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ipad vs android

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:32 am

FragnaticDeath wrote:Seriously you think it's Apple making those technological advances of smaller, thinner designs?

Actually Apple engineers are famed for designing key components to be thinner and lighter: from sim cards, chips, connectors, batteries, displays, the housing, cameras. Unlike many companies that outsource product design to save on cost, Apple still maintains tight control over design and Apple also compels its engineers to do the mechanical and electrical work. Apple sets itself apart by designing beautiful, thin and light machines - even if it means making life difficult for manufacturers contracted to build those designs, who sometimes have to invent new tooling processes for the job.

And just for the record most of Apple's components are made by other companies such as Samsung.

So? It's well-known that Samsung manufactures chips for Apple. But the new processors in the iPhone 5 and iPad 4 are a custom Apple creation designed from the ground up rather than licensed from an existing processor design. It's superior to anything Samsung has. Samsung have the factory to produce these chips. But Apple designs and engineers them.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:55 am

Ahhh... here we go! The Compaq ipaq from ages ago... these were the first handheld thingies:

They were very fragile and would malfunction very easily and when they started coming in for warranty repair we couldn’t even touch them here in Cyprus but they had to be shipped to Dubai (UAE??) in a special Compaq bag for repairs. The whole process took months and customers weren’t very impressed! :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:14 am

cyprusgrump wrote:Well... how about the Pipo....?

And a keyboard would cost you £8 so you'd still have £150 in your pocket! :wink:

Are you nuts? 139 pounds for that pile of crap? Crap display, crap build, crap speaker, crap software, crap apps, crap wi-fi, crap battery, crap camera, crap service and the touchscreen doesn't work. :roll:

You guys kill me. Just do yourself a favour. Save a bit more money and get a bloody iPad Mini. It costs 269 pounds which is nothing for such a great piece of kit.

Don't take my word for it you cheapskates. Read some reviews. Pipo, my arse! :lol:
Last edited by Demonax on Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:48 am

Sotos wrote:If Apple is selling to you something with worth of 900 euro for 1200 euro then of course they will have huge profits! Good for them... congrats to their marketing team! When I buy something what I want is to get the best possible product for the money I can spend... I am not locked into the products of a single company and many companies compete for my cash. This way I get the best possible product for the money I have available ... and if some of those companies lose money then too bad for them and good for me. Today for any amount of money you can get a better PC than a Mac and a better Android Phone than an iPhone... the same will be true for tablets very soon.

Sotos, there is nothing wrong with being cautious with one's money. Especially in these difficult economic times. By all means buy what you can afford. But don't kid yourself that you are getting superior technology at a cheaper price. Apple makes big profits because it sells superior products that people want to buy at a healthy margin and provides great customer service. You certainly pay for the privilege and they are very smart in drawing you into their eco-system.

But I certainly don't think an iPad is overpriced and I'd rather save up and buy an Apple computer over a cheaper PC as I couldn't live without the Apple software, build quality, long-term reliability and ease of use. I can live without the latest and greatest iPhone though. It's a jewel of a phone but not crucial for me. I currently own an HTC Android device and it does a pretty good job. But when its contract is up I'll be looking for an older generation iPhone as Android software is a bit flaky, the software is never upgraded and the Android app store doesn't compare. Especially as I'm happily locked into iOS software thanks to the iPad.
Last edited by Demonax on Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby storm » Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:58 am

Ipad 3 Amazing but the battery is a problem
Kindle Fire HD fabulous but the screen is problematic
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:50 am

Demonax, I am afraid you are a victim of Apple's marketing ;) Yes Apple is innovative but they are not the only ones who innovate and innovations are quickly copied by others anyways. Yes Apple makes cool designs ... but I wouldn't pay so much more money just for their design! Other than that Apple has nothing over its competitors. If you spend 2000 euro for an Apple computer and I spend 2000 euro to build a PC then my PC will be far more powerful than your Apple ;) That is because a lot of your 2000 euro would go into the "healthy margins" of Apple! And my Pc will last a lot longer too because I will be able to cheaply fix it and upgrade it as needed. :P
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby boomerang » Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:49 am

regardless what anyone thinks this markek will eventually fall at the lap of microsoft and's the 2 companies are concerned this is their only growth path...they maxed as is already feeling the pinch...the shares maxed at $702 and today they are sitting at about $550....

evreyone is gunning for them, but only mocrosoft and intel will drive the final nail in the coffin...

wasn't long ago microsooft bailed apple out of bankrupsy...i do not think they will be doing it again...

how can anyone compete with microsoft and intel? owns the platforms, desktop, server and gaming...and intel owns the hardware...

the tablet and ipad are for people that basiclly are computer illiterate or for minimum computer usage...for people that browse the internet, news, forums, banking etc...simplistis tasks...

i use the computer for a lot more than that...

as i said earlier my galaxy S2 pisses all over anything ipad iphone apple have to offer...for starters connectivity and flexibility...

anyone tried an OTG cable on the S2/S3 galaxy tablets? connection ever...for moving data around on/off the restrictions...

Actually Apple engineers are famed for designing key components to be thinner and lighter: from sim cards, chips, connectors, batteries, displays, the housing, cameras.

really?...can you please point us to a factory apple own that designs these things for them?...they are off the shelf you know how expensive is to setup an assmebly line to make LSD screens? you think samsung and the others are setting up special factories just for apple? would go broke doing's success is built on using off the shelf's called a quick turnaround...yes they pay more for their parts, quality parts but they have no cost on R&D which is way more expensive and time consuming...

just for the record, HTC was the first company to design a touch screen phone running as per usual pounced on the idea...and sold everyone on a con job...

apple suffered after the success of the apple II and that success was because of the clone apples....once they went to the mac, with close architecture, IBM made sure they died once they released their own open architecture to the masses...and history is repeating it self...for all the marketing anyone know the market share of the apple computers?...has it reached double digits yet?...

yes demonax, all we have is a lot of hot air from you but you say you know i have presented a lot of links to support my reasoning can you provide some links that support your theories...

as i said earlier apps are for people with the least computer knowledge...
touchscreen too slow, mouce kills it...
touch keyboard too slow, real keyboard kills it...

microsoft releasing in Jan, i5 INTEL CPU with ivy bridge chipset in tablet form...will run win 8 pro....same experience as the desktop...for around $800 t0 $900...not only ipad but also macbooks steamrolled...all in a one move...briliant move by microsoft and intel...

but then again apple can follow microsoft and release their just for the fanboys, but that would be like copying microsoft... :lol: and intel done a hatchet job on apple this has been severely bitchslapped... :lol:

BTW...this market I know really well...i produce a lot of tablet, phone and ipad accessories...and to be honest the beauty about the surface is that all existing accessories are suitable...saving you further money...
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:26 am

Sotos wrote: If you spend 2000 euro for an Apple computer and I spend 2000 euro to build a PC then my PC will be far more powerful than your Apple...

Who the hell builds their own computer these days, Sotos? Hours piecing it together, then after installing Windows, updating drivers, you get all those hundreds of security updates. And then spending a week troubleshooting the inevitable driver issue. Followed by hardware faults, annoying blue screen of death, components overheating, and software getting corrupted to the point you have to keep upgrading. Haven't you outgrown that nonsense yet? Who needs it? Give me a beautifully designed Mac. Open the box, plug it in and it works. And I don't have to stare at that ugly Windows OS every day. That is worth €€ to me.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:06 am

boomerang wrote:
evreyone is gunning for them, but only mocrosoft and intel will drive the final nail in the coffin...

wasn't long ago microsooft bailed apple out of bankrupsy...i do not think they will be doing it again...

how can anyone compete with microsoft and intel? owns the platforms, desktop, server and gaming...and intel owns the hardware...

Sorry, Boomerang, I couldn't make much sense out of your post. But I think you said that Apple is going to go bankrupt and Microsoft and Intel are about to finish them off. What evidence do you have for this?
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:18 am

Demonax wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Well... how about the Pipo....?

And a keyboard would cost you £8 so you'd still have £150 in your pocket! :wink:

Are you nuts? 139 pounds for that pile of crap? Crap display, crap build, crap speaker, crap software, crap apps, crap wi-fi, crap battery, crap camera, crap service and the touchscreen doesn't work. :roll:

You guys kill me. Just do yourself a favour. Save a bit more money and get a bloody iPad Mini. It costs 269 pounds which is nothing for such a great piece of kit.

Don't take my word for it you cheapskates. Read some reviews. Pipo, my arse! :lol:

Oh dear fanboy, you really are making a fool of yourself now... :roll:

Here, I've just done a big shit in the shape of an apple - send me €500 and I'll mail it to you...
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