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ipad vs android

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:49 pm

Apple Inc.'s then-chairman Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh on January 24, 1984, and became the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface rather than a command-line interface. The Apple II saw success through the end of the decade, though popularity dissipated in the 1990s as the personal computer market shifted toward the "Wintel" platform

Apple was always an innovative company but in the end of the day they are one company and they can't beat an army of Windows PCs or Android Phones/Tablets made by a ton of other companies. It happened with the PC market, it is happening with the smart phone market and it will happen with the tablet market. Apple creates good products but no amount of lawsuits will help them to keep a monopoly in any market... after 2-3 years those who will continue to buy iPads will be those who today buy Macs but Apple will still make an awesome profit on the expense of people like Demonax ;)
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:55 pm

Get Real! wrote:For the sake of the argument let’s just say that 10 years from now the Galaxy or the iPad will be as powerful as a full blown computer.

Now why would you want to be carrying around a full blown computer with a 5x5cm screen??? :lol:

And why is it you haven't purchased a 5x5cm screen for your home PC??? :lol:

See what happens when you start using common sense?

You realize what a sucker you’ve been... :lol:

And I suppose you take your 24 inch display, keyboard, mouse and desktop processor with you when you travel abroad? And you go to the beach with your desktop to check your email or browse the web? Have you tried to balance an iMac or Desktop machine on your lap when sitting on the couch? You must look a right mug! :D

And for the record, my friend, many people get by with a laptop these days as their main machine. No problem. I think that in less than a decade, 90% of people will use a smartphone or tablet as their primary computing interface. They might have some shared computer with a keyboard for when they need to type in a long essay, but almost all of their time will be spent on these smaller devices. It will simply meet their needs better than a traditional PC.

There will still be people who will need the physical assets of a traditional computer: high-speed input and output through a large monitor and physical keyboard. Think designers, software engineers, project managers, pro photographers, professional authors, etc. These people need the processing power and UI flexibility provided by a traditional desktop OS. It would seem like a lot of people should fall into this category, but I really think it’s only about 10%. Most people will be better served by things like iPads. :wink:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:57 pm

From the IBM compatible world, the only company I could’ve called “innovators” were Compaq but since its acquisition by HP a few years ago I haven’t seen anyone take their place.

I recall Compaq producing the first portable tablets and mobile gadgets (running Windows CE) some 15 years ago when Apple didn’t even know what a tablet was!
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:58 pm

Demonax wrote:And I suppose you take your 24 inch display, keyboard, mouse and desktop processor with you when you travel abroad?

No idiot! I take my full blown 12" laptop!

The point (which obviously went way over your head) is that 5x5cm phones are not only powerless toys but even if they were to match a full computer system in terms of power, their tiny screens DO NOT allow serious work to be done.

So the problem with “smartphones” isn’t just their (current) lack of processing power but their INCONVENIENT size and this is something that will NEVER go away so the future is obviously NOT in “smartphones” due to their impracticality.

What will probably happen in the future is that a small computer the size of a current “smartphone” won’t have a screen but will PROJECT its video output onto any white surface you want thereby solving the problem with screen size.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby ZoC » Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:09 pm



my new toy...
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:22 pm

Sotos wrote:
Apple was always an innovative company but in the end of the day they are one company and they can't beat an army of Windows PCs or Android Phones/Tablets made by a ton of other companies. It happened with the PC market, it is happening with the smart phone market and it will happen with the tablet market. Apple creates good products but no amount of lawsuits will help them to keep a monopoly in any market... after 2-3 years those who will continue to buy iPads will be those who today buy Macs but Apple will still make an awesome profit on the expense of people like Demonax ;)

Sotos. It's not the same as the earlier Mac/PC war. Microsoft’s model of selling expensive software on cheap hardware is now outdated. It's now about low-priced software on moderately-priced hardware. This is where the profits are. And without profits companies starve. As I outlined earlier, Apple is not interested in numbers but in sheer profits. Apple is not interested in selling all of the world’s computers and phones; instead, Apple wants to dominate the profits in the computer and phone industries. The result is that Microsoft risks losing not just the tablet market, but the PC market as a whole. I don’t think Windows will disappear, but there is a serious threat that Microsoft's profitability from Windows will be seriously damaged.

Even if Apple's incredible growth slows down, Apple already brings in a massive share of the industry's profits. You talk about the ‘army of Windows PCs or Android Phones/Tablets made by a ton of other companies’. But you do realize that all of Apple's competitors in the phone industry, except for Samsung, are losing money. They're on their way out. HTC is just breaking even and the rest are very deep in the red.

Tech companies are scared because the iPad is growing faster than the iPhone did. Like I said Mac computers already dominate the $999-plus market (where the only profits are), and the iPad currently owns the tablet market (where the only growth is). The PC market is going to where the phone market already is. Why do you think Microsoft is now making the Surface? It needed to move now. There is no longer enough profit to be had selling software alone.
Last edited by Demonax on Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Demonax wrote:And I suppose you take your 24 inch display, keyboard, mouse and desktop processor with you when you travel abroad?

No idiot! I take my full blown 12" laptop!

The point (which obviously went way over your head) is that 5x5cm phones are not only powerless toys but even if they were to match a full computer system in terms of power, their tiny screens DO NOT allow serious work to be done.

So the problem with “smartphones” isn’t just their (current) lack of processing power but their INCONVENIENT size and this is something that will NEVER go away so the future is obviously NOT in “smartphones” due to their impracticality.

You are just stating the obvious. My smartphone is currently more powerful than my first laptop which I bought over eight years ago. But I wouldn't consider writing an essay using my smartphone. Who does? But there are circumstances when my smartphone is more convenient than my laptop. And there are times when my iPad is better than both. And I still have a desktop machine because I like sitting at a desk sometimes. But I use my iPad more than anything else: for web browsing, ebooks, music, watching movies, email, twitter, light games and writing stuff. People don't really need a high-end desktop for most of the stuff they use a computer for.

I think as tablets improve and get more powerful, most people will think the same. There will still be people and professionals who will need powerful desktop machines with large displays for serious work, but they will be a minority I would guess.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby FragnaticDeath » Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:27 am

Seriously you think it's Apple making those technological advances of smaller, thinner designs? Have you ever heard of the terminology nanotechnology? If not, read about it. And just for the record most of Apple's components are made by other companies such as Samsung.

I am not a fan boy of Samsung or a hater of Apple just a realist. Owning both an iPad 2 and iPhone 3GS(don't use it anymore got back to an old Nokia phone) since upon release couldn't be happier. Those were the only available ones and I am not scared to try anything new out there. What I don't get is retards upgrading from an iPhone 4 to 4s,5. When there is nothing new available in terms of you're daily usage.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:11 am

Demonax are you a shareholder of Apple? :? If Apple is selling to you something with worth of 900 euro for 1200 euro then of course they will have huge profits! Good for them... congrats to their marketing team! When I buy something what I want is to get the best possible product for the money I can spend... I am not locked into the products of a single company and many companies compete for my cash. This way I get the best possible product for the money I have available ... and if some of those companies lose money then too bad for them and good for me. Today for any amount of money you can get a better PC than a Mac and a better Android Phone than an iPhone... the same will be true for tablets very soon.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Buccaneer » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:30 am

cyprusgrump wrote:
Sotos wrote:Those cheap ones at Amazon got better since the last time I checked. Do you own such tablet? I know that they are all made in China ... even iPads are made in China, but I usually prefer to buy a known brand because I feel that this way I am certain that I know exactly what I am getting. With those no-brand ones I can't even trust their descriptions ... for example the Momo Product Description says " 9.7 inch IPSscreen, 16:9, Resolution: 1024*768" ... 1024*768 is a 4:3, not 16:9. I am having trouble to trust a company that can't even write the features of their product properly...

I don't own one yet (I used to have a 7" tablet) but I'm going to buy one before returning to the UK in December...

Something likethis one perhaps...

Returning to the UK...??? Image
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