regardless what anyone thinks this markek will eventually fall at the lap of microsoft and's the 2 companies are concerned this is their only growth path...they maxed as is already feeling the pinch...the shares maxed at $702 and today they are sitting at about $550.... evreyone is gunning for them, but only mocrosoft and intel will drive the final nail in the coffin...
wasn't long ago microsooft bailed apple out of bankrupsy...i do not think they will be doing it again...
how can anyone compete with microsoft and intel? owns the platforms, desktop, server and gaming...and intel owns the hardware...
the tablet and ipad are for people that basiclly are computer illiterate or for minimum computer usage...for people that browse the internet, news, forums, banking etc...simplistis tasks...
i use the computer for a lot more than that...
as i said earlier my galaxy S2 pisses all over anything ipad iphone apple have to offer...for starters connectivity and flexibility...
anyone tried an OTG cable on the S2/S3 galaxy tablets? connection ever...for moving data around on/off the restrictions...
Actually Apple engineers are famed for designing key components to be thinner and lighter: from sim cards, chips, connectors, batteries, displays, the housing, cameras.
really?...can you please point us to a factory apple own that designs these things for them?...they are off the shelf you know how expensive is to setup an assmebly line to make LSD screens? you think samsung and the others are setting up special factories just for apple? would go broke doing's success is built on using off the shelf's called a quick turnaround...yes they pay more for their parts, quality parts but they have no cost on R&D which is way more expensive and time consuming...
just for the record, HTC was the first company to design a touch screen phone running as per usual pounced on the idea...and sold everyone on a con job...
apple suffered after the success of the apple II and that success was because of the clone apples....once they went to the mac, with close architecture, IBM made sure they died once they released their own open architecture to the masses...and history is repeating it self...for all the marketing anyone know the market share of the apple computers?...has it reached double digits yet?...
yes demonax, all we have is a lot of hot air from you but you say you know i have presented a lot of links to support my reasoning can you provide some links that support your theories...
as i said earlier apps are for people with the least computer knowledge...
touchscreen too slow, mouce kills it...
touch keyboard too slow, real keyboard kills it...
microsoft releasing in Jan, i5 INTEL CPU with ivy bridge chipset in tablet form...will run win 8 pro....same experience as the desktop...for around $800 t0 $900...not only ipad but also macbooks steamrolled...all in a one move...briliant move by microsoft and intel...
but then again apple can follow microsoft and release their just for the fanboys, but that would be like copying microsoft... and intel done a hatchet job on apple this has been severely bitchslapped...

BTW...this market I know really well...i produce a lot of tablet, phone and ipad accessories...and to be honest the beauty about the surface is that all existing accessories are suitable...saving you further money...