled out heaps of bucks for skype, read computer telephony...and you are sitting there telling us microsoft is in a real dilemma?...

Microsoft faces a dilemma. Their business model of expensive software on cheap hardware is not sustainable. The future is nearly free software integrated into moderately priced hardware. That is why Microsoft has decided to compete with the manufacturers that have been its partners since the dawn of the PC era.
wow man...the word is throw away because it changes so have an ipad 3 i pressume well there is a 4 now... grumpy said, do the job as cheap as possible and get the latest toorrow, on the cheap again...but then again how could apple survive?...
Here is another little secret for the US government microsoft is more valuable than apple will ever you know why....
apple shares dropped from max $705 to around $ under 2 months...any idea as to why?...i don't know maybe samsung outselling them on phones with a much better phone perhaps, or maybe microsoft with the kick in the balls announcement and getting close to the release date?...but they got you for life though...that's plus in its own rights...right?...

Microsoft Surface is not fundamentally about Microsoft needing to control the entire integrated product in order to compete with the iPad on design. It's about Microsoft needing to sell the whole thing to sustain its current profitability.
they can sustain thre profitability till the cows come there an alternative that controls server software, operating systems, applications, VOIP via the purchase of skype and a gaming platform?...well is there?...what ever price they ask they seemed to get it...they do not need to do shit ti sustain anything...revamping windows every 2 years seems to do the trick these days...what they are doing is adding to the profitability with an 80% plus world captive audience...this is what they are one cares about your iwhatever and dropkick...or you think the ipad is gonna replace all these?...or maybe IOS what ever number?...
BTW demonax, since i provided links to support what i am saying and you demading more for what I wasn't saying, how about you provide some links to see where you are coming from...
I hoped i simpified it for you...this time i monotasked...for you benefit...

Once you get used to working this way on an iPad using wifi and streaming it makes sense why Apple has designed the iPad to work like this.
i could see your simplistic point of view of how the world spins around but i would rather do things my way thank you very much...a sheep i ain't...
as i said earlier tablet users fall in the i want to be looked upon as a serious computer user therefore i need an ipad and iphone...and maybe a mac for when visitors come around...its a conversation starter...with visitors...

fans boys do leave in their little world don't they? rooted samsung galaxy S2 runs hoops around any tablet ipad can dish out, with connectivity and flexibility, something incoherent to an apple user...

stop living n denial for ffs...come out its a new world out there...